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American McGee's Alice: Cheat codes (English)

All Weapons

Turn on ''Console Mode'' in the Options menu of the game. While playing, open the console with the ~ key.

Type ''give all'' and you will receive all of Alice''s twisted toys.

Note: this does not work with the Demo version of Alice.

Enemies Don't Attack

Turn on 'Console Mode' in the Options menu of the game. While playing, open the console with the ~ key.

Type 'notarget' and you will no longer be attacked by the enemies in the game. Type 'notarget' again to have the enemies attack as normal.

First Person View

Turn on 'Console Mode' in the Options menu of the game. While playing, open the console with the ~ key.

Type 'cg_cameradist -45' and you will be able to play in a 'first-person' view.

To return to the defaul camera distance, open the console and type 'cg_cameradist 128' (the default value).

Free Health

Turn on "Console Mode" in the Options menu of the game. While playing, open the console with the ~ key.

Type 'health #' where # is a number from 1 - 100.

Get Dead Time Watch

Turn on 'Console Mode' in the Options menu of the game. While playing, open the console with the ~ key.

Type give watch' and you will receive the Dead Time Watch, giving you the power to stop time.

Get Specific Weapons

Turn on "Console Mode" in the Options menu of the game. While playing, open the console with the ~ key.

Type 'give knife' to receive the Butcher's Knife

Type 'give cards' to receive the Deck of Cards

Type 'give mallet' to receive the Croquet Mallet

Type 'give jackbomb' to receive the Jack Bomb

Type 'give icewand' to receive the Ice Wand

Type 'give jacks' to receive the Jacks o' Death

Type 'give demondice' to receive the Demon Dice

Type 'give eyestaff' to receive the Jabberwockey Eye Staff

Type 'give blunderbuss' to receieve the Blunderbuss

God Mode

Turn on "Console Mode" in the Options menu of the game. While playing, open the console with the ~ key.

Type 'god' to enter God Mode. Type 'god' again to return to normal play mode.

No Clip

Turn on "Console Mode" in the Options menu of the game. While playing, open the console with the ~ key.

Type 'noclip' to enter no clip mode, where you will be able to move through walls and fly. Move up with the 'jump/swim up' key and down with the 'crouch/swim down' key. Type 'noclip' again to return to normal play mode.

Show Frame Rate

Turn on ''Console Mode'' in the Options menu of the game. While playing, open the console with the ~ key.

Type ''fps 1'' to enable the frame rate display. Type ''fps 0'' to disable this.

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