Game: Command & Conquer: Renegade
Type: Ultimate Guide
System: PC
Developer: Westwood
Publisher: EA Games
Genre: RTS/FPS
Looks like: Red Faction, Halo
Discs: 2
Version: 1.1 English
Author: GrAwL (Arjen Voogt)
Last update: 02/27/02
Table of Contents
You'll find symbols next to some paragraphs and chapters in this TOC. The
symbols mean the following:
* = New
+ = Updated
X = Ne(X)t version(s)
o = (O)nly this version(s)
+[1] Introduction & Stuff
+[1.1] Introduction
+[1.2] About
+[1.3] Copyright
*[1.4] System Requirements
+[1.5] History
[1.6] Next version
[1.7] Credits
[1.8] Sources
[1.9] How to contact me
[1.10] Other guides (FAQ's) from me
[1.11] Other games you'll like if you like this game
[1.12] Where to find this guide
[1.13] Ratings
*[1.14] About me
*[2] Review
*[2.1] Review
*[3] Single Player
*[3.1] Mission 1 - The Scorpion Hunters
*[3.2] Mission 2 - Rescue and Retribution
X[3.3] Note
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[1] Introduction & Stuff
[1.1] Introduction
Well... Another guide by GrAwL... This time for a quite popular and famous
series: Command & Conquer.
Thnx to the GrimeReaper for the game :D 6 Hours after the release I got
it m8! Thnx ;)
Anyway, do''t have much to say, so... Just read the guide and enjoy it!
Please mail me and tell what you think of this guide... do you miss
something? Did I add way too much? Just tell me! I want your opinion about
it. As for as this moment yo''re reading this, people liked my guide (or
"love it"), but maybe you think something like "Wo! This guide is even
worse than the back of my ass!"... let me know (Although I like it more to
read mail from people who like/love my guide)! I love to receive mail
about my guide and ''ll answer it the same day!
[1.2] About
Command & Conquer: Renegade is not quite the same game as we use to know
of the Command & Conquer series. No RTS anymore... I''s a FPS!
Explore the Command & Conquer world in 100% 3D! Enter every building,
let them explode, drive in huge tanks etc.
It ca''t really be compared to other games. Just try it out and love it!
[1.3] Copyright
Copyright (c) 2002 by GrAwL.
This is a private work in progress not endorsed by Westwood or its parent
company, and in no way should it be inferred that this FAQ/Walkthrough is
officially sanctioned by Westwood in any way. Westwood is the sole
owner of C&C: Renegade, and possesses all rights and privileges of
GrAwL, being the sole owner of this FAQ/Walkthrough is not
affiliated to Westwood and should not be inferred as such. As sole owner
of this FAQ/Walkthrough, GrAwL reserves the right to change,
amend or otherwise revoke the content of this document without prior
This FAQ/Walkthrough may only be posted at GameFAQs at,
NeoSeeker at and the Ultimate Guide-site unless parties
obtain express written permission from GrAwL. See paragraph [1.13] for
more information.
In the event of unauthorised dissemination and/or distribution of this
document for personal gain or profit, GrAwL reserves the rights of sole
ownership to sue for plagiarism and intellectual theft under international
copyright laws. Non-compliance may result in civil litigation and court
Should a third party not endorsed or recognised by GrAwL alter, edit or
otherwise amend the content of this document, or in the event of a direct
violation of copyright laws, GrAwL reserves the right to sue for compound
damages resulting from third party action, including, but not limited to
copyright violation.
Comments, suggestions, proposed amendments and information should be
directed to GrAwL at Please include your
name and an active e-mail address in the correspondence, with "C&C: RG
Ultimate Guide" in the subject line.
If you would like to request permission to post this FAQ/Walkthrough on
your website, please send in a formal request to
Include the URL of your website, your name and contact information in your
request. We will process your request and reply as soon as possible.
[1.4] System Requirements
My system:
· AMD XP 1700+ Mhz
· Microsoft Windows Me
· 256 MB RAM
· 8,5 GB available hard disc space
· 800 MB available hard disc space for a cache file
· 16x DVD drive
· GeForce 2 MX 200 with 32 MB of VRAM
Comment: On my system, it works smooth... sometimes a little framedrop,
but not much.
[1.5] History
| Version | Date | Size (KB) | Updated | Added |
| 1.0 | 02/26/02 | 9,8 | None | All ;) |
| 1.1 | 02/27/02 | 16,9 | 1.1 - 1.2 - 1.3 | 1.4 - 1.14 - 2.1 |
| | | | 1.5 | 3.1 - 3.2 |
[1.6] Next Version
The higher the point, the higher the priority...
* Walktrough (Single Player) finished
* Multiplayer chapter
* Hex-codes
* Cheats (if they exist... probably not)
* Bugs and glitches
* Units/Buildings encyclopaedia (also going to be an in-depth guide)
* FAQ (yo''ll have to ask questions)
* Downloads
* Anything you want, just e-mail me
[1.7] Credits
GrimeReaper, the - The game :D
[1.8] Sources
Power Unlimited - Review
[1.9] How to contact me
Ofcourse, you can send me an e-mail. My address is
I have MSN Messenger, so you can also add me to your list if you want.
I do''t accept spam, hate-mail etc. If you send me this kind of shit, ''ll
add you to the black-list, which means I wo''t receive anything from you
ever again. So be nice, and ''ll be nice ;)
When you want to add me to your MSN contact list, please tell me you got
my mail address from one of my guides.
You can sometimes find me on IRC. Connect to the server and send a message to GrAwL. You can find me in
[1.10] Other guides (FA''s) from me
Other guides from me can be found on! Go check
it out...
[1.12] Other game yo''ll like if you like this game
If you like C&C: RG, yo''ll also enjoy the following games:
* Red Faction
* Half-Life
* Halo (XBox)
[1.13] Where to find this guide
This guide can be found on:
If you encounter the guide anywhere else, please mail me, so I can put
an end to that! This guide is has copyright ''know ;) See paragraph [1.3]
for more information about this guide.
[1.14] Ratings
In this section, yo''ll find ratings of different people, sites and
Power Unlimited (Mar02, #3) - Renegade is a fast shooter with lotse funny
moments, but for the C&C fans, the game also misses lotsa things. The
C&C mode makes you forget this problem fast (82%).
[1.15] About me
Maybe you do''t care about me... maybe you do. At least I think it was
funny to write this paragraph, so people who read this guide will also
know me a little bit.
So... ''m GrAwL. Ofcourse, tha''s not my real name. My real name is Arjen
Voogt. ''m 15 years old and live in the Netherlands. To give an answer to
the question tha''s in your head right now: "No! I do''t have drugs!" :p
I know people think that the Netherlands is the land of the drugs, but...
well... it is''t. I''s true you can get drugs real easily. Just go to a
coffee shop and ask for it. We have lots of those shops. But... I do''t
think you really care, so you? ;)
When ''m writing this guide, I often listen to MP3-files. I like all kinds
of music (Red Hot Chili Peppers, P.O.D, Linkin Park, Gemini Projekt etc.),
so my collection is about 8 GB :D ''m sure I did''t hear every song
placed in this collection ^_^
''m most of the time on-line. On MSN and IRC (see paragraph [1.9] for more
information)... So drop by and have a little chat with me ;)
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[2] Review
[2.1] Review
Just take a look at some screenshots... When I did: The first think that
popped up in my mind was "got to have this game!". So when the next Power
Unlimited (Dutch gamezmag) dropped in the mailbox, I grabbed it turned
open page #44... I went on-line and tried to get the game... GrimeReaper
gave me 2 pubs, and after 3 hours of hammering, I got in. After leeching
the game (3 hours), I installed and played it... So what do I think of
this game?
Graphics - 90%
The environment looks pretty good! Big mountains, snow, vehicles, lasers
etc. Tey''re all around! But the only thing I on''t like are the
characters... It looks likt tey''re made of cubes!
Music - 95%
What do I have to tell you about it? Nice mixes from rock/trance...
Everyone likes them! The sounds are also good. The voices are just
Gameplay - 70%
The game crashed two times when I did nothing! I was just playing and
suddenly the famous BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) popped up. Error in Vxd
blablabla... Like I care about the strange Windows problems of Bill
Running looks more like jogging if you ask me! It dosn''t really look
like ou''re running...
Controls - 90%
Ever played Half-Life? Same controls... one word: gr8!
Story - 90%
Another save-the-world-story, but what the heck?It''s a good story, so
do you care? The stories are always cool in C&C, so this story also
Replay - 85%
So you finished the single player game? Try it on a harder difficulty...
and what about the multiplayer mode? It r0x0r!
Overall - 87%
The new C&C rulez!It''s true! Playing C&C 3d kicks some serious ass! on''t
you have the game yet? Go find it now n00b :p
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[3] Single Player
I''ve played the game on the highest difficulty: Commando. You should try
it to! It''s fun ;)
[3.1] Mission 1 - The Scorpion Hunters
Intel is reporting evidence of an uncharted NOD installation. Storms and
rough terain are interfering with our satellite scans, so Eagle Base has
dispatched a recon team to investigate. Your sqaud will lead the
extraction effort once Recone One has confirmed the base coordinates.
Intro: A small team fo the GDI is walking in the dessert. They are
searching for a hidding NOD base. Suddenly,they''re attacked by the NOD.
You arive by helicopter to save the GDI team.
How: Grab the ammo behind you and follow the path. Join the GDI team and
kill every single NOD soldier. When they are all killed, an engineer will
fix the medium tank.
Enter the medium tank and wait until the blocked path is openend for you.
Follow the path again and splat the NOD soldiers. Try to take out the
helicopter. Destroy the harvester (and other NOD soldiers) and follow the
path again.
You''ve just found the base! Just wait until the other tanks are destroyed
and attack yourself. First take out tanks, then the SAM sites and last
the gun emplacements. Wait until the base is destroyed by the GDI.
Congrats! You just won your first (easy) mission.
[3.2] Mission 2 - Rescue and Retribution
Satellite imagery indicates the NOD Detention Center is adjacent to the
NOD Communications Center. Locate the NOD Detention Center.
Hint: Complete your secondary mission objectives.
How: Grab the weapon in front of you and keep walking straight ahead.
* Primary: Locate Detention Center - Satellite imagery indicates the NOD
Detention Center is adjacent to the NOD Communications Center. Locate
the NOD Detention Center. *
[3.3] Note
More is coming up, but a update was needed (my previous versiondidn''t
contain anything :D). The game crashed 2 times when I was in the middle
of a mission, so don''t really feel like starting C&C: RG again ;)
"Love is immortal"
"Arjen heten is nuts"
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