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Dark Souls 3 "Update 1.08 Regulation v1.22

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Regulation v1.22 patchnotes - Nov. 11th

Ashen Ones,

A new regulation version will be deployed for Dark Souls III on November 11th for all platforms, it will include the highly requested nerfs of the Carthus Curved Sword and the Follower Sabre! This will not require a maintenance.

Please find below the complete patchnotes:

  • Fixed an issue where bleeding damage could not be inflicted with Eleonora.
  • Fixed an issue where Faith did not scale correctly for Friede's Great Scythe.
  • Increased player’s resistance to physical attacks when equipping Ultra Greatswords, Great Hammers, and Greataxes.
  • Increased player’s resistance to physical attacks, and increased damage done to opponent’s guard when equipping Halberds.
  • Reduced attack power of the Carthus Curved Sword and the Follower Sabre.
  • Increased power of the Way of White Corona.
  • Increased the area of effect for Bursting Fireball.
  • Increased length of effect for Charcoal Pine Bundle and Gold Pine Bundle.

May the Flame guide your way!

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