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Dead Island: Riptide "NOIR's Riptide Mod [Реализм и веселье]"

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Dead Island: Riptide "NOIR's Riptide Mod [Реализм и веселье]"
Скачиваний: 1 080   Размер: 62.91 Мб
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Мод добавляет баланс между реализмом, соревновательным духом и весельем.

В список изменений входит поведение зомби, их агрессивность и сложность увеличилась. Для людей внесены изменения, касающиеся времени регенерации и частоты выстрелов.

От автор (Англ.)

For those, who don't know about my mod

My motives on this mod is a balance between realism, challenge and fun. The idea was to put more Zombies in Riptide and make it to a massive butcher game. AT the 4 player coop game my friends and I found some overpowered and buggy thinks, that i had to fix it. I'll hope u can enjoy the new game feeling. The installation is very easy, everyone can do it. I put the instruction in the rar file. Don't fear and keep the Island clear. And i wish you a happy slaughter time ;-)

What's new in 0.2?

> Human enemies improved
- raised difficulty
- can kick
- can self defend
- jump over objects further
- shoot range doubled
- 20% more life and body-part life
- will see u further
- stamina regeneration adapt on players one
- head shots are deadlier
- can shot 50% faster
- can cover longer times
- can counter your attacks
- drowning damage taken doubled

> Zombie AI improved
- changed leap attack distance to 2m min and 5m max
- zombie difficulty increased
- more aggressive walker
- walkers won't anymore ignore a larger number of enemies
- all zombie types won't ignore grapped players, except screamer

> Special Zombies are now special! can react on hit, more life
- higher AI-difficulty! let the evil spirit out!

> Recoil from shotgun reduced, my change was too high

> 5% easier to break doors

> adjusted weapon durability

> Stamina regen chance on hit of Sam B increased in 15/30/45 percent values and raised from 0.1 to 0.15
(due to balancing)


I found the triggered attacking waves
> 50% more attackers (rounded up) spawned (i think higher values are too evil)

Комментарии: 9
Ваш комментарий

наверно так выглядит веселье=)


Или за секунду до смерти


Зашибись веселье ))) Не могу 1 задание выполнить , слишком много зомби


2023 попробую один пройти)


Это просто офигенный мод,даже волны на защите усилены.Фов лучше не ставить,там баг с иконками,не видно их.


Так же АИ мобов работает и на 1 часть игры.Просто скинуть папку АИ в оригинальную игру.И не будет сломанной анимации как в моде "Хардкорная сборка модов для Dead Island (Основано на SzG tDAYoRECKONING Mpv5.0 sizeFix)"