Shrapnel Games выпустила патч версии (2.12) для трехмерной пошаговой стратегии
Dominions II: the Ascension Wars.
* Name modding.
* Master Password usable for network clients too.
* Warning before replacing existing pretender god at network game startup.
* On demand texture loading. This results in about one second faster startup and alt-tab times.
* Improved cheat detection. The host will send out messages to all players if someone has had an unexplainable increase of wealth.
* Elemental Armor yields 50% protection only.
* Vampire Queen, domininion 2->1, cost 110->150, path cost 40->50.
* Vampire Queen cannot be used by Ermor.
* Some chariots are now ambidextrous to eliminate 2 weapon penalties.
* Arch Druid now has recuperation.
* Immortal land lubbers owned by underwater nations will not rise again unless they have learned to breathe water.
* Many cost and stats changed for Pangaea (mostly New Era).
* Two new units for Desert Tombs.
* Desert Tombs can no longer recruit slave lizards.
* Desert Tombs cost 200 -> 150.
* Desert Tombs starts with Terror like ordinary C'tis.
* Carrion Woods gets different amount of magic gems depending on world richness.
* Carrion Woods gets extra sagittarians in forest temples.
* Improved X11 handling for PPC Linux and Solaris.
Исправленные ошибки:
* Windows network bug fixed.
* Eliminated a minor memory leak when alt-tabbing in windows and Mac OS X.
* Squad sizes were sometimes wrong in the army setup screen.
* Crash during host fixed.
* Cheat detection is now actually togglable.
* #nametype didn't work.
* A unique independent didn't get her intended magic items.
* --preexec should work now.
* Descriptions weren't restored properly after using mods.
* It was possible to set the 'capture blood slaves' order with 'B' while sneaking.
* There could be 2 Admiral's Sword in the world at once.
* One superfluous dracolich choice removed.
* Prophets lost twist fate effect before any battle.
* Paralyze on modded units resulted in weird graphics.
* A Machaka shield was actually a body armor.
* Some typos fixed.
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