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Gears of War 2 - дождались!!!

Раньше Epic Games говорили об эксклюзивности Gears of War 2 для х360, но сейчас, спустя пол года,поступила информация о выходе игры и на PC.

На сайте beantowngames.com стоит дата релиза 4 декабря 2009 года.
Поздравляем всех обладателей PC с действительно хорошей новостью!

Комментарии: 14
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Вот более надежный источник:

June 11, 2009 - The PC rumor mill started to catch on fire earlier this afternoon with info that Gears of War 2, the critically and commercially acclaimed title from Epic Games and Microsoft Game Studios. According to one website, there were plenty of details that appeared to be pulled from an upcoming press release and even a preliminary box shot with the Games for Windows logo stamped on the front and limited edition details.

If this were true, this would be a large boost to the seemingly dead Games for Windows platform, particularly after a non-existent showing at this year's E3, where none of the titles shown displayed the banner or Live logo on the box. Landing a large title like Gears of War 2 would be an excellent game for PC owners, and it would also seem to be in keeping with the release of the original game on the PC as well: the first game came out on computers a year after its release on the 360 with a few extras. The supposed release date of the PC version, according the website, is December 4 of this year.

We contacted a Microsoft representative for comment, and received this reply: "Gears of War 2 is a great franchise for the 360, and so we are putting all of our attention into making sure that it stands out on that console. There are no plans to bring the game to the PC." Will this position change in the future? Currently, it doesn't seem likely. But if anything changes, we'll be sure to bring that information to you as soon as it becomes available.


Так что, официально ничего еще не анонсировано...


IGN как раз и обратила внимание на етот магазин.


LOL, но с Microsoft разговаривали IGN.


Я уже прошел GoW 2. :) Теперь жду 3 часть.


Хе-хе, зайдите еще раз по той ссылке xD


Sooltan DJ
говорят,что epic вообще не хотят создавать её пока :(


Я прошёл по ссылке но там первая часть вообще то :)


И я о том же, видимо чья-то шутка))


Вот что узнал сегодня http://www.3dnews.ru/software-news/gears_of_war_2_viidet_na_rs/


Ссьлка на туж е статью с IGN.


хд, офф. анонса не было от эпиков?? нет конечно же,так что... хахахаха


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