Жанр/Genre: Score
Год выпуска дисков/Year of release of the disks: 2020
Аудиокодек/Audio codec: MP3
Битрейт аудио/Audio bitrate: 320 kbps
Количество треков/Number of tracks: 20
Композитор/Composer: Daniel Deluxe
1.Air 02:54
2.Infiltrator 03:30
3.Blood and Steel 02:43
4.Dharma 02:42
5.Capture 02:35
6.Forget the Past 03:00
7.Access Denied 04:09
8.Let Them Know 03:23
9.Sector 03:15
10.Factory 03:46
11.Striker 02:54
12.Celerity 03:19
13.The Orb 02:01
14.Truth to Power 02:30
15.Blaster 02:37
16.Razor 02:58
17.Vendetta 02:44
18.Air (Cybervoid) 03:29
19.Solitude 02:26
20.Sundown 02:57