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Grim Dawn "Update (Hotfix 1)"
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Устанавливается на версию игры Grim Dawn GOG: +Ashes of Malmouth DLC +Crucible DLC +Loyalist Upgrade DLC
V1.0.6.1 Hotfix 1
- Fixed Mutators with armor bonuses not updating Armor Rating on the character sheet.
- Fixed a display issue where Olexra's Flash Freeze would show a higher chance to activate Celestial Powers than it actually has.
- Fixed a display issue that displayed player damage for % of Pet Attack Damage on pet ability tooltips.
- Fixed an issue where colorblind modes would brighten the display.
- Fixed an issue where the Wildheart Vanguard Set's modifier for Grasping Vines was not correctly applying.
[Class & Skills]
- Fixed an issue where Upheaval would not damage the primary target.
- Fixed an issue where Upheaval would result in basic attacks being possible in a scenario where the character has 100%+ chance to activate Weapon Pool Skills. Weapon Pool Skills now correctly take priority over Upheaval. What this means is that if you achieve 100% WPS, Upheaval can never trigger as no basic attacks remain for it to trigger from).
- Fixed an issue where Blight Fiends would not live as long as intended when using the Unstable Anomaly Transmuter.