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IL-2 Forgotten Battles: Ace v2.04

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IL-2 Forgotten Battles: Ace v2.04
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Патч версии 2.04 для адд-он'а IL-2 Forgotten Battles: Ace к замечательному авиасимулятору IL-2 Forgotten Battles.
Внимание: Данная версия (2.04) игры не совместима с предыдущими версиями при игре по сети.
1. Tweaked damage modelling for Il-2, Ju-88 and B-17.
2. Tweaked flight model for the Spitfire Mk. IX.
3. Modified DGEN and NGEN.
4. AI will check for friendly fire more thoroughly.
5. Replaced Spitfire ASI with new ASI with new graduations.
6. Moved attachment points for FAB-250s on B-25s.
7. Made throttle lever of Me-163 move smoothly.
8. Added bomb load variants to Hurricane Mk. IIb.
Changes and Fixes
1. Reworked engine overheat for Spitfire Mk. IX.
2. Tuned the maximal RPM for Brewster Buffalo.
3. I-185 won’t explode when propeller tips touch the ground.
4. Reduced tail wheel bump for some planes.
5. Fixed a floating tail light on TB-3 4M-34R.
6. Fixed a bug that could make Me-163’s wheel cart to drop off the plane twice.
7. Fixed some spelling errors in game texts.
8. Removed fire extinguishers on P-38s.

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