Player Name Cheats:
Change your player name to the following by clicking "New" in the player selection screen. Cheats marked with *NO SCORE* will disable race result monitoring and score. You cannot unlock new vehicles with these enabled (for obvious reasons).
Showme Cops - Displays all Police Units on the map. *NO SCORE*
Big Bus Party - All traffic vehicles are city busses. *NO SCORE*
Tiny Car - All traffic vehicles are compact cars. *NO SCORE*
amizdA eoJ - All traffic vehicles drive around IN REVERSE.
Jet Planes - All traffic vehicles are Air Planes. *NO SCORE*
Warp Eleven - All AI is 10x faster. *NO SCORE*
Easter Eggs:
Also entered as the player name. Only available in single player "Cruise Mode". These codes activate the corresponding new vehicle.
"vasedans" - Pick the Cadillac Generic car
"vasedanl" - Pick the Bullet Generic light car
"vavan" - Pick the Ford F350 The van
"vadiesels" - Pick the City Bus The Diesel
"vacompact" - Pick the VW Bug Rabbit-type compact car "vapickup" & Pick the Ford F350 Pickup truck
"vabus" - Pick the City Bus Bus with new paint job "vadelivery" & Pick the Ford F350 Delivery truck
"valimo" - Pick the Mustang GT Random limo
"valimoblack" - Pick the Mustang GT Black limo "valimoangel" & Pick the Mustang GT White limo
"vataxi" -Pick the Cadillac Yellow cab
"vataxicheck" - Pick the Cadillac Green checkered cab "vaboeing_small" - Pick the City Bus Mini-jet
In-Game Cheats:
Press CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-F7 until a box appears on the screen. Type the codes below. These only work in Single Player mode.
/nodamage - No damage mode. *NO SCORE*
/damage - Damage back on.
/dizzy - Spinning sky.
/fuzz - Toggles cop radar. *NO SCORE*
/bridge - Bridge very quickly. *NO SCORE*
/ufo - Replace planes with UFOs.
/swap - Swap the train with a string of 737s.
/slide - Ambient cars have no friction. *NO SCORE*
/puck - Player experiences no friction. *NO SCORE*
/grav - Half gravity. *NO SCORE*
/postal - Horn fires mailboxes. *NO SCORE*
/talkfast - Commentary plays fast.
/talkslow - Commentary plays slow.
/big - Big people.
/tiny - Tiny people.
/nosmoke - Wheel / Damage smoke off.
/smoke - Wheel / Damage smoke on.
Add these command-line switches to activate cheat modes:
-allrace - Access to All Races
-allcars - Access to All Cars
"C:\Midtown\midtown.exe" -allcars -allrace
Turn off the timer in Crash Course, Blitz, or Checkpoint.
While racing, to turn off the timer, just simple press q, F2, F2, and then q to get back to your game. By doing this, you can easily win the blitz races, or Crash Course.