Внутриигровая консоль, консольные команды в Rage
Ваш комментарий
Rage commadns and cvars
hidden text v.2activateConsole forces the console down ( or up ) and the desired fraction.. 0.5 is normal 0.2 is shifted
addClamp adds to a cvar, with clamping
addWrap adds to a cvar, with wrapping
bcm build collision models for a map
bind binds a command to a key
break causes a debug breakpoint
clear clears the console
clearHistory Clears the console history
cmap loads a combo map
collisionModelInfo shows collision model info
compressFile compresses a file
con_unwatch removes the specified console watch. Specify 'all' to remove all watches.
con_watch adds a new console watch - displays per frame results of console var/function printed output
connect connect to the specified IP (only when net_usePlatformBackend 0)
copy copy a file
crash causes a crash
cvar_restart restarts the cvar system, defaulting all cvars
cvarAdd adds a value to a cvar
cvarMultiply multiplies a cvar by a value
cvarRandom sets a cvar to a random value
cvarsModified reports cvars modified since the last call
decompressFile decompresses a file
deleteGenerated deletes the generated path
demoCaptureFrames Capture demo frames at 1280x720
demoCaptureSounds Capture demo sound
demoplay Play a recorded demo
demorecord Record a demo
demorecord_playtest Record a demo for playtest, gets argurments from cvars. temp...
demostop Stop recording or playing a demo
devcmap loads a combo map in developer mode
devmap loads a combo map in developer mode
dir lists a folder
dirtree lists a folder with subfolders
disconnect disconnects from a game
dumpWarnings Dump all warnings to a text file.
echo prints text
envshot takes an environment shot
error causes an error
exec executes a config file
exit exits the game
exportCollisionModel Writes an obj model visualizing the given collision model
find finds all system elements containing the given search string
findImageInMaterial Scans parsed materials for an image
freeze freezes the game for a number of seconds
history Displays the console command history
hitch hitches the game
idStudio design studio for the game
leaveGame disconnects from a game
listBinds lists key bindings
listCmds lists commands
listCollisionModels lists collision models
listCvars lists cvars
listDecls lists all decls
listImages lists images
listModels lists all models
listRenderLights lists the renderLights
listRenderModels lists the renderModels
listVirtualTextures lists all the referenced virtual texture pagefile pathnames
loadGame loads a game
loadGameSteam loads a game from the steam cloud
map loads a combo map
messagemode activate text entry in the hud
net_debugOutputSignedInUsers Outputs all the local users and other debugging information from the sign in manager
net_removeUserFromLobby Removes the given user from the lobby
nextmap transitions to the next map, maintaining inventory
parse prints tokenized string
path lists search paths
playEvents playEvents playback sys events F12 will stop playback
playtest_CreateAllData goes through all the playtest data and creates the necessary release data. helper function for rob
playtest_CreateBashTVFile goes through the passed in directory and creates a text file about the bash tv data
playtest_CreateBombBaseFile goes through the passed in directory and creates a text file about the bomb base data
playtest_CreateComboModel loads a playtest directory and creates all the models from everything in side that into one model
playtest_CreateFindWellSpringFile goes through the passed in directory and creates a text file about the find wellspring data
playtest_CreateModel loads a playtest binary file and creates the playtest models * does a batch through all
playtest_CreatePlayerPathCombo loads a playtest directory and creates the player paths from everything in side that into one model
playtest_CreateTextFile loads a playtest binary file and creates the text file * does a batch through all
playtest_CreateWasteLandRallyFile goes through the passed in directory and creates a text file about the wasteland rally data
printVirtualMaterial prints data on a virtual material
ps3_testGetFriendScores Gets scores from ps3 ranking server
ps3_testGetMyScore Gets scores from ps3 ranking server
ps3_testGetScores Gets scores from ps3 ranking server
ps3_testSendScore Send a test score to the ps3 ranking server
quit quits the game
recordEvents recordEvents start recording sys events
reexportDecls reparses and saves decls of a specific type
reloadDecls reloads decl files that have changed
reloadLanguage reload language dict
reloadModels reloads models
reloadSurface reloads the decl and images for selected surface
reloadWater reloads all loaded dynamic water entities
renameRenderProg temporarily replace a renderProg with a different one
reset resets a cvar to it's default value
restart_loadgame loads a game after rebooting due to a disc swap
restart_mapAfterSwap continues after a disc swap to a map
restart_multiplayerInvite used after accepting a MP invite from disc 1 or 2
restart_nextMap transitions to the next map after a process restart, maintaining inventory
restart_passMainMenu continues after a disc swap to somewhere on the main menu
restartmap restarts the current map
restartmaphere restarts the current map and teleports the player back to the current position
rp Displays or modifies a renderparm
s_restart restart sound system
saveGame saves a game
saveGameSteam saves a game to the steam cloud
screenshot takes a screenshot
set sets a cvar (deprecated)
seta sets a cvar (deprecated)
slowmap loads a map using slow non shipping render path in developer mode
startServer start a multiplayer game lobby
StepParticleTime modifies a global particle 'timeline' to debug particles in game
stripStrings strip strings containing the specified substring or prefix
testImage displays the given image centered on screen
testLCP test LCP solver code
TestParticle tests a particle impact
testSound tests a sound
testStatsBegin starts a test session for recording stats
testStatsEnd ends a test session for recording stats and exits the game
testWorld copies current world to the testWorld
toggle toggles a cvar
ToggleMainMenu Toggle the main menu
touchDecl reparses a decl
trace forces a trace
ttplay Play a recorded timetrial
ttplayqueued Play a queued timetrial from memory
ttrecord Record a timetrial
ttstop Stop recording or playing a timetrial
unbind unbinds any command from a key
unbindAll unbinds any commands from all keys
vid_restart resizes/fullscreens the game window
vstr inserts the current value of a cvar as command text
vt_benchmark Benchmark the virtual texture transcoding
vt_emptyCache empties and zeros the physical images
vt_info Reports information on the current virtual texture system
vt_lockPages locks physical pages
vt_restart reallocates the physical images for changes in size or compression
vt_setSource Explicitly change the page file for a virtual material to compare
vt_validateCache consistency checks the page buffers
vt_visualBenchmark Benchmark the virtual texture transcoding
wait delays remaining buffered commands one or more frames
writeConfig writes a config file
writeImage Writes a tga for a given image
aa_adhesionLockSpeed "0.25"
aa_AssistStrength "0.01"
aa_AssistStrengthBestSpot "0.005"
aa_AssistStrengthSweetSpot "0.015"
aa_focusSensitivityScale "0.5"
aa_lockdist "8192"
aa_lockLineRange "35"
aa_minAssistDistance "32"
aa_SensitivityScale "0.75"
aa_SensitivityScaleBestSpot "0.4"
aa_SensitivityScaleSweetSpot "0.5"
aa_sensitivityThreshold "2"
aa_shootingLockSpeed "0.6"
aa_shrink "5"
aa_TargetDebug "0"
aa_UseOld "0"
aa_zoomLockSpeed "1.5"
aa_ZoomSnapScale "2"
aas2_debugSaveQuery ""
aas2_debugTraversals "0"
aas2_locationMemory "0"
aas2_pullPlayer "0"
aas2_randomPullPlayer "0"
aas2_showAreaNumber "0"
aas2_showAreas "0"
aas2_showAreasByCluster "0"
aas2_showAreasInCluster "0"
aas2_showBadAreas "0"
aas2_showCacheMisses "0"
aas2_showClusterNums "1"
aas2_showCover "0"
aas2_showEdgeNums "0"
aas2_showFloorTrace "0"
aas2_showFuncObstacles "0"
aas2_showHeightTrace "0"
aas2_showHopPath "0"
aas2_showManualReachabilities "0"
aas2_showNearestInsideArea "0"
aas2_showObstacleAvoidance "0"
aas2_showObstaclePVS "0"
aas2_showObstaclePVSClipModels "0"
aas2_showObstacleScale "1"
aas2_showOptimizedPath "0"
aas2_showPath "0"
aas2_showPathTree "0"
aas2_showPushIntoArea "0"
aas2_showReachabilities "0"
aas2_showTravelTime "0"
aas2_showTraversals "0"
aas2_showVertexNums "0"
aas2_showWallEdgeNums "0"
aas2_showWallEdges "0"
aas2_simplifyPath "0"
aas2_skipObstacleAvoidance "0"
aas2_subdivisionSize "64"
aas2_test ""
aas2_testArea "-1"
aas2_testObstacleAvoidance ""
aas2_timeClipGridToAreas "0"
aas2_tree "0"
aas2_useDebugTarget "1"
aas2_useObstacleAvoidanceJobs "1"
achievements_awardEnabled "1"
achievements_timeUpdateInterval "1000"
achievements_Verbose "1"
actor_allowLootingInCoop "0"
actor_allowWeaponDropInCoop "0"
actor_debugFailedDrop "0"
af_blendDuration "0.2"
af_collisionReductionMass "0.9"
af_constraintRampDuration "500"
af_contactErrorReduction "0.2"
af_contactErrorReductionMax "256.0"
af_contactFrictionScale "0"
af_contactLcpEpsilon "0.000001"
af_debugStartVelocity "0"
af_errorReduction "0.5"
af_errorReductionMax "256.0"
af_forceFriction "-1"
af_forceScale "0.3"
af_highlightBody ""
af_highlightConstraint ""
af_inheritVelocity "1"
af_jointFrictionScale "0"
af_lcpEpsilon "0.00001"
af_limitErrorReduction "0.3"
af_limitErrorReductionMax "256.0"
af_limitLcpEpsilon "0.0001"
af_maxAngularVelocity "1.57"
af_maxAuxiliaryConstraints "200"
af_maxLinearVelocity "128"
af_neverRest "0"
af_serializeDebug "0"
af_showActive "0"
af_showBodies "0"
af_showBodyNames "0"
af_showConstrainedBodies "0"
af_showConstraintNames "0"
af_showConstraints "0"
af_showInertia "0"
af_showLimits "0"
af_showMass "0"
af_showPrimaryOnly "0"
af_showTableResults "0"
af_showTimings "0"
af_showTotalMass "0"
af_showTrees "0"
af_showVelocity "0"
af_skipAirFriction "0"
af_skipFriction "0"
af_skipLimits "0"
af_skipSelfCollision "0"
af_suspensionLcpEpsilon "0.0000001"
af_testSolidDebug "0"
af_timeScale "1"
af_universalErrorReduction "0.5"
af_universalErrorReductionMax "256.0"
af_universalTorsionLcpEpsilon "0.1"
af_useDeferred "0"
af_useImpulseFriction "0"
af_useJointImpulseFriction "0"
af_useLinearTime "1"
af_useSymmetry "1"
aftershock_angle "60"
aftershock_impulse_max "4000000"
aftershock_impulse_min "3000000"
aftershock_offset "40"
aftershock_radius "800"
aftershock_skipPredict "1"
ai_accuracy "-1"
ai_alignToPointDist "-1"
ai_allowCollapse "0"
ai_allowStaggerPain "1"
ai_allowTranstionOvershoot "1"
ai_animWebDebug "0"
ai_attitude "-2"
ai_avoidObstacles "1"
ai_blendTreeName ""
ai_bloodSpray "0"
ai_bloodSprayDeathTimeOut "15000"
ai_bloodSprayDist "64.0"
ai_bloodSprayIntervals "250"
ai_bodyGoreThresh "140.0"
ai_checkStuck "1"
ai_clearEvents "0"
ai_controlHeartBeatIntervalsMax "250"
ai_controlHeartBeatIntervalsMin "1000"
ai_cookGrenades "0"
ai_CoopFadeDelay "5000"
ai_CoopFadeOutTime "4.5"
ai_cornerCircleRadius "0"
ai_coverAbortRadius "32"
ai_coverLerpRadius "32"
ai_coverRadiusOverride "-1"
ai_coverSnapRadius "8"
ai_deathAnimScale "1.0"
ai_debugAASPosition "0"
ai_debugActionNodes "0"
ai_debugActionScript "0"
ai_debugAim "0"
ai_debugAimRotationTracker "0"
ai_debugAnimDeltaScale "0"
ai_debugAvoid "0"
ai_debugBleedoutCheck "0"
ai_debugBlendTree "-1"
ai_debugBloodSpray "0"
ai_debugCam "0"
ai_debugCharge "0"
ai_debugCollision "0"
ai_debugConfidence "0"
ai_debugCover "0"
ai_debugCoverActions "0"
ai_debugCoverEntityId "0"
ai_debugCoverTransitions "0"
ai_debugDeath "0"
ai_debugDeathVolumes "0"
ai_debugDeltas "0"
ai_debugDodge "0"
ai_debugDynamicCover "0"
ai_debugEncounterGroupRoles "0"
ai_debugEnemy "0"
ai_debugEnemyTargetSelector "0"
ai_debugEvents "0"
ai_debugEyePos "0"
ai_debugForwardRunIndex "0"
ai_debugFOV "0"
ai_debugFriendly "0"
ai_debugGameState "0"
ai_debugGoodWill "0"
ai_debugGreetingDistance "0"
ai_debugGrenadeHints "0"
ai_debugHealth "0"
ai_debugInjured "0"
ai_debugInteraction "0"
ai_debugInteraction_Approach "0"
ai_debugInteraction_Departure "0"
ai_debugInteractionDistance "0"
ai_debugLeapAttack "0"
ai_debugLerp "0"
ai_debugLevel "0"
ai_debugLook "0"
ai_debugLookRotationTracker "0"
ai_debugmelee "0"
ai_debugMove "0"
ai_debugOpenCombatMove "0"
ai_debugOrientation "0"
ai_debugOriginSprings "0"
ai_debugPain "0"
ai_debugPathToEnemy "0"
ai_debugPushPlayer "0"
ai_debugRage "0"
ai_debugReactionBasedMovement "0"
ai_debugScript "-1"
ai_debugSearch "0"
ai_debugStartTransitions "0"
ai_debugState "0"
ai_debugStuck "0"
ai_debugTargetList "0"
ai_debugThrow "0"
ai_debugTracking "0"
ai_debugtransitiondirs "0"
ai_debugTraversals "0"
ai_debugVoice "0"
ai_debugWeb "-1"
ai_deferredVisCheckThreshold "1.0"
ai_disableWanderGreetings "0"
ai_dismembermentThresh "100.0"
ai_droppedLootDistance "140"
ai_enable "1"
ai_enableAnimation "1"
ai_enableAutoFocus "1"
ai_enableConfidence "1"
ai_enableDodge "1"
ai_enableDormancy "1"
ai_enableFSM "1"
ai_enableInfluenceTrails "0"
ai_enableInjuredRuns "1"
ai_enableMorphSkins "1"
ai_enableMovement "1"
ai_enableMovingDeaths "1"
ai_enableMovingPains "1"
ai_enableNonStrafeMoveToEntity "1"
ai_enablePhysics "1"
ai_enableScrambles "1"
ai_enableSenseVolumes "1"
ai_enableWorldState "1"
ai_errorCorrectTurns "1"
ai_faceFocus "0"
ai_FadeDelay "2400"
ai_fastJobInteraction "0"
ai_flashIfLootable "0"
ai_forceDeathWebNode ""
ai_forceInjury "0"
ai_forceMicrotransitions "0"
ai_forceMoveSpeed "0"
ai_forceTurnRate "0"
ai_forceVehicleCoverFlag "0"
ai_forceWalk "0"
ai_gibAllowOnRagdolls "1"
ai_ignoreEvents "0"
ai_interactionFadeForApproachVOFlag "0"
ai_interactionView_CorrectionDistance "250"
ai_interactionView_Distance "55"
ai_interactionView_FOV "80"
ai_interactionView_keepPitch "1"
ai_interactionView_merchantswitch "150"
ai_interactionView_OffsetToPlayer "1"
ai_interactionView_PitchOffset "15"
ai_interactionView_RollOffset "0"
ai_interactionView_useCamera "1"
ai_interactionView_UseCvars "0"
ai_interactionView_xoffset "0"
ai_interactionView_YawOffset "-23"
ai_interactionView_yoffset "0"
ai_interactionView_zoffset "-5"
ai_interactionVolumeBoostAmount "4"
ai_interactionVolumeResetAfterVO "0"
ai_interactionWorldFadeTime "1.0"
ai_interactionWorldVolumeFadeAmount "4"
ai_invulnerable "0"
ai_keepShootingNoSight "6000"
ai_limitFSMUpdates "1"
ai_lookAtPlayer "1"
ai_lookRate "-1"
ai_lookTargetDropThreshold "idMath::Cos( 75.0f )"
ai_lookTargetThreshold "idMath::Cos( 60.0f )"
ai_lootDelay "1.25"
ai_lotsOfInjuries "0"
ai_maxDeferDeathTime "250"
ai_maxTurnRate "360"
ai_minCornerCircleRadius "4"
ai_mindSnare_ExplosionDuration "100"
ai_mindSnare_FadeDuration "800"
ai_minTurnRate "15"
ai_mood "-1"
ai_newMovingPainTest "1"
ai_NonPlayerOneShotChance "0.3"
ai_oldFSMUpdate "0"
ai_originSpringExtrapolate "0.1"
ai_otherFactionAttitude "-2"
ai_perceptionRadiusOverride "-1"
ai_playInteractionVoiceOver_defaultLeaveDistance "200"
ai_pointTolerance "-1"
ai_pushVelocityTolerance "15"
ai_ragdollKillLimit "1"
ai_runCycleBlendMode "2"
ai_runMod ""
ai_scrambleTime "2000"
ai_searchToStimDist "512"
ai_showAASName "0"
ai_showDeathInfo "0"
ai_showDynamicCover "0"
ai_showFOV "0"
ai_showMovementTrails "0"
ai_showObstacleAvoidance "0"
ai_showPath "0"
ai_showSearchPath "0"
ai_showTurningCircles "0"
ai_showVisTrace "0"
ai_stairRunRate "0.5"
ai_stairWalkRate "0.5"
ai_stuckDistanceFraction "0.9"
ai_testPaths "0"
ai_thinkTrace "0"
ai_turndecay "1"
ai_turndecayAng "0"
ai_turningCircleAlignmentTolerance "0.99863"
ai_turningCircleDebugTime "1"
ai_unstuckCover "0"
ai_useAimTracker "1"
ai_useAvoidForCoverFilter "1"
ai_useCombatSubtitles "0"
ai_useCoverTransitions "1"
ai_useDeathAnims "1"
ai_useFormationCover "1"
ai_useGrenades "1"
ai_useLookTracker "1"
ai_useObstacleRoute "1"
ai_useOriginSprings "1"
ai_useRocketTag "1"
ai_useStageCoverFilter "1"
ai_useStartTransitions "1"
ai_useStopTransitions "0"
ai_useTransitions "1"
ai_useTurningCircles "1"
ai_useVehicleCover "1"
ai_useWanderingAim "1"
ai_useWeaponSpread "1"
ai_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleEasy "1.5"
ai_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleHard "1.0"
ai_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleMedium "1.0"
ai_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleNightmare "1.0"
ai_visibilitySenseScale "1"
ai_visTraceOutsideFOV "1"
ai_voFadeTime "1.5"
ai_walkLerpScale "0.1"
ai_walkMod ""
ai_weaponKick "1"
ai_wingstickLookAhead "6"
ai_zeroVelocityFramesBeforeStuck "60"
aievents_print "0"
aievents_show "0"
aigui_alpha "0.6"
aigui_font "arial_black"
aigui_scale "0.3"
aigui_show "0"
aigui_textAlpha "1.75"
aitest_freezeTracker "0"
analysis_server ""
anim_allowDefaultedBinaryAnims "0"
anim_allowWeakRefs "1"
anim_autoWebTrace "0"
anim_blendSnapshotDebug "0"
anim_blendSnapshotNoLerp "0"
anim_debugAnimName "ginny/facial/viseme_A.md6anim"
anim_debugEvents "0"
anim_debugEvents_Name ""
anim_debugTorsoTracker "0"
anim_destPath "hands_actionScript/lean_over_rail"
anim_forceCompression "-1"
anim_forceReload "0"
anim_fxDeclName ""
anim_meshKitMethod "0"
anim_removeDefaultedAnimFiles "0"
anim_showJointVelocities "-1"
anim_showLoads "0"
anim_sourcePath "hands_relaxed/idle"
anim_torsoApplyOffsetToEndJointOnly "0"
anim_torsoTrackerZeroPitch "0"
anim_torsoTrackerZeroYaw "0"
anim_tracker_disable "0"
anim_velocityJoints "hips"
anim_verifyPaths "0"
anim_webTimeThreshold "1.0"
animweb_debugEventHandler "0"
animweb_skipWritingSubWebAnims ""
armor_test "0"
atv_bumpBackwardClamp "96.0"
atv_bumpBackwardScale "0.2"
atv_bumpBlendOp "4"
atv_bumpForward "1"
atv_bumpForwardClamp "96.0"
atv_bumpForwardScale "1"
atv_bumpLeft "1"
atv_bumpLeftClamp "64.0"
atv_bumpSpringConstant "50.0"
atv_bumpSpringDampen "4.0"
atv_bumpSpringDebug "0"
atv_bumpSpringMass "1.0"
atv_bumpSpringMaxSpeed "1500.0"
atv_bumpUp "1"
atv_bumpUpClamp "48.0"
atv_burstAdd "0"
atv_ikArms "1"
atv_maxBackwardSpeed "750.0"
atv_maxForwardSpeed "1150.0"
atv_minBackwardSpeed "100.0"
atv_minForwardSpeed "250.0"
atv_minThrowSoundDelay "500"
atv_speedWeight "1.0"
atv_speedZeroFraction "0.25"
atv_steerWeight "0.5"
bgl_debug "0"
bindset "0"
bink_debug "0"
bink_ioMegs "4"
blendTree_maxNodeSpacing "100"
blendTree_panZoomEnable "0"
blendTree_panZoomFixedDepth "0"
blendTree_panZoomNodeWidth "0"
blendTree_panZoomScale "1"
blendTree_panZoomXOffset "0"
blendTree_panZoomYOffset "0"
blendTree_scale "1"
blendTree_verbose "0"
blendTree_x "0"
blendTree_y "0"
cam_deathCamblurAmount "0.1"
cam_deathCamblurTime "2"
cam_maxDist "2048.0"
cam_onlineDeathCamCircleDuration "1.5"
cam_onlineDeathCamCircleOffset "300.0"
cam_onlineDeathCamDblDuration "1.0"
cam_onlineDeathCamDblStart "0.1"
cam_onlineDeathCamDblStop "0.002"
cam_onlineDeathCamDebug "0"
cam_onlineDeathCamLerpDuration "5.0"
cam_onlineDeathCamMoveMaxLerpSpeed "0.03"
cam_onlineDeathCamMoveMinLerpSpeed "0.01"
cam_onlineDeathCamSpecial "1"
cam_onlineDeathCamStatic "0"
cam_onlineDeathCamSuicideViewSpeed "0.05"
cam_onlineDeathDebug "0"
camera_debugWeb "0"
camera_updateAnim "0"
cg_forceStats "0"
cg_net_clientDeathDebug "0"
cg_net_clientDeathMode "1"
cg_optimizePresents "1"
cg_optimizePresentsCountdown "5"
cg_optimizeSnapSerialize "1"
cg_optimizeSnapSerialize_debug "0"
cg_predictedSpawn_debug "0"
cg_predictedSpawn_disable "0"
cg_predictProjectileExpire "2"
cg_predictProjectiles "1"
cg_projectile_clientAuthoritative "1"
cg_projectile_clientAuthoritative_maxCatchup "500"
cg_projectile_grenadeDeathDropVelocity "300.0"
cg_projectile_ignoreGrenades "0"
cg_reliable_debug "0"
cg_showPresentableInfo "0"
cg_showSnapSerializePerformance "0"
ch_animateTime "900"
ch_debug "0"
ch_drawCrosshairAlways "0"
ch_drawDebugVisuals "0"
ch_drawVisuals "1"
ch_ignoreFaction "0"
ch_lockangle "0"
ch_lockdist "0"
ch_locktodead "0"
ch_movespeed "1.0"
ch_shoottolock "0"
ch_targetspeed ".5"
ch_unlockpitch "0"
ch_unlockyaw "0"
ch_unlockzoomedpitch "9"
ch_unlockzoomedyaw "16.5"
ch_usemouse "0"
cine_cam_debug "0"
cine_cameraAccel "0.1"
cine_captureFrames "0"
cine_ignoreCameraOffsets "0"
clientGame_ImpactDist "16"
clothsim_useJobs "1"
cm_backFaceCull "0"
cm_catchLargeQueries "64"
cm_debugCollision "0"
cm_debugRotation "1"
cm_debugSetParms "1"
cm_debugTranslation "1"
cm_depthTest "0"
cm_drawArrows "0"
cm_drawColor "1 0 0 .5"
cm_drawFilled "0"
cm_drawIndexScale "0.02"
cm_drawIndices "0"
cm_drawInternal "1"
cm_drawMask "none"
cm_drawNormals "0"
cm_drawSubModelBounds "0"
cm_drawSurfaceColor "0"
cm_enableStreaming "1"
cm_memoryMap "0"
cm_showDependencies "0"
cm_showMemory "0"
cm_showProfile "0"
cm_showStreamedData "0"
cm_testAngle "60"
cm_testBox "-16 -16 0 16 16 64"
cm_testBoxRotation "0 0 0"
cm_testCollision "0"
cm_testLength "1024"
cm_testModel "0"
cm_testOrigin "0 0 0"
cm_testQueries "0"
cm_testRadius "64"
cm_testRandomMany "0"
cm_testReset "0"
cm_testRotation "1"
cm_testTimes "1000"
cm_testTranslation "1"
cm_testWalk "1"
cm_useJobs "1"
cm_useSubModelQueries "1"
com_allowConsole "1"
com_assertOutOfDebugger "0"
com_build "Rage.1683.2 win-x86 Release Oct 3 2011 11:22:59"
com_captureFrames "0"
com_capturePath ""
com_captureSamples "1"
com_captureSounds "0"
com_captureTGA "0"
com_coopFinishFeedbackMaxTimeInSeconds "5"
com_debugHUD "0"
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mp_rally_chainMinRandomDis "0"
mp_rally_CheckAngleIncrease "10"
mp_rally_Debug "0"
mp_rally_DebugActivateZone "0"
mp_rally_forceCapOnce "1"
mp_rally_MoveOnAllTouch "0"
mp_rally_nexZoneAngle "0"
mp_rally_nexZoneDistance "0"
mp_rally_SpawnMaxDistanceFromActive "0"
mp_rally_SpawnMinDistanceFromActive "0"
mp_rally_SpawnSystem "1"
mp_vdm_deathCamGoalDist "800.0"
mp_vehicle_DamageDebug "0"
mp_vehicle_health_amount "0.5"
mt_genCompression "DCT"
mt_sizeOverride "0"
mtp_server ""
mtp_writeSize "1400"
net_bw_challenge_enable "0"
net_bw_test_host_timeout "3000"
net_bw_test_interval "33"
net_bw_test_numPackets "30"
net_bw_test_packetSizeBytes "1024"
net_bw_test_throttle_byte_pct "0.80"
net_bw_test_throttle_rate_pct "0.80"
net_bw_test_throttle_seq_pct "0.80"
net_bw_test_timeout "500"
net_checkVersion "0"
net_connectTimeoutInSeconds "15"
net_debug_NetSendUsercmds "0"
net_debug_snapShotTime "0"
net_debugBaseStates "0"
net_debughud3_bps_max "5120"
net_debugSteamLobby "0"
net_disableSnapJob "0"
net_drawDebugHud "0"
net_effectiveSnapRateDebug "0"
net_effectiveSnapRateEnable "1"
net_errorSmoothingDecay "0.06"
net_errorSmoothingMaxDecay "25.0"
net_forceDrop "0"
net_forceDropSnap "0"
net_forceLatency "0"
net_forceNetDeclExchange "0"
net_forceUpstream "0"
net_forceUpstreamQueue "64"
net_ignoreConnects "0"
net_input_clientBuffer "3"
net_input_clientMin "1"
net_input_debug "0"
net_interpolationBaseRate "1.0"
net_interpolationCatchupRate "1.3"
net_interpolationFallbackRate "0.95"
net_interpolationSlowdownStart "0.5"
net_ip "localhost"
net_LobbyCoalesceTimeInSeconds "30"
net_LobbyRandomCoalesceTimeInSeconds "3"
net_maxBufferedSnapMS "336"
net_maxExtrapolationInMS "0"
net_maxFailedPingRecoveries "10"
net_maxLoadResourcesTimeInSeconds "0"
net_maxRate "50"
net_maxSearchResults "25"
net_maxSearchResultsToTry "5"
net_migrateHost "-1"
net_migration_debug "0"
net_migration_disable "0"
net_migration_forcePeerAsHost "-1"
net_min_ping_in_ms "1500"
net_minBufferedSnapPCT_Static "1.0"
net_minBufferedSnapWinPCT_Static "1.0"
net_offlineTransitionThreshold "1000"
net_optimalDynamic "1"
net_optimalSnapDeltaSize "1000"
net_optimalSnapTime "112"
net_optimalSnapWindow "112"
net_peer_throttle_bps_decay "0.25"
net_peer_throttle_bps_duration "3000"
net_peer_throttle_bps_host_threshold "1024"
net_peer_throttle_bps_peer_threshold_pct "0.60"
net_peer_throttle_maxSnapRate "4"
net_peer_throttle_minSnapSeq "150"
net_peer_throttle_mode "3"
net_peer_timeout_loading "90000"
net_peerTimeoutInSeconds "30"
net_peerTimeoutInSeconds_Lobby "20"
net_pingIncPercentBeforeRecover "1.3"
net_pingRecoveryThrottleTimeInSeconds "3"
net_port "27015"
net_print_ucmds_incoming "0"
net_print_ucmds_outgoing "0"
net_queueSnapAcks "1"
net_replicateSounds "1"
net_showReliableCompression "0"
net_skipClientDeltaAppend "0"
net_skipGoodbye "0"
net_snap_bw_test_throttle_max_scale "0.80"
net_snap_redundant_resend_in_ms "800"
net_snapRate "0"
net_snapshot_send_warntime "500"
net_socksPassword ""
net_socksPort "1080"
net_socksServer ""
net_socksUsername ""
net_testPartyMemberConnectFail "-1"
net_tracerMgrDebug "0"
net_ucmd_smoothing_enable "1"
net_useCMap "1"
net_userCmdRate "4"
net_useSteam "1"
net_verbose "0"
net_verboseReliable "0"
net_verboseResource "0"
net_verboseSimulatedTraffic "0"
net_verboseSnapshot "0"
net_verifyReliableQueue "2"
net_visCullSnapshots "0"
net_visMaxDistance "0"
net_voice "1"
net_voice_throttleStart "1000"
net_voiceDebug "0"
net_voicePushToTalk "0"
net_voiceVolume "1"
net_waitOnSnaps "0"
p_fire_clientAmmoDebug "0"
p_fire_clientFire "1"
p_fire_clientFireDebug "0"
p_fire_clientHitscans "1"
p_fire_clientHitscansNotify "0"
pc_currentDisc "1"
player_damageFeedbackScale "4.0"
player_debugShake "0"
player_difficultyDamageScaleEasy "0.5"
player_difficultyDamageScaleHard "1.25"
player_difficultyDamageScaleMedium "1.0"
player_difficultyDamageScaleNightmare "1.5"
player_focusDebug "-1"
player_LootCheck "250.0"
player_showHealth "0"
player_spikeDamageFeedbackScale "15.0"
player_testScreenDamageDef ""
player_testScreenDamageEffectScale "0.0"
player_testScreenDamagePos "0 0 85"
player_updateFocus "1"
player_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleEasy "0.5"
player_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleHard "1.25"
player_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleMedium "1.0"
player_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleNightmare "1.5"
player_vehicleDamageMult "1.5"
player_whiplash_friction_frac ".8"
player_whiplash_min_velocity_len ".01"
player_whiplash_update_frac "1"
player_whiplash_velocity_frac ".1"
playerMetrics_Verbose "0"
playtest_breadcrumb_timestep "250"
playtest_inventory_timestep "60000"
playtest_log_AI2BreadCrumbs "1"
playtest_log_Any "0"
playtest_log_bashTV "1"
playtest_log_death "1"
playtest_log_defib "1"
playtest_log_Inventory "1"
playtest_log_playerBreadCrumbs "1"
playtest_log_playerButtons "1"
playtest_log_playerEquip "1"
playtest_log_playerItem "1"
playtest_log_playerRacePoints "1"
playtest_log_playerUseFocus "1"
playtest_log_playerUseQuick "1"
playtest_log_radiusDamage "1"
playtest_log_VehicleAIBreadCrumbs "1"
playtest_log_weaponFire "1"
playtest_MenuStartsLogging "0"
playtest_MenuStartsRenderDemo "0"
playtest_RenderDemoCounter "1"
playtest_save_binary "1"
playtest_save_models "0"
playtest_save_text "0"
playtest_save_useSavePath "1"
playtest_sessionName "invalid_session"
playtest_sessionType "direct"
pm_ads_IK_alwaysOn "0"
pm_ads_IK_enable "1"
pm_adsRate "0.1"
pm_animBlendScale "0.1"
pm_backSpeedRatio "0.75"
pm_bboxwidth "32"
pm_bodyAnim_additivePainAlpha "0.50"
pm_bodyAnim_fireBlendInTimeMS "100"
pm_bodyAnim_fireBlendOutTimeMS "200"
pm_bodyAnim_painAnim "hands/pain/twitch/front/chest"
pm_bodyAnim_painAnimDebug "0"
pm_bodyAnim_painAnimForce "0"
pm_bodyAnim_painBlendInTimeMS "200"
pm_bodyAnim_painBlendOutTimeMS "200"
pm_bodyAnim_upperBodyBlendInTimeMS "200"
pm_bodyAnim_upperBodyBlendOutTimeMS "200"
pm_bodyDebug "-1"
pm_bodyRateScale_Hands "0.8"
pm_bodyRateScale_Pistol "0.9"
pm_clientAuthoritative "1"
pm_clientAuthoritative_debug "0"
pm_clientAuthoritative_Lerp "0.9"
pm_clientAuthoritative_minDist "-1"
pm_clientAuthoritative_minDistZ "1"
pm_clientAuthoritative_warnDist "100"
pm_clientUseThrottleTime "250"
pm_clientZoomInDelay "1"
pm_crouchheight "60"
pm_crouchspeed "160"
pm_crouchToggle "1"
pm_crouchviewheight "46"
pm_ct_checkDist "32"
pm_ct_debug "0"
pm_ct_jump_dist "20"
pm_ct_push_decayIn "0.1"
pm_ct_push_decayOut "0.1"
pm_ct_push_dist "25"
pm_deadClipModel "1"
pm_deadClipModel_mp "1"
pm_deadheight "20"
pm_deferredSlideMove "1"
pm_deferredSlideMoveAccelScale "1.3"
pm_fall_frames "20"
pm_fatalFallDist "384"
pm_firePoseRate "0.1"
pm_firePoseRateIn "0.5"
pm_firePoseTime "300"
pm_jumpheight "52"
pm_lookUpTweak "5"
pm_maxCatchupFrames "8"
pm_maxPartialCatchups "8"
pm_maxRunAnimRate "1.05"
pm_maxSprintRate "1.25"
pm_maxviewpitch "89"
pm_maxWalkAnimRate "1.5"
pm_minPhysSpeed "5.0"
pm_minRunAnimRate "0.5"
pm_minviewpitch "-89"
pm_minWalkAnimRate "0.005"
pm_modelRotation_AnimBased "1"
pm_modelRotation_disableTorsoAim "0"
pm_modelRotationBiasDot "-0.5"
pm_modelRotationRate "360"
pm_modelRotationRate_AnimBigThresh "0.1"
pm_modelRotationRate_TurnMax "720"
pm_modelRotationRate_TurnMin "180"
pm_modelRotationTurnThresh "0.70"
pm_modelRotationTurnThreshEnd "0.8"
pm_noBob "0"
pm_noclipspeed "400"
pm_normalheight "90"
pm_normalviewheight "87"
pm_physics_remoteSubtick "0"
pm_predict "1"
pm_predict_db "0"
pm_replayed_db "0"
pm_rest "0.0001"
pm_rest_alphaRate "0.01"
pm_rest_maxAlpha "1.0"
pm_rest_maxRate "650"
pm_rest_minAlpha "0.25"
pm_rest_minRate "160"
pm_restFrameDebug "-1"
pm_restFrameThresh "7"
pm_restRate "1.0"
pm_restTime "1500"
pm_restWalkScale "1.0"
pm_runspeed "280"
pm_screenParticleOffset "5"
pm_skipAnimation "0"
pm_sprintBackSpeedRatio "0.50"
pm_sprintChargeTime "5000"
pm_sprintMaxTime "3500"
pm_sprintScaleOutsideInstance "4"
pm_sprintspeed "450"
pm_stepsize "16"
pm_strafe_threshold "0.5"
pm_subWeb "combat"
pm_thirdPerson "0"
pm_thirdPersonAngle "0"
pm_thirdPersonClip "1"
pm_thirdPersonFocusJoint "head"
pm_thirdPersonHeight "0"
pm_thirdPersonRange "140"
pm_togglesprint "0"
pm_torsoDebug "-1"
pm_torsoDisable "0"
pm_torsoDisableBlendMS "1000"
pm_torsoPitchClamp "45.0"
pm_torsoTrackRate "100000.0"
pm_torsoUseIndependentConstraints "1"
pm_torsoYawClamp "90.0"
pm_trackPlayerPos "0"
pm_usecylinder "1"
pm_vehicleFreeCam "0"
pm_walkIKBlendInMS "3000"
pm_walkRunRangeScale "0.25"
pm_walkspeed "160"
pm_walkthreshold "100"
pm_webDebug "-1"
pm_webDebugVerbose "-1"
poi_AlphaScale "0.75"
poi_AngularScale "1"
poi_borderScale "1.0"
poi_borderScaleX "0.75"
poi_borderScaleX_VDM "0.5"
poi_borderScaleY "0.47"
poi_borderScaleY_VDM "0.5"
poi_borderSplitscreenScaleX "0.59"
poi_borderSplitscreenScaleY "0.6"
poi_borderSteps "36"
poi_borderStepsSplitscreen "24"
poi_Debug "0"
poi_drawPoints "0"
poi_forceAllPoiToPlayer "0"
poi_ForceOffscreen "0"
poi_forcePlayerDown "0"
poi_GoalHeightOffset "100"
poi_HeightScaling "1"
poi_IconSize "64"
poi_IconSizeSplitscreen "54"
poi_MaxDistCoop "1024"
poi_MaxDistVDM "20000"
poi_NewBorder "0"
poi_PivotTest "4"
poi_playerColor "-1"
poi_playerDownColor "-16776961"
poi_playerDownPulseRate "0.015"
poi_PlayerHeightOffset "15.0"
poi_playerScaleMinimum "0.9"
poi_RayCast "1"
poi_RayCastEpsilon "0.1"
poi_roundedRectRadius "0.1"
poi_roundedRectStepsPerQuad "5"
poi_scaleMinimum "0.75"
poi_ScreenPercentage "7"
poi_TextHeightScale "-0.1"
poi_TextSize "0.8"
poi_TextWidthOffsetScale "0.35"
popupDialog_debug "0"
pp_disablePush "0"
presentable_ai_serialize_render_parms "0"
presentable_breakable_debug "0"
presentable_breakable_disablePredict "0"
presentableWeapon_debug "0"
presentableWeapon_debugFire "0"
presentableWeapon_loopingSoundEnd "200"
presentableWeapon_minFireTime "32"
presentableWeapon_roll_endAccel "0.2"
presentableWeapon_roll_endTime "250"
presentableWeapon_roll_startAccel "1.25"
presentableWeapon_roll_topSpeed "10.0"
presentableWeapon_serializeLocal "0"
profileSecurityCheck "0"
proj_ExplodeOnSelf "0"
projectile_InFlightControlGravityScale "20.0"
projectile_InFlightControlGravityScaleDelay "6"
pt_debug "0"
pt_modifyJoints "1"
r_ambientChannelScale "1"
r_brightness "1.0"
r_calibrateGamma "0"
r_calibrateGammaLum "0"
r_calibrateGammaMode "0"
r_checkBounds "0"
r_clear "2"
r_cooploadingIconSize "0.18"
r_cooploadingIconSpeed "0.5"
r_cooploadingIconX "0.09"
r_cooploadingIconY "-0.725"
r_currentMaterial ""
r_debugArrowStep "120"
r_debugContext "0"
r_debugDecals "0"
r_debugFlareOcclusionQuad "0"
r_debugGibSpray "0"
r_debugHitTraceModels "0"
r_debugLineDepthTest "0"
r_debugLineWidth "1"
r_debugPolyDepthTest "0"
r_debugPolygonFilled "1"
r_debugStickGore "0"
r_defaultPolyOfsFactor "-10.0"
r_defaultPolyOfsUnits "-100.0"
r_detailDistancePixelThreshold "3"
r_detailFadeDistMax "3500"
r_detailGenJobsPerSubTree "1"
r_dialogIconX "0.0"
r_dialogIconY "-0.58"
r_dimShadowDensity "1.0"
r_dimShadowDepthBoundsTest "1"
r_dimShadowForceHighQuality "0"
r_dimShadowHeightTweak "0.9"
r_dimShadowLixelScale "1000"
r_dimShadowPolyOfsFactor "5.0"
r_dimShadowPolyOfsUnits "10000"
r_dimShadowResolution "768"
r_dimShadowUseQuery "1"
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r_discretemodel_freecpudata "1"
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r_dumpGeneratedGLSL "0"
r_dynamicLightingScale "1"
r_editorUseDetailBoundsCull "0"
r_envBlendAmbient "1"
r_envBlendPowerFilterSize "2"
r_envBlendShow "0"
r_envBlendTime "-1.0"
r_explosivesDebug "0"
r_extraClears "0"
r_feedbackBGRA "0"
r_flatShadeOnMapLoad "0"
r_flatShadeOnMissingMegas "1"
r_foliageBigFadeDistMax "7000"
r_foliageSmallFadeDistMax "5000"
r_foliageStartFadeDist "3000"
r_forceAspectRatio "0"
r_forceFullVirtualTextureLoad "0"
r_forceNonDeferredAnimBlend "0"
r_forceReferencesOnCommit "0"
r_forceTwoSided "0"
r_forceVmtrReload "0"
r_freeTriangleCPUData "0"
r_fullscreen "1"
r_gamma "1.0"
r_genAllRenderProgs "0"
r_generateMipMaps "1"
r_globalShadowsCoordinateBias "0.5"
r_globalShadowsDepthBias "0"
r_highlightFrequency "0.75"
r_highlightFrequencyFast "2"
r_highlightScale "1.0"
r_highlightSynchronized "0"
r_ignoreGLErrors "2"
r_jitter "0"
r_jointAxisScale "1.0"
r_jointName ""
r_jointNameOffset "0.5"
r_jointNameScale "0.02"
r_lazyBindParms "1"
r_lazyBindPrograms "1"
r_lazyBindTextures "1"
r_loadingIconSize "0.1"
r_loadingIconSpeed "0.5"
r_loadingIconX "0.1"
r_loadingIconY "-0.3"
r_logFile "0"
r_logLevel "2"
r_manifoldMaxDetailWidth "32"
r_mergeModelSurfaces "1"
r_mip3Border "1"
r_mode "17"
r_multiSamples "8"
r_noBreakableShadows "0"
r_orderIndexes "1"
r_orthoMapAxisOffset "0.01"
r_orthoMapDeltaZ "10000"
r_parallelHQDXTEncode "1"
r_particleTrail_timeStep "0"
r_pix "0"
r_postCommitDeferred "1"
r_primeLightScale "1"
r_queryThreshold "4"
r_recordFlyThrough "0"
r_sb_frustomFOV "92"
r_sb_imageSize "768"
r_sb_linearFilter "1"
r_sb_occluderFacing "0"
r_sb_parallelPolyOfsUnits "1000"
r_sb_polyOfsFactor "2"
r_sb_polyOfsUnits "1000"
r_sb_singleSide "-1"
r_sb_skipGeneration "0"
r_sb_skipRenderOccluders "0"
r_sb_sliceRampScale "2"
r_sb_sliceStep "512"
r_sb_twoSidedParallelLights "1"
r_sb_twoSidedParallelOffset "2.0"
r_shadows "1"
r_showAmbientLighting "0"
r_showBlendedLights "0"
r_showBlendedSurfOverdraw "0"
r_showBuffers "0"
r_showCommits "0"
r_showCompileTimes "0"
r_showCracks "0"
r_showDepth "0"
r_showDestinationAlpha "0"
r_showDetailNodeBounds "0"
r_showDimShadows "0"
r_showDrawColor "1 1 1 0.4"
r_showDuplicateTriangles "0"
r_showDynamic "0"
r_showDynamicLighting "0"
r_showDynamicLightingSingleModel "-1"
r_showEdges "0"
r_showEnvs "0"
r_showFoliageNodeBounds "0"
r_showFoliageSubTreeBounds "-1"
r_showFoliageSubTreeNodes "-1"
r_showGlobalShadows "0"
r_showGuiOverdraw "0"
r_showIntensity "0"
r_showLandscape "0"
r_showLightCount "0"
r_showLights "0"
r_showLightScissors "0"
r_showManifolds "0"
r_showModelGroupMasters "0"
r_showModels "0"
r_showNoDrawSurfaceInfo "0"
r_showNonTwoManifoldEdges "0"
r_showNormals "0"
r_showNumActiveParticles "0"
r_showOcclusionBaseModel "0"
r_showParms "0"
r_showParticleBounds "0"
r_showParticleDistVol "0"
r_showParticleInfo "0"
r_showPrimitives "0"
r_showPVS "0"
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r_showReferenceUpdates "0"
r_showRefPose "0"
r_showRuler "0"
r_showSkel "0"
r_showSpecularTriangles "0"
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r_showStencil "0"
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r_showSurfaceInfo "0"
r_showTangentSpace "0"
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r_showTextureDistortion "0"
r_showTexturePolarity "0"
r_showTextureSpace "0"
r_showTJunctions "0"
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r_showTraceWorld "0"
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r_showTransSortOverdraw "0"
r_showTriangleInfo "0"
r_showTris "0"
r_showTwoSided "0"
r_showVertexColor "0"
r_showVisibleInfluenceSpheres "0"
r_showWorldAreas "0"
r_singleDimShadow "-1"
r_singleFlareModel "-1"
r_singleGuiSurface "-1"
r_singleLight "-1"
r_singleModel "-1"
r_singleSurface "-1"
r_singleTriangle "0"
r_singleWorldArea "-1"
r_skipAddAlways "0"
r_skipAnalyze "0"
r_skipAreaCPUCulling "0"
r_skipAreaGPUCulling "0"
r_skipAugment "0"
r_skipAutosprites "0"
r_skipBaseSurfaces "0"
r_skipBeams "0"
r_skipBlendedSurfaces "0"
r_skipBlendLights "0"
r_skipCloth "0"
r_skipCommits "0"
r_skipDecals "0"
r_skipDetailModels "0"
r_skipDetailTris "0"
r_skipDimShadows "0"
r_skipDistortionSurfaces "0"
r_skipDynamic "0"
r_skipDynamicLighting "0"
r_skipEffects "0"
r_skipEmissiveGlare "0"
r_skipFeedback "0"
r_skipFlares "0"
r_skipFoliage "0"
r_skipGeneratedFileCheck "0"
r_skipGlare "0"
r_skipGuis "0"
r_skipLightCPUCulling "0"
r_skipLightGPUCulling "0"
r_skipLights "0"
r_skipMergeMeshes "0"
r_skipModelCPUCulling "0"
r_skipModelGPUCulling "0"
r_skipModelRangeCulling "0"
r_skipModels "0"
r_skipNodeCPUCulling "0"
r_skipNodeGPUCulling "0"
r_skipOcclusionBaseModel "0"
r_skipParticles "0"
r_skipSlowLights "0"
r_skipStripDeadCode "
RAW Paste Data
hidden text v.2 activateConsole forces the console down ( or up ) and the desired fraction.. 0.5 is normal 0.2 is shifted
addClamp adds to a cvar, with clamping
addWrap adds to a cvar, with wrapping
bcm build collision models for a map
bind binds a command to a key
break causes a debug breakpoint
clear clears the console
clearHistory Clears the console history
cmap loads a combo map
collisionModelInfo shows collision model info
compressFile compresses a file
con_unwatch removes the specified console watch. Specify 'all' to remove all watches.
con_watch adds a new console watch - displays per frame results of console var/function printed output
connect connect to the specified IP (only when net_usePlatformBackend 0)
copy copy a file
crash causes a crash
cvar_restart restarts the cvar system, defaulting all cvars
cvarAdd adds a value to a cvar
cvarMultiply multiplies a cvar by a value
cvarRandom sets a cvar to a random value
cvarsModified reports cvars modified since the last call
decompressFile decompresses a file
deleteGenerated deletes the generated path
demoCaptureFrames Capture demo frames at 1280x720
demoCaptureSounds Capture demo sound
demoplay Play a recorded demo
demorecord Record a demo
demorecord_playtest Record a demo for playtest, gets argurments from cvars. temp...
demostop Stop recording or playing a demo
devcmap loads a combo map in developer mode
devmap loads a combo map in developer mode
dir lists a folder
dirtree lists a folder with subfolders
disconnect disconnects from a game
dumpWarnings Dump all warnings to a text file.
echo prints text
envshot takes an environment shot
error causes an error
exec executes a config file
exit exits the game
exportCollisionModel Writes an obj model visualizing the given collision model
find finds all system elements containing the given search string
findImageInMaterial Scans parsed materials for an image
freeze freezes the game for a number of seconds
history Displays the console command history
hitch hitches the game
idStudio design studio for the game
leaveGame disconnects from a game
listBinds lists key bindings
listCmds lists commands
listCollisionModels lists collision models
listCvars lists cvars
listDecls lists all decls
listImages lists images
listModels lists all models
listRenderLights lists the renderLights
listRenderModels lists the renderModels
listVirtualTextures lists all the referenced virtual texture pagefile pathnames
loadGame loads a game
loadGameSteam loads a game from the steam cloud
map loads a combo map
messagemode activate text entry in the hud
net_debugOutputSignedInUsers Outputs all the local users and other debugging information from the sign in manager
net_removeUserFromLobby Removes the given user from the lobby
nextmap transitions to the next map, maintaining inventory
parse prints tokenized string
path lists search paths
playEvents playEvents playback sys events F12 will stop playback
playtest_CreateAllData goes through all the playtest data and creates the necessary release data. helper function for rob
playtest_CreateBashTVFile goes through the passed in directory and creates a text file about the bash tv data
playtest_CreateBombBaseFile goes through the passed in directory and creates a text file about the bomb base data
playtest_CreateComboModel loads a playtest directory and creates all the models from everything in side that into one model
playtest_CreateFindWellSpringFile goes through the passed in directory and creates a text file about the find wellspring data
playtest_CreateModel loads a playtest binary file and creates the playtest models * does a batch through all
playtest_CreatePlayerPathCombo loads a playtest directory and creates the player paths from everything in side that into one model
playtest_CreateTextFile loads a playtest binary file and creates the text file * does a batch through all
playtest_CreateWasteLandRallyFile goes through the passed in directory and creates a text file about the wasteland rally data
printVirtualMaterial prints data on a virtual material
ps3_testGetFriendScores Gets scores from ps3 ranking server
ps3_testGetMyScore Gets scores from ps3 ranking server
ps3_testGetScores Gets scores from ps3 ranking server
ps3_testSendScore Send a test score to the ps3 ranking server
quit quits the game
recordEvents recordEvents start recording sys events
reexportDecls reparses and saves decls of a specific type
reloadDecls reloads decl files that have changed
reloadLanguage reload language dict
reloadModels reloads models
reloadSurface reloads the decl and images for selected surface
reloadWater reloads all loaded dynamic water entities
renameRenderProg temporarily replace a renderProg with a different one
reset resets a cvar to it's default value
restart_loadgame loads a game after rebooting due to a disc swap
restart_mapAfterSwap continues after a disc swap to a map
restart_multiplayerInvite used after accepting a MP invite from disc 1 or 2
restart_nextMap transitions to the next map after a process restart, maintaining inventory
restart_passMainMenu continues after a disc swap to somewhere on the main menu
restartmap restarts the current map
restartmaphere restarts the current map and teleports the player back to the current position
rp Displays or modifies a renderparm
s_restart restart sound system
saveGame saves a game
saveGameSteam saves a game to the steam cloud
screenshot takes a screenshot
set sets a cvar (deprecated)
seta sets a cvar (deprecated)
slowmap loads a map using slow non shipping render path in developer mode
startServer start a multiplayer game lobby
StepParticleTime modifies a global particle 'timeline' to debug particles in game
stripStrings strip strings containing the specified substring or prefix
testImage displays the given image centered on screen
testLCP test LCP solver code
TestParticle tests a particle impact
testSound tests a sound
testStatsBegin starts a test session for recording stats
testStatsEnd ends a test session for recording stats and exits the game
testWorld copies current world to the testWorld
toggle toggles a cvar
ToggleMainMenu Toggle the main menu
touchDecl reparses a decl
trace forces a trace
ttplay Play a recorded timetrial
ttplayqueued Play a queued timetrial from memory
ttrecord Record a timetrial
ttstop Stop recording or playing a timetrial
unbind unbinds any command from a key
unbindAll unbinds any commands from all keys
vid_restart resizes/fullscreens the game window
vstr inserts the current value of a cvar as command text
vt_benchmark Benchmark the virtual texture transcoding
vt_emptyCache empties and zeros the physical images
vt_info Reports information on the current virtual texture system
vt_lockPages locks physical pages
vt_restart reallocates the physical images for changes in size or compression
vt_setSource Explicitly change the page file for a virtual material to compare
vt_validateCache consistency checks the page buffers
vt_visualBenchmark Benchmark the virtual texture transcoding
wait delays remaining buffered commands one or more frames
writeConfig writes a config file
writeImage Writes a tga for a given image
aa_adhesionLockSpeed "0.25"
aa_AssistStrength "0.01"
aa_AssistStrengthBestSpot "0.005"
aa_AssistStrengthSweetSpot "0.015"
aa_focusSensitivityScale "0.5"
aa_lockdist "8192"
aa_lockLineRange "35"
aa_minAssistDistance "32"
aa_SensitivityScale "0.75"
aa_SensitivityScaleBestSpot "0.4"
aa_SensitivityScaleSweetSpot "0.5"
aa_sensitivityThreshold "2"
aa_shootingLockSpeed "0.6"
aa_shrink "5"
aa_TargetDebug "0"
aa_UseOld "0"
aa_zoomLockSpeed "1.5"
aa_ZoomSnapScale "2"
aas2_debugSaveQuery ""
aas2_debugTraversals "0"
aas2_locationMemory "0"
aas2_pullPlayer "0"
aas2_randomPullPlayer "0"
aas2_showAreaNumber "0"
aas2_showAreas "0"
aas2_showAreasByCluster "0"
aas2_showAreasInCluster "0"
aas2_showBadAreas "0"
aas2_showCacheMisses "0"
aas2_showClusterNums "1"
aas2_showCover "0"
aas2_showEdgeNums "0"
aas2_showFloorTrace "0"
aas2_showFuncObstacles "0"
aas2_showHeightTrace "0"
aas2_showHopPath "0"
aas2_showManualReachabilities "0"
aas2_showNearestInsideArea "0"
aas2_showObstacleAvoidance "0"
aas2_showObstaclePVS "0"
aas2_showObstaclePVSClipModels "0"
aas2_showObstacleScale "1"
aas2_showOptimizedPath "0"
aas2_showPath "0"
aas2_showPathTree "0"
aas2_showPushIntoArea "0"
aas2_showReachabilities "0"
aas2_showTravelTime "0"
aas2_showTraversals "0"
aas2_showVertexNums "0"
aas2_showWallEdgeNums "0"
aas2_showWallEdges "0"
aas2_simplifyPath "0"
aas2_skipObstacleAvoidance "0"
aas2_subdivisionSize "64"
aas2_test ""
aas2_testArea "-1"
aas2_testObstacleAvoidance ""
aas2_timeClipGridToAreas "0"
aas2_tree "0"
aas2_useDebugTarget "1"
aas2_useObstacleAvoidanceJobs "1"
achievements_awardEnabled "1"
achievements_timeUpdateInterval "1000"
achievements_Verbose "1"
actor_allowLootingInCoop "0"
actor_allowWeaponDropInCoop "0"
actor_debugFailedDrop "0"
af_blendDuration "0.2"
af_collisionReductionMass "0.9"
af_constraintRampDuration "500"
af_contactErrorReduction "0.2"
af_contactErrorReductionMax "256.0"
af_contactFrictionScale "0"
af_contactLcpEpsilon "0.000001"
af_debugStartVelocity "0"
af_errorReduction "0.5"
af_errorReductionMax "256.0"
af_forceFriction "-1"
af_forceScale "0.3"
af_highlightBody ""
af_highlightConstraint ""
af_inheritVelocity "1"
af_jointFrictionScale "0"
af_lcpEpsilon "0.00001"
af_limitErrorReduction "0.3"
af_limitErrorReductionMax "256.0"
af_limitLcpEpsilon "0.0001"
af_maxAngularVelocity "1.57"
af_maxAuxiliaryConstraints "200"
af_maxLinearVelocity "128"
af_neverRest "0"
af_serializeDebug "0"
af_showActive "0"
af_showBodies "0"
af_showBodyNames "0"
af_showConstrainedBodies "0"
af_showConstraintNames "0"
af_showConstraints "0"
af_showInertia "0"
af_showLimits "0"
af_showMass "0"
af_showPrimaryOnly "0"
af_showTableResults "0"
af_showTimings "0"
af_showTotalMass "0"
af_showTrees "0"
af_showVelocity "0"
af_skipAirFriction "0"
af_skipFriction "0"
af_skipLimits "0"
af_skipSelfCollision "0"
af_suspensionLcpEpsilon "0.0000001"
af_testSolidDebug "0"
af_timeScale "1"
af_universalErrorReduction "0.5"
af_universalErrorReductionMax "256.0"
af_universalTorsionLcpEpsilon "0.1"
af_useDeferred "0"
af_useImpulseFriction "0"
af_useJointImpulseFriction "0"
af_useLinearTime "1"
af_useSymmetry "1"
aftershock_angle "60"
aftershock_impulse_max "4000000"
aftershock_impulse_min "3000000"
aftershock_offset "40"
aftershock_radius "800"
aftershock_skipPredict "1"
ai_accuracy "-1"
ai_alignToPointDist "-1"
ai_allowCollapse "0"
ai_allowStaggerPain "1"
ai_allowTranstionOvershoot "1"
ai_animWebDebug "0"
ai_attitude "-2"
ai_avoidObstacles "1"
ai_blendTreeName ""
ai_bloodSpray "0"
ai_bloodSprayDeathTimeOut "15000"
ai_bloodSprayDist "64.0"
ai_bloodSprayIntervals "250"
ai_bodyGoreThresh "140.0"
ai_checkStuck "1"
ai_clearEvents "0"
ai_controlHeartBeatIntervalsMax "250"
ai_controlHeartBeatIntervalsMin "1000"
ai_cookGrenades "0"
ai_CoopFadeDelay "5000"
ai_CoopFadeOutTime "4.5"
ai_cornerCircleRadius "0"
ai_coverAbortRadius "32"
ai_coverLerpRadius "32"
ai_coverRadiusOverride "-1"
ai_coverSnapRadius "8"
ai_deathAnimScale "1.0"
ai_debugAASPosition "0"
ai_debugActionNodes "0"
ai_debugActionScript "0"
ai_debugAim "0"
ai_debugAimRotationTracker "0"
ai_debugAnimDeltaScale "0"
ai_debugAvoid "0"
ai_debugBleedoutCheck "0"
ai_debugBlendTree "-1"
ai_debugBloodSpray "0"
ai_debugCam "0"
ai_debugCharge "0"
ai_debugCollision "0"
ai_debugConfidence "0"
ai_debugCover "0"
ai_debugCoverActions "0"
ai_debugCoverEntityId "0"
ai_debugCoverTransitions "0"
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ai_debugDeathVolumes "0"
ai_debugDeltas "0"
ai_debugDodge "0"
ai_debugDynamicCover "0"
ai_debugEncounterGroupRoles "0"
ai_debugEnemy "0"
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ai_debugGreetingDistance "0"
ai_debugGrenadeHints "0"
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ai_debugInjured "0"
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ai_debugInteraction_Approach "0"
ai_debugInteraction_Departure "0"
ai_debugInteractionDistance "0"
ai_debugLeapAttack "0"
ai_debugLerp "0"
ai_debugLevel "0"
ai_debugLook "0"
ai_debugLookRotationTracker "0"
ai_debugmelee "0"
ai_debugMove "0"
ai_debugOpenCombatMove "0"
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ai_debugOriginSprings "0"
ai_debugPain "0"
ai_debugPathToEnemy "0"
ai_debugPushPlayer "0"
ai_debugRage "0"
ai_debugReactionBasedMovement "0"
ai_debugScript "-1"
ai_debugSearch "0"
ai_debugStartTransitions "0"
ai_debugState "0"
ai_debugStuck "0"
ai_debugTargetList "0"
ai_debugThrow "0"
ai_debugTracking "0"
ai_debugtransitiondirs "0"
ai_debugTraversals "0"
ai_debugVoice "0"
ai_debugWeb "-1"
ai_deferredVisCheckThreshold "1.0"
ai_disableWanderGreetings "0"
ai_dismembermentThresh "100.0"
ai_droppedLootDistance "140"
ai_enable "1"
ai_enableAnimation "1"
ai_enableAutoFocus "1"
ai_enableConfidence "1"
ai_enableDodge "1"
ai_enableDormancy "1"
ai_enableFSM "1"
ai_enableInfluenceTrails "0"
ai_enableInjuredRuns "1"
ai_enableMorphSkins "1"
ai_enableMovement "1"
ai_enableMovingDeaths "1"
ai_enableMovingPains "1"
ai_enableNonStrafeMoveToEntity "1"
ai_enablePhysics "1"
ai_enableScrambles "1"
ai_enableSenseVolumes "1"
ai_enableWorldState "1"
ai_errorCorrectTurns "1"
ai_faceFocus "0"
ai_FadeDelay "2400"
ai_fastJobInteraction "0"
ai_flashIfLootable "0"
ai_forceDeathWebNode ""
ai_forceInjury "0"
ai_forceMicrotransitions "0"
ai_forceMoveSpeed "0"
ai_forceTurnRate "0"
ai_forceVehicleCoverFlag "0"
ai_forceWalk "0"
ai_gibAllowOnRagdolls "1"
ai_ignoreEvents "0"
ai_interactionFadeForApproachVOFlag "0"
ai_interactionView_CorrectionDistance "250"
ai_interactionView_Distance "55"
ai_interactionView_FOV "80"
ai_interactionView_keepPitch "1"
ai_interactionView_merchantswitch "150"
ai_interactionView_OffsetToPlayer "1"
ai_interactionView_PitchOffset "15"
ai_interactionView_RollOffset "0"
ai_interactionView_useCamera "1"
ai_interactionView_UseCvars "0"
ai_interactionView_xoffset "0"
ai_interactionView_YawOffset "-23"
ai_interactionView_yoffset "0"
ai_interactionView_zoffset "-5"
ai_interactionVolumeBoostAmount "4"
ai_interactionVolumeResetAfterVO "0"
ai_interactionWorldFadeTime "1.0"
ai_interactionWorldVolumeFadeAmount "4"
ai_invulnerable "0"
ai_keepShootingNoSight "6000"
ai_limitFSMUpdates "1"
ai_lookAtPlayer "1"
ai_lookRate "-1"
ai_lookTargetDropThreshold "idMath::Cos( 75.0f )"
ai_lookTargetThreshold "idMath::Cos( 60.0f )"
ai_lootDelay "1.25"
ai_lotsOfInjuries "0"
ai_maxDeferDeathTime "250"
ai_maxTurnRate "360"
ai_minCornerCircleRadius "4"
ai_mindSnare_ExplosionDuration "100"
ai_mindSnare_FadeDuration "800"
ai_minTurnRate "15"
ai_mood "-1"
ai_newMovingPainTest "1"
ai_NonPlayerOneShotChance "0.3"
ai_oldFSMUpdate "0"
ai_originSpringExtrapolate "0.1"
ai_otherFactionAttitude "-2"
ai_perceptionRadiusOverride "-1"
ai_playInteractionVoiceOver_defaultLeaveDistance "200"
ai_pointTolerance "-1"
ai_pushVelocityTolerance "15"
ai_ragdollKillLimit "1"
ai_runCycleBlendMode "2"
ai_runMod ""
ai_scrambleTime "2000"
ai_searchToStimDist "512"
ai_showAASName "0"
ai_showDeathInfo "0"
ai_showDynamicCover "0"
ai_showFOV "0"
ai_showMovementTrails "0"
ai_showObstacleAvoidance "0"
ai_showPath "0"
ai_showSearchPath "0"
ai_showTurningCircles "0"
ai_showVisTrace "0"
ai_stairRunRate "0.5"
ai_stairWalkRate "0.5"
ai_stuckDistanceFraction "0.9"
ai_testPaths "0"
ai_thinkTrace "0"
ai_turndecay "1"
ai_turndecayAng "0"
ai_turningCircleAlignmentTolerance "0.99863"
ai_turningCircleDebugTime "1"
ai_unstuckCover "0"
ai_useAimTracker "1"
ai_useAvoidForCoverFilter "1"
ai_useCombatSubtitles "0"
ai_useCoverTransitions "1"
ai_useDeathAnims "1"
ai_useFormationCover "1"
ai_useGrenades "1"
ai_useLookTracker "1"
ai_useObstacleRoute "1"
ai_useOriginSprings "1"
ai_useRocketTag "1"
ai_useStageCoverFilter "1"
ai_useStartTransitions "1"
ai_useStopTransitions "0"
ai_useTransitions "1"
ai_useTurningCircles "1"
ai_useVehicleCover "1"
ai_useWanderingAim "1"
ai_useWeaponSpread "1"
ai_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleEasy "1.5"
ai_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleHard "1.0"
ai_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleMedium "1.0"
ai_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleNightmare "1.0"
ai_visibilitySenseScale "1"
ai_visTraceOutsideFOV "1"
ai_voFadeTime "1.5"
ai_walkLerpScale "0.1"
ai_walkMod ""
ai_weaponKick "1"
ai_wingstickLookAhead "6"
ai_zeroVelocityFramesBeforeStuck "60"
aievents_print "0"
aievents_show "0"
aigui_alpha "0.6"
aigui_font "arial_black"
aigui_scale "0.3"
aigui_show "0"
aigui_textAlpha "1.75"
aitest_freezeTracker "0"
analysis_server ""
anim_allowDefaultedBinaryAnims "0"
anim_allowWeakRefs "1"
anim_autoWebTrace "0"
anim_blendSnapshotDebug "0"
anim_blendSnapshotNoLerp "0"
anim_debugAnimName "ginny/facial/viseme_A.md6anim"
anim_debugEvents "0"
anim_debugEvents_Name ""
anim_debugTorsoTracker "0"
anim_destPath "hands_actionScript/lean_over_rail"
anim_forceCompression "-1"
anim_forceReload "0"
anim_fxDeclName ""
anim_meshKitMethod "0"
anim_removeDefaultedAnimFiles "0"
anim_showJointVelocities "-1"
anim_showLoads "0"
anim_sourcePath "hands_relaxed/idle"
anim_torsoApplyOffsetToEndJointOnly "0"
anim_torsoTrackerZeroPitch "0"
anim_torsoTrackerZeroYaw "0"
anim_tracker_disable "0"
anim_velocityJoints "hips"
anim_verifyPaths "0"
anim_webTimeThreshold "1.0"
animweb_debugEventHandler "0"
animweb_skipWritingSubWebAnims ""
armor_test "0"
atv_bumpBackwardClamp "96.0"
atv_bumpBackwardScale "0.2"
atv_bumpBlendOp "4"
atv_bumpForward "1"
atv_bumpForwardClamp "96.0"
atv_bumpForwardScale "1"
atv_bumpLeft "1"
atv_bumpLeftClamp "64.0"
atv_bumpSpringConstant "50.0"
atv_bumpSpringDampen "4.0"
atv_bumpSpringDebug "0"
atv_bumpSpringMass "1.0"
atv_bumpSpringMaxSpeed "1500.0"
atv_bumpUp "1"
atv_bumpUpClamp "48.0"
atv_burstAdd "0"
atv_ikArms "1"
atv_maxBackwardSpeed "750.0"
atv_maxForwardSpeed "1150.0"
atv_minBackwardSpeed "100.0"
atv_minForwardSpeed "250.0"
atv_minThrowSoundDelay "500"
atv_speedWeight "1.0"
atv_speedZeroFraction "0.25"
atv_steerWeight "0.5"
bgl_debug "0"
bindset "0"
bink_debug "0"
bink_ioMegs "4"
blendTree_maxNodeSpacing "100"
blendTree_panZoomEnable "0"
blendTree_panZoomFixedDepth "0"
blendTree_panZoomNodeWidth "0"
blendTree_panZoomScale "1"
blendTree_panZoomXOffset "0"
blendTree_panZoomYOffset "0"
blendTree_scale "1"
blendTree_verbose "0"
blendTree_x "0"
blendTree_y "0"
cam_deathCamblurAmount "0.1"
cam_deathCamblurTime "2"
cam_maxDist "2048.0"
cam_onlineDeathCamCircleDuration "1.5"
cam_onlineDeathCamCircleOffset "300.0"
cam_onlineDeathCamDblDuration "1.0"
cam_onlineDeathCamDblStart "0.1"
cam_onlineDeathCamDblStop "0.002"
cam_onlineDeathCamDebug "0"
cam_onlineDeathCamLerpDuration "5.0"
cam_onlineDeathCamMoveMaxLerpSpeed "0.03"
cam_onlineDeathCamMoveMinLerpSpeed "0.01"
cam_onlineDeathCamSpecial "1"
cam_onlineDeathCamStatic "0"
cam_onlineDeathCamSuicideViewSpeed "0.05"
cam_onlineDeathDebug "0"
camera_debugWeb "0"
camera_updateAnim "0"
cg_forceStats "0"
cg_net_clientDeathDebug "0"
cg_net_clientDeathMode "1"
cg_optimizePresents "1"
cg_optimizePresentsCountdown "5"
cg_optimizeSnapSerialize "1"
cg_optimizeSnapSerialize_debug "0"
cg_predictedSpawn_debug "0"
cg_predictedSpawn_disable "0"
cg_predictProjectileExpire "2"
cg_predictProjectiles "1"
cg_projectile_clientAuthoritative "1"
cg_projectile_clientAuthoritative_maxCatchup "500"
cg_projectile_grenadeDeathDropVelocity "300.0"
cg_projectile_ignoreGrenades "0"
cg_reliable_debug "0"
cg_showPresentableInfo "0"
cg_showSnapSerializePerformance "0"
ch_animateTime "900"
ch_debug "0"
ch_drawCrosshairAlways "0"
ch_drawDebugVisuals "0"
ch_drawVisuals "1"
ch_ignoreFaction "0"
ch_lockangle "0"
ch_lockdist "0"
ch_locktodead "0"
ch_movespeed "1.0"
ch_shoottolock "0"
ch_targetspeed ".5"
ch_unlockpitch "0"
ch_unlockyaw "0"
ch_unlockzoomedpitch "9"
ch_unlockzoomedyaw "16.5"
ch_usemouse "0"
cine_cam_debug "0"
cine_cameraAccel "0.1"
cine_captureFrames "0"
cine_ignoreCameraOffsets "0"
clientGame_ImpactDist "16"
clothsim_useJobs "1"
cm_backFaceCull "0"
cm_catchLargeQueries "64"
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cm_debugRotation "1"
cm_debugSetParms "1"
cm_debugTranslation "1"
cm_depthTest "0"
cm_drawArrows "0"
cm_drawColor "1 0 0 .5"
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cm_drawIndexScale "0.02"
cm_drawIndices "0"
cm_drawInternal "1"
cm_drawMask "none"
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cm_enableStreaming "1"
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cm_showMemory "0"
cm_showProfile "0"
cm_showStreamedData "0"
cm_testAngle "60"
cm_testBox "-16 -16 0 16 16 64"
cm_testBoxRotation "0 0 0"
cm_testCollision "0"
cm_testLength "1024"
cm_testModel "0"
cm_testOrigin "0 0 0"
cm_testQueries "0"
cm_testRadius "64"
cm_testRandomMany "0"
cm_testReset "0"
cm_testRotation "1"
cm_testTimes "1000"
cm_testTranslation "1"
cm_testWalk "1"
cm_useJobs "1"
cm_useSubModelQueries "1"
com_allowConsole "1"
com_assertOutOfDebugger "0"
com_build "Rage.1683.2 win-x86 Release Oct 3 2011 11:22:59"
com_captureFrames "0"
com_capturePath ""
com_captureSamples "1"
com_captureSounds "0"
com_captureTGA "0"
com_coopFinishFeedbackMaxTimeInSeconds "5"
com_debugHUD "0"
com_debugSnapShotInterpolation "0"
com_demoPlaybackRate "0"
com_demoPlaybackScale "1"
com_demoStats "0"
com_deviceZeroOverride "-1"
com_disableMemoryPurgeBetweenLevelsDuringDevelopment "0"
com_drawPresentables "0"
com_drawSnapshots "0"
com_drawThreadSpeeds "0"
com_editorActive "0"
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com_exitProcessOnError "0"
com_fixedTic "0"
com_forceAllMapLayersToLoad "0"
com_forceLatestSnap "0"
com_forceSound "0"
com_frameStampPrints "0"
com_gatherMapStats "0"
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com_globalLogThreshold "0"
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com_logHeartbeat "250"
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com_logWriteTime "1000"
com_memStampPrints "0"
com_multiplayer "0"
com_pid "5848"
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com_production "0"
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com_requireNonProductionSignIn "1"
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com_showFPS "0"
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com_skipGameRenderView "0"
com_skipInputRouting "0"
com_skipIntroVideo "0"
com_skipSignInManager "0"
com_sleepGame "0"
com_sourceControlDll "perforce"
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com_spFinishFeedbackMaxTimeInSeconds "5"
com_statsFile "stats.txt"
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com_threadSpeedScale "10.0"
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com_useExpandedEntityDefs "1"
com_useGameTimeForVideos "0"
com_useMapHeap "1"
com_vdmFinishFeedbackMaxTimeInSeconds "3"
com_version "1.1683.2"
com_waitForSavegames "1"
con_drawWarnings "0"
con_fontSize "10"
con_logThreadSpeeds "0"
con_noPrint "1"
con_notifyTime "3"
con_speed "3"
cone_lerpRate "0.1"
cone_limit "0.785398163397"
cone_segmentLen "6.4"
coop_dmgRumbleDurHigh "100"
coop_dmgRumbleDurLow "50"
coop_dmgRumbleScalarHigh "0.5"
coop_dmgRumbleScalarLow "0.3"
crosshair_UseDeferredTrace "1"
cu_active "1"
cu_capabilities "2"
cu_device "0"
cu_hostMem "138045440"
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cu_maxRegisters "32768"
cu_maxSharedMem "49152"
cu_singleStageHDP "1"
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net_optimalSnapDeltaSize "1000"
net_optimalSnapTime "112"
net_optimalSnapWindow "112"
net_peer_throttle_bps_decay "0.25"
net_peer_throttle_bps_duration "3000"
net_peer_throttle_bps_host_threshold "1024"
net_peer_throttle_bps_peer_threshold_pct "0.60"
net_peer_throttle_maxSnapRate "4"
net_peer_throttle_minSnapSeq "150"
net_peer_throttle_mode "3"
net_peer_timeout_loading "90000"
net_peerTimeoutInSeconds "30"
net_peerTimeoutInSeconds_Lobby "20"
net_pingIncPercentBeforeRecover "1.3"
net_pingRecoveryThrottleTimeInSeconds "3"
net_port "27015"
net_print_ucmds_incoming "0"
net_print_ucmds_outgoing "0"
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net_showReliableCompression "0"
net_skipClientDeltaAppend "0"
net_skipGoodbye "0"
net_snap_bw_test_throttle_max_scale "0.80"
net_snap_redundant_resend_in_ms "800"
net_snapRate "0"
net_snapshot_send_warntime "500"
net_socksPassword ""
net_socksPort "1080"
net_socksServer ""
net_socksUsername ""
net_testPartyMemberConnectFail "-1"
net_tracerMgrDebug "0"
net_ucmd_smoothing_enable "1"
net_useCMap "1"
net_userCmdRate "4"
net_useSteam "1"
net_verbose "0"
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net_visMaxDistance "0"
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net_voice_throttleStart "1000"
net_voiceDebug "0"
net_voicePushToTalk "0"
net_voiceVolume "1"
net_waitOnSnaps "0"
p_fire_clientAmmoDebug "0"
p_fire_clientFire "1"
p_fire_clientFireDebug "0"
p_fire_clientHitscans "1"
p_fire_clientHitscansNotify "0"
pc_currentDisc "1"
player_damageFeedbackScale "4.0"
player_debugShake "0"
player_difficultyDamageScaleEasy "0.5"
player_difficultyDamageScaleHard "1.25"
player_difficultyDamageScaleMedium "1.0"
player_difficultyDamageScaleNightmare "1.5"
player_focusDebug "-1"
player_LootCheck "250.0"
player_showHealth "0"
player_spikeDamageFeedbackScale "15.0"
player_testScreenDamageDef ""
player_testScreenDamageEffectScale "0.0"
player_testScreenDamagePos "0 0 85"
player_updateFocus "1"
player_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleEasy "0.5"
player_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleHard "1.25"
player_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleMedium "1.0"
player_vehicle_difficultyDamageScaleNightmare "1.5"
player_vehicleDamageMult "1.5"
player_whiplash_friction_frac ".8"
player_whiplash_min_velocity_len ".01"
player_whiplash_update_frac "1"
player_whiplash_velocity_frac ".1"
playerMetrics_Verbose "0"
playtest_breadcrumb_timestep "250"
playtest_inventory_timestep "60000"
playtest_log_AI2BreadCrumbs "1"
playtest_log_Any "0"
playtest_log_bashTV "1"
playtest_log_death "1"
playtest_log_defib "1"
playtest_log_Inventory "1"
playtest_log_playerBreadCrumbs "1"
playtest_log_playerButtons "1"
playtest_log_playerEquip "1"
playtest_log_playerItem "1"
playtest_log_playerRacePoints "1"
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playtest_log_playerUseQuick "1"
playtest_log_radiusDamage "1"
playtest_log_VehicleAIBreadCrumbs "1"
playtest_log_weaponFire "1"
playtest_MenuStartsLogging "0"
playtest_MenuStartsRenderDemo "0"
playtest_RenderDemoCounter "1"
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playtest_save_text "0"
playtest_save_useSavePath "1"
playtest_sessionName "invalid_session"
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pm_bodyAnim_fireBlendOutTimeMS "200"
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pm_bodyAnim_painBlendOutTimeMS "200"
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pm_bodyAnim_upperBodyBlendOutTimeMS "200"
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pm_bodyRateScale_Pistol "0.9"
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pm_clientAuthoritative_Lerp "0.9"
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pm_clientAuthoritative_minDistZ "1"
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pm_deadheight "20"
pm_deferredSlideMove "1"
pm_deferredSlideMoveAccelScale "1.3"
pm_fall_frames "20"
pm_fatalFallDist "384"
pm_firePoseRate "0.1"
pm_firePoseRateIn "0.5"
pm_firePoseTime "300"
pm_jumpheight "52"
pm_lookUpTweak "5"
pm_maxCatchupFrames "8"
pm_maxPartialCatchups "8"
pm_maxRunAnimRate "1.05"
pm_maxSprintRate "1.25"
pm_maxviewpitch "89"
pm_maxWalkAnimRate "1.5"
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pm_minRunAnimRate "0.5"
pm_minviewpitch "-89"
pm_minWalkAnimRate "0.005"
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pm_rest_maxRate "650"
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pm_rest_minRate "160"
pm_restFrameDebug "-1"
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pm_restTime "1500"
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pm_runspeed "280"
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pm_sprintBackSpeedRatio "0.50"
pm_sprintChargeTime "5000"
pm_sprintMaxTime "3500"
pm_sprintScaleOutsideInstance "4"
pm_sprintspeed "450"
pm_stepsize "16"
pm_strafe_threshold "0.5"
pm_subWeb "combat"
pm_thirdPerson "0"
pm_thirdPersonAngle "0"
pm_thirdPersonClip "1"
pm_thirdPersonFocusJoint "head"
pm_thirdPersonHeight "0"
pm_thirdPersonRange "140"
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pm_torsoPitchClamp "45.0"
pm_torsoTrackRate "100000.0"
pm_torsoUseIndependentConstraints "1"
pm_torsoYawClamp "90.0"
pm_trackPlayerPos "0"
pm_usecylinder "1"
pm_vehicleFreeCam "0"
pm_walkIKBlendInMS "3000"
pm_walkRunRangeScale "0.25"
pm_walkspeed "160"
pm_walkthreshold "100"
pm_webDebug "-1"
pm_webDebugVerbose "-1"
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presentable_breakable_disablePredict "0"
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presentableWeapon_debugFire "0"
presentableWeapon_loopingSoundEnd "200"
presentableWeapon_minFireTime "32"
presentableWeapon_roll_endAccel "0.2"
presentableWeapon_roll_endTime "250"
presentableWeapon_roll_startAccel "1.25"
presentableWeapon_roll_topSpeed "10.0"
presentableWeapon_serializeLocal "0"
profileSecurityCheck "0"
proj_ExplodeOnSelf "0"
projectile_InFlightControlGravityScale "20.0"
projectile_InFlightControlGravityScaleDelay "6"
pt_debug "0"
pt_modifyJoints "1"
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r_gamma "1.0"
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r_globalShadowsDepthBias "0"
r_highlightFrequency "0.75"
r_highlightFrequencyFast "2"
r_highlightScale "1.0"
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r_ignoreGLErrors "2"
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r_primeLightScale "1"
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Как ее вообще отключить?Чтоб не всплывало сообщение блокировке достижений?Файлик rageconfig у меня вообще пустой.
cvarAdd pm_runspeed (скорость при хотьбе)
cvarAdd pm_sprintspeed (скорость спринта)
cvarAdd pm_sprintMaxTime (время спринта, лично мне хватает 9500 при скорости спринта +400)
cvarAdd pm_crouchspeed (скорость на подкрадухах)
cvarAdd vehicle_boostChargeAmount 3.0 (нитро не бесконечно но стоит отпустить Shift и оно мгновенно пополняется на все 100)
cvarAdd vehicle_birdsView 1 (включить вид камеры сверху при езде на тачке)
cvarAdd vehicle_birdsViewDistance (дистанция при виде сверху, по умолчанию 1700)
cvarAdd veh_ignoreCollide 1 (тачка не получает повреждений при столкновении неважно с чем, но когда по ней стреляют получает повреждения)
cvarAdd pm_fatalFallDist 10000 (перс не получает повреждения при падении с высоты, но в остальном не бессмертен)
cvarAdd g_playerHealthRegenDelay (время регенерации здоровья. по умолчанию 5, если поставить -4.9 будет почти тот же godmode но здохнуть все равно можно, смотря из чего будут стрелять)
Очень хочется приблизить игру к реальности в этом аспекте...
Saints Russia
если через конфиг включал то в com_AllowConsole вместо 1 поставь 0
играй на самой легкой сложности, а в консоли напиши это cvarAdd player_difficultyDamageScaleEasy 1.5
немного не то, наоборот, интересует увеличение урона дл всех. Радует когда с одного хедшота вражину можно вынести, ну и альтерэго, аналогично...
ну вот это cvarAdd player_difficultyDamageScaleEasy 1.5 как раз вроде как дает то что они выносить тебя будут примерно так же как и на очень тяжело.
надо будет поискать в консоли может есть более конкретные команды
А тебе чё - дрободана с ракетами мало???
Более одного выстрела выдерживают или большие мутанты или бронированные солдаты администрации.
еще если катализатор правительства употребить то вобще полнейший вынос.
...дык меня подбешивает, что из калаша некоторые индивиды до 3-х хэдшотов держат >:E
Револьвер + толстячки - самое эффективное оружие против всех, кроме быстрых целей. 1 хедшот - сбивается шлем или каска, 2 хедшот - мертвяк, по телу мертвяк с трех выстрелов.
В конфиге ничего нету, я удалил эту строчку, консоль больше не вызывается, а вот сообщение о активности консоли осталось
Saints Russia
попробуй эту строчку com_AllowConsole 0 добавить в конфиг, может перестанет сообщать.
Saints Russia
Если у тебя ачивки не получаются из-за включенной консоли, то начинай новую игру после com_AllowConsole 0, я только так смог избавиться от надписи. Похоже все нормально если начать новую игру без консоли, потом включить и отключить. Но если начал новую игру с включенной консолью, то придется начинать по новой, чтобы получать ачивки...
А можно ли как нибудь изменить управление машиной? Я имею в виду как в Borderlands,
чтобы мышью управлять ? А то гонщик из меня плохой,все заборы собираю...
Как ее вообще отключить?Чтоб не всплывало сообщение блокировке достижений?Файлик rageconfig у меня вообще пустой.
У меня та же проблема. Но оказывается, надо тупо начать игру заново? А можно ли так: пройти до конца текущую сессию (начал на легком уровне сложности и планирую на среднем далее) и начать снова кампанию на другом уровне сложности? Сработает ли?
Консоль отключена в конфиге все время, просто в первый раз, когда создавал конфиг (у меня его вообще не было нигде), скопировал туда многие команды, что нашел на форуме. Видимо, команда с активацией консоли тоже прописалась...
Запустите игру с параметром +set com_allowconsole 1
для активации консоли.
Во время игры нажмите кавишу тильда (~) и вводите:
cvarAdd g_vendorSalePriceScale -1 - все предметы в магазинах стоят $1
cvarAdd g_EnableGore -1 - отключить отображение крови
cvarAdd g_permaGodMode 1 - неуязвимость
cvarAdd g_infiniteAmmo 1 - бесконечные патроны
cvarAdd vehicle_infiniteboost 1 - бесконечное ускорение у автомобиля
cvarAdd vehicle_god 1 - неуязвимые машины
Чтобы отключить код, наберите 1 вместо -1 или -1 вместо 1.
В главном меню игры выберите пункт 'Cheats' (Коды)
после чего введите один из указанных чит кодов для активации нужного режима:
richstick - получить 10,000 единиц золота
cosmittack - бесконечные патроны
actionescape - бесконечные огненные ячейки
doomsday - бесконечные ракеты
spazattack - открыть все оружие
rawrboom - бесконечная ярость
Внимание: чит коды чувствительны к регистру
Инфо http://chemax.ru/cheats/R/rage_2011.php
Всем привет. Подскажите пожалуйста есть ли возожность в етой игре отключить прицел или его поменять.
Может есть консольная команда как у КС??
Зарание благодарен...
Как отключить сообщение что достижения заблокированы так как активирована консоль? Консоль сам не активировал, в ярлыке нет строки активации, в конфиге тоже, но после каждой миссии, каждого убийства вылетает это долбаное сообщение. Бесить реально начинает!!!
Всем привет! Подскажите пожалуйста команду что бы полностью убрать оружие с экрана.
Или команду управляющую камерой, что бы можно было установить ее в нужной точке и направлении, где в кадр не попадает оружие (то есть не из глаз персонажа) или авто. Есть такое?
Запускаем игру. Во время игры нажимаем на клавиатуре тильду (~). Вводим следующие чит-коды:
cvarAdd g_vendorSalePriceScale -1 — все предметы в магазинах стоят $1
cvarAdd g_permaGodMode 1 — бессмертие
cvarAdd pm_fatalFallDist 10000 — нельзя разбиться при падениях с большой высоты
cvarAdd pm_jumpheight 250 - высокие прыжки при ходьбе по умолчанию стоит 50
cvarAdd g_infiniteAmmo 1 — бесконечные патроны
cvarAdd vehicle_infiniteboost 1 — бесконечное ускорение у автомобиля
cvarAdd veh_ignoreCollide 1 — машина не ломается от столкновений с препятствиями, но ее все еще можно
уничтожить стрельбой
cvarAdd vehicle_god 1 — неуязвимые машины
cvarAdd g_EnableGore -1 — отключает отображение крови
cvarAdd vehicle_boostChargeAmount 3.0 — мгновенное восполнение нитро
cvarAdd vehicle_birdsView 1 — вид сверху при езде на машине
cvarAdd pm_runspeed x — изменяет скорость ходьбы (вместо х здесь и далее набирайте положительное или
отрицательное число)
cvarAdd pm_sprintspeed х — изменяет скорость спринта
cvarAdd pm_sprintMaxTime х — изменяет время спринта
cvarAdd pm_crouchspeed х — скорость ползанья на карачках
cvarAdd vehicle_birdsViewDistance х — высота полета камеры при активации предыдущего кода (по умолчанию
cvarAdd g_playerHealthRegenDelay х — скорость регенерации здоровья персонажа
Чтобы отключить код, наберите 1 вместо —1 или —1 вместо 1.
я всё создал и нечего не работает и на какую клавишу нажать нужно
Новое на форуме Rage
Ищу команду для сетевой игры
Не получается восстановить сохранения
Есть ли способ снять лок фпс?
Задержка кликов
Как из подземки попасть в источник?
Можно ли играть в игру на руле?
Появилось ли решение проблемы?
Подскажите пожалуйста на счет достижений (не получаю их) (Steam)
Как открыть карту мира?
Проблема с бинтами
Проблема с Сарой
Боевое ралли
Дорога на болота Безумного джо
Rage Tool Kit
В игре есть возможность включения консоли.
Чтобы включить - создадите файл rageconfig.cfg в *:\***\Rage\base (Пример D:\Rage\base\rageconfig.cfg)
В него вписываем :
com_AllowConsole 1 - Активация консоли.
com_SkipIntroVideo 1 - Пропуск видео при запуске.
Командами "listcvars" или "listcmds" можно просматривать список доступных команд, и редактировать всевозможные игровые значения, а командой "clear" очистить консоль.
"find <часть названия>" Поиск команд по части их названия.
Изменение значений "cvar" например g_infiniteAmmo (установление значения 1 сделает бесконечные патроны, гранаты, крылопалки)
cvarAdd g_infiniteAmmo 1 в положительную сторону.
cvarAdd g_infiniteAmmo -1 в отрицательную сторону.
cvarAdd g_permagodmode 1 Неуязвимость персонажа.
cvarAdd vehicle_god 1 Не ломаемое авто.
cvarAdd vehicle_infiniteboost 1 Бесконечное ускорение у авто.
Что-то про предметы.