* Patch must be applied to a clean install of the game. If any files to be patched have been altered, then the entire patching process will fail. If this happens, perform an uninstall of the game, choosing to keep save games, then re-install.
* Patch 1.2 incorporates patch 1.1, so 1.1 need not be installed before applying 1.2.
* Patched and un-patched games will not be able to connect to one another for network sessions.
* Save game files are not compatible between patched and un-patched versions of Race Driver 2. The patch will automatically upgrade the save game. Please note than the old save game will remain, which means that if the game is ever re-installed without the patch, the old save game will be loaded, without any progress made with the patch. However, on re-applying the patch the previously upgraded save game will once again become available, with progress intact.
* Following uninstallation of the patched game, there may be some files left in the Race Driver 2 folder (in addition to the save game file, if that was chosen to be kept). It is perfectly safe to delete these files.
* Mirrors. Enable in the front-end at Options->Graphics->Mirrors. Note that enabling mirrors will cause a reduction in game performance.
* Look left/right in bonnet, bumper and in-car cameras. Define the keys for this in the Control Assignments screen.
* Steering linearity adjustment.
* End of race timeout for online sessions can now be adjusted in the advanced session settings screen.
* Replay saving.
* Simulator Mode now has more tracks available in many championships.
* Race results and championship standings screens now have a Retire From Championship option.
* The final championship standings screen in Free Race now has a Retry option to restart the championship just played.
* In the Series Option screen, it is now possible to set Opposition directly to None, instead of having to do it via the custom opposition select screen.
* The Handling Mode setting in the Driving Options screen is now saved to the player profile
* Duez Cup and Hotrod Streetrace championships now have a 10/6/4/3/2/1 point structure for network races.
* Informative text in network Chat Lobby is now coloured to be distinguished from standard chat messages.
* Network name labels now darken to indicate that a player is paused.
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