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Патч Trine 2 - 1.14 EN/RU

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Title: Trine 2
Version: 1.14
Release Group/Person: RELOADED
Protection: Steam

Chargelog v1.13 - February 8, 2012

aka "Now with more languages"


- added error codes to online multiplayer disconnection messages
- added more 3D beta features (No-Stretch SBS/TB)


- added Romanian language
- added Brazilian Portuguese language
- fixed Russian (minor)


- added UseDefaultGamma option (for desktop color issues)
- fixed sample rate again

v1.12 - January 18, 2012
aka "The best time to change a major gameplay component to fix one bug"


- fixed lever save/load issue (fixes some broken levers in certain situations)

- tweaked Puzzle Advisor areas in The Story Begins
- tweaked Puzzle Advisor areas in Forlorn Wilderness
- tweaked Puzzle Advisor areas in Mudwater Dale
- tweaked Puzzle Advisor areas in Mosslight Marsh
- tweaked Puzzle Advisor areas in Petrified Tree
- tweaked Puzzle Advisor areas in Shadowed Halls
- tweaked Puzzle Advisor areas in Hushing Grove
- tweaked Puzzle Advisor areas in Mushroom Caves
- tweaked Puzzle Advisor areas in Eldritch Passages
- tweaked Puzzle Advisor areas in Icewarden Keep


- added Turkish language

v1.11 - January 11, 2012
aka "We survived Xmas"

Major changes:

- The Final Chapter (end boss) now restarts properly (boss health) upon Game Over on Medium and Hard difficulties
- Private Game password support in multiplayer
- private lobby with no password is visible to Friends only
- private lobby with a password is visible to everyone but only joinable with the correct password


- fixed cursor being hidden when text chat is active
- fixed Thief's object pushing when the bow is drawn
- fixed experience orb spawn related to frozen goblin archers being shattered
- fixed weapon animation context information missing when visiting the inventory (resulting in a wrong animation for the Hammer)
- fixed minor issue with health item rotations upon spawn
- fixed goblin archers sometimes shooting through breakable objects
- fixed the Knight's Charge so that it doesn't always destroy certain objects (e.g. Wizard's Plank)


- added text about wanting to change characters in multiplayer
- fixed characters being changed in a multiplayer game upon Game Over
- fixed player slot count being incorrect in the server list when players are connected but not spawned


- Polish: fixed Upgrade points amounts


- tweaked co-op camera in The Story Begins
- tweaked co-op camera in Forlorn Wilderness
- tweaked co-op camera in Mudwater Dale
- tweaked co-op camera in Mosslight Marsh (aka the GiantBomb fix)
- tweaked co-op camera in Petrified Tree
- tweaked co-op camera in Shadowed Halls
- tweaked co-op camera in Hushing Grove
- tweaked co-op camera in Mushroom Caves
- tweaked co-op camera in Mushroom Murk
- tweaked co-op camera in Searock Castle
- tweaked co-op camera in Eldritch Passages
- tweaked co-op camera in Icewarden Keep
- tweaked co-op camera in The Final Chapter

- tweaked singleplayer camera in Forlorn Wilderness
- tweaked singleplayer camera in Mosslight Marsh
- tweaked singleplayer camera in Petrified Tree
- tweaked singleplayer camera in Shadowed Halls
- tweaked singleplayer camera in Hushing Grove
- tweaked singleplayer camera in Mushroom Caves
- tweaked singleplayer camera in Mushroom Murk
- tweaked singleplayer camera in Eldritch Passages
- tweaked singleplayer camera in Icewarden Keep

- tweaked collisions in Shadowed Halls
- tweaked collisions in Eldritch Passages
- tweaked the lowering platform in Forlorn Wilderness to work with the grappling hook when using a gamepad


- fixed some graphics bugs (shaders)
- fixed font issues (losing the outline during cinematics etc)
- fixed audio sample rate changing
- fixed some focus issues
- fixed mouse wheel so that it can be set for character change

v1.10 - December 20, 2011
aka "Let's not break anything before the Holidays"


- fixed bouncy + dynamic objects blocking ("flying animation" on mushrooms etc)
- fixed Thief and Knight cursors sometimes missing (Happy Holidays, Jukka! :) )
- fixed Wizard's objects breaking underwater (now allowed)
- fixed standing on the edge of hatches
- fixed experience orbs spawned by enemies sometimes flying into the sky (now directed to the player)


- fixed jump double binding (W/space) issue
- fixed menu slider usage on gamepads


- fixed ESC/return in Join online game menu
- fixed some menu texts (localization)


- fixed Mac fonts during cutscenes
- fixed some black planes (not all) that appear on some Macs

v1.09 - December 15, 2011
aka "Things we forgot"


- added Alt+F4 support
- added WindowTitleBar user option for hiding the title bar in windowed mode (only available in options.txt)
- fixed a couple of crashes


- tweaked server list when using a gamepad


- added listing of full games to server list


- fixed Brightness slider in Visual Settings

v1.08 - December 14, 2011
aka "Wednesday! All in!"


- added framerate cap (Visual Settings -> FPS cap)
- fixed several crashes
- fixed Bonecrusher AI which couldn't hit the player in certain situations
- fixed swimming problems
- fixed Visual Settings menu reset to reset all options properly
- fixed some stuttering issues (e.g. on ATI CrossFire)
- fixed getting damage incorrectly when blocking falling rocks with the shield


- added full games to server list
- fixed chat messages disappearing when upgrade menu was opened
- fixed chat to support Russian (and other Unicode) characters properly
- fixed character change issues in online multiplayer when using keyboard + mouse
- fixed server list profile button problems (changes join logic to be mouse double click instead of single click)
- fixed framerate issue with the scrollbar (server list)
- fixed removing first player in the host game / game settings menu (not allowed anymore)


- added support to override binds
- added support to turn off USB HID and XInput device detection (options.txt)
- fixed Thief's jump/climb up on rope issues
- fixed user binds deletion (now only deletes actual user binds, not everything in UserBinds directory)
- fixed swimming up on gamepads (pressing jump to swim up now works)
- fixed mouse cursor not being in the right place after input reset (Controller Config menu issue mostly)


- added user interface hide toggle to F11
- hides the GUI (incl. menu & subtitles) for a few seconds for e.g. screenshot purposes
- added a menu option to disable tooltips
- added a menu option to configure GUI size
- added a menu option to reduce the input lag (as opposed to options.txt)
- added Enter as menu navigation selection binding
- added user option HideAimIndicators which hides the players' aim indicators
- added a menu option to reset Control Settings menu

3D (NVIDIA 3D Vision):

- increased Stereo 3D Separation range in Visual Settings menu
- fixed player depth UI in Stereo 3D mode


- added resolution detection to Mac launcher (2560x1440 should work)
- added support for vibration/rumble on gamepads and Xbox 360 Controller (with Colin Munro's drivers)
- fixed (possibly) some lighting issues on some Macs

v1.07 - December 9 & 12, 2011
aka "The dreaded Friday patch, and the fix on Monday"


- added error message when render target creation fails
- added support for more mouse buttons in Configure menu
- added gamepad vibration multiplier support to options.txt

- fixed net sync issues (Jumbo Frames)
- fixed multiple crashes
- fixed save game corruption upon incompatible version (multiplayer)
- fixed Configure Controls menu to work properly with DirectInput pads
- fixed saving the last used controller for the first local player
- fixed default gamepad names
- fixed gamepad binds loading issue
- fixed various localizations

- tweaked loading screen; controller does not change anymore

- Mac: file deletion fix (Reset to default button)
- Mac: Xbox 360 Controller now works (but is not configurable yet)

Trine 2 Beta updates:

Trine 2 Beta 8th update 5 December 2011 (v1.06):


- fixed crash problems on launch

Trine 2 Beta 7th update 30 November 2011 (v1.05):

Major improvements:

- improved graphics rendering to provide better framerate
- GPU overheating issues may increase; please see forums for more information


- fixed some possible rendering resolution initialization issues
- fixed game launch problems on Windows XP
- fixed resolution reduction issues on Mac
- fixed black experience vials on Mac
- fixed weapon change name being empty sometimes
- fixed fonts on Mac
- fixed Hammer getting stuck to walls and other places


- added scroll bar to server list in the Join Online Game menu
- fixed Steam caching friend lobby infos
- fixed treasure chest opening animations in multiplayer


- tweaked Controller Configuration and Host Game menu layouts
- changed character GUI to 2/3rds in 3D Stereo mode

Trine 2 Beta 6th update 28 November 2011 (v1.04):


- added preliminary support for SLI graphics cards
- fixed crash related to the High Rise Achievement
- fixed conjured objects sometimes not falling until touched if framerate low
- fixed goblins to climb over their frozen brethren
- fixed animations related to bouncing on mushrooms etc
- fixed projectiles and hatches (so projectiles don't collide with hatches if they're down)
- fixed black flashes on Mac
- fixed various Mac crashes
- fixed save slot selection issues
- fixed Unlimited mode singleplayer interface issues


- added support for custom nicknames in multiplayer
- added individual mouse pointers for co-op players in the pre-menu
- fixed multiple keyboards and mice support in many ways (kb & mouse pairings, menu fixes, general)
- fixed chat key repeat (now possible to hold down a key properly)
- fixed chat not being closed with enter if nothing was written
- fixed Knight's Charge sync in multiplayer
- fixed Wizard's floating animation in multiplayer
- fixed a client being stuck in the loading screen in certain cases
- fixed the skill upgrade menu error message for clients, which caused the menu not being closed after that


- added specific hint messages for keyboard and mouse
- added 3D options tooltip to Visual Settings menu
- fixed gamepad navigation for host game menu and controller config menu
- fixed Wizard's floating grab cursor for mouse
- fixed gamepad controls and poem chests' incorrect instruction to use ESC instead of Start button
- tweaked Stereo 3D (NVIDIA 3D Vision) settings and made them saveable
- tweaked the drop down menu selection logic (no scroll images if nothing to scroll)
- changed the tooltip for levers to include "left" and "right" keys
- changed Push to Talk button to R for Mac too

Trine 2 Beta 5th update 21 November 2011 (v1.03):

Mac update

- fixes sounds
- fixes antialiasing (upside down rendering)
- adds support for Unicode fonts and minor changes in the Launcher

Trine 2 Beta 4th update 18 November 2011 (v1.03):

Major improvements:

- added the Beta for Mac
- added support for NVIDIA 3D Vision


- fixed several issues with controllers
- fixed minor things in the Launcher (resolutions, refresh rate choices update, background image disappear)


- fixed the Knight's shield "leaking" with high latency
- fixed Wizard animation not always being restored in the Tutorial in a multiplayer game
- fixed "Hosting Online Game" and "Connecting" message screens issues
- fixed toggling Multiple Mice & Keyboards option causing a controller disconnection
- fixed controller hintmessages not being shown for the local player properly
- changed text chat to not break words


- added ability to change controller type in the Game Settings/Host Game menu
- added Network Settings menu
- added Microphone menu
- added version number to Main Menu
- added support for ESC to close loading screen window

Trine 2 Beta 3rd update 14 November 2011:

Major improvements:

- added controller configuration


- added framerate counter (options.txt in %APPDATA%/Trine2, set "ShowFPS" to true)
- added graphics quality options (low-end settings work)
- fixed several "sky models" (seams etc)
- fixed several grappling hook target helpers
- fixed physics/animation timing if framerate dropped below 30
- fixed various issues for non-wide resolutions (incl. shadow projection)
- fixed a crash related to ending a multiplayer game
- fixed a crash related to exploding barrels
- fixed sound effects being muted after resuming the latest save
- fixed Knight's animation sync
- fixed Achievement detection for air flow
- fixed Upgrade menu (Monster levitation/Charge popup reset; ESC logic; texture color bleeding/stripe)
- fixed Pause menu "(B) Return" button add for PC (for gamepads)
- fixed Gameover menu failsafes
- fixed controller breakdown if changed on the fly in the Tutorial
- fixed grappling hook issues (visualization/animation)
- fixed a mouse wheel direction problem
- tweaked minor things in Forlorn Wilderness; static collisions, camera areas


- improved network throttling
- fixed ice shattering effect not being displayed for clients
- fixed players warping to wrong position (0,0,0) when dying in a multiplayer game
- fixed random frame rate drops during a multiplayer game
- fixed "ghost lobbies" appearing in the lobby list
- fixed server list pinging


- changed upgrade menu bind to TAB (used to be I)


- added a couple of credits

Trine 2 Beta 2nd update 11 November 2011:

Major improvements:

- added controller configuration
- added framerate counter (options.txt in %APPDATA%/Trine2, set "ShowFPS" to true)


- added graphics quality options (low-end settings work)
- fixed several "sky models" (seams etc)
- fixed several grappling hook target helpers
- fixed physics/animation timing if framerate dropped below 30
- fixed various issues for non-wide resolutions (incl. shadow projection)
- fixed a crash related to ending a multiplayer game
- fixed sound effects being muted after resuming the latest save
- fixed Knight's animation sync
- fixed Achievement detection for air flow
- fixed Upgrade menu (Monster levitation/Charge popup reset; ESC logic; texture color bleeding/stripe)
- fixed Pause menu "(B) Return" button add for PC (for gamepads)
- fixed Gameover menu failsafes
- tweaked minor things in Forlorn Wilderness; static collisions, camera areas


- improved network throttling
- fixed ice shattering effect not being displayed for clients
- fixed players warping to wrong position (0,0,0) when dying in a multiplayer game
- fixed random frame rate drops during a multiplayer game
- fixed "ghost lobbies" appearing in the lobby list
- fixed server list pinging


- changed upgrade menu bind to TAB (used to be I)


- added a couple of credits

Trine 2 Beta 1st update 1 November 2011:

Major improvements:

- online text chat now accepts longer sentences, displays client numbers properly, and works better in general
- game now uses/saves the settings from the Launcher during first startup (this was due to missing AppData/.../Trine2 folder)
- multiple keyboards and mice now has an option in Control Settings
- 4:3 displays now uses slightly different FOV that should make sure no unintended graphics are shown (outside of the the actual art)

Technical fixes:

- added Steam minidump information (map + position) for easier debugging
- fixed "invisible players" issue/crash
- fixed a crash related to firewall blocking
- fixed a user interface potential crash ("ButtonCatcher")
- fixed a crash related to Hail of Arrows Achievement
- fixed a myriad of potential crashes
- fixed multiple minor under-the-hood issues
- fixed Profile button in the menus
- fixed "Recently played with" list entries
- fixed Delete profile button
- fixed missing skull texture in Forlorn Wilderness
- fixed Hail of Arrows Achievement unlocking
- fixed multiplayer lobby list a bit
- fixed/added Wizard's introduction scene effects
- fixed a few grappling hook "helpers"
- fixed the snake's targeting a bit
- fixed "Report this to the programmers" error(s)

Usability fixes:

- added ping to lobby list
- added note about data corruption if detected
- added Esc to close the Upgrade Menu
- fixed tooltip for using the Inventory (default: I)
- fixed "Ready!" and "Press Start" buttons in local multiplayer menu (now they can't be clicked)
- fixed Windowed mode issues (icon, ignore Alt/F10 special key stuff)
- fixed videos/logo images on non-wide resolutions to be letter-boxed instead of stretched
- changed "Push to Talk" voice chat button to R (used to be Q)

Trine 2 Beta first release 26 October 2011:

- initial version

Комментарии: 5
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