Функции Таблицы:
Unlimited Health
No Cooldowns
Reveal Entire Map - new
Always Highlight Containers
Attribute Points
Talent Points
SDK.CharacterStats - new
Game.CharacterStats - new
SDK.Health - new
Game.Health - new
FogOfWar.Revealer - new
In-Game Console (disables achievements so use my pointer too)
Press tilde (~) and then press enter to type the command:
Code: |
iroll20s |
Use In-Game Cheats Disable Achievements pointer to set the value to false.
Can unlock armor, weapons, and spells with the following commands:
Code: |
exec armor exec weapons exec spellcreation |
Unlocking weapons should grant the Legendary achievement if done correctly.
Скачать Cheat Engine с нашего сервера Вы сможете здесь.
Кто знает как расширить места в отряде? А то 4 тела как-то не густо :/