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Worms 3D Service 2

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Worms 3D Service 2
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Worms 3D™
E.U. / AUS
Service Patch 2 (v.1073)
Readme / Release Notes
5th March 2004

File size: 54Mb

This service patch is for E.U. / AUS versions of Worms 3D only.

Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Team17 Software Limited. All rights reserved.
Development and Design by Team17 Software Limited.

Published by SEGA Europe Limited.

All Trademarks / Registered Trademarks / Service Marks comprised herein are
fully acknowledged.

This product contains software technology licensed from GameSpy Industries,
Inc. (c) 1999-2003 GameSpy Industries, Inc. GameSpy and the "Powered by
GameSpy" logo are trademarks of GameSpy Industries, Inc. All rights reserved.

Windows Copyright (c) 1983-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

InstallShield Copyright (c) 1996-2001 InstallShield Software Corporation.

Thank you for obtaining Worms 3D service patch 2, we hope that you find the
updates incorporated within it complimentary to your games playing experience.
This service patch installation will automatically upgrade your version of Worms
3D to v.1073.

Please ensure that you have downloaded this service patch only from links provided
through www.worms3d.com. Note that we cannot provide any technical support for
modified game installations incorporating unofficial third party patches obtained
from unofficial sources.

This content outlines software installation procedures and program content additions
for general improvements and bug fixes within Worms 3D service patch 2.

We would like to thank all Worms 3D customers and community members for their
continued feedback to improve the content provided within this release.

How do I install service patch 2 and update the game?
You must have an original version of the game fully installed on your system
to allow service patch 2 to update successfully. Installation is simple, after
download just access the file and follow basic instructions for the update procedure.
An automated search of your computer system for the Worms 3D installation folder
will patch the game if it is required.

Note that if you have modified the game using any non-official third party
utilities you may have to reinstall the game prior to adding service patch 2.
It is recommended to close down all other active applications before updating.
Service patch 2 has incorporated SecuROM copy protection (produced by Sony DADC)
and the original Worms 3D CD1 is a required resource after installation to run
the game successfully.

I can play the game with no problems why do I really need to get service patch
It is beneficial to keep up to date with the latest game revision. Patching
software and updating to service patch 2 improves compatibility with hardware
/ software configurations and addresses game problems after release. Service
patch 2 incorporates bug fixes, general game additions, network improvements
and refinements.

If you are happy with your game, it isn't necessary to install service patch
2. However if you are experiencing problems it is highly recommended to perform
an update. All players that wish to play via LAN or Wormnet must have the same
game version installed on both host and client systems for successful connectivity.

How do I check the Worms 3D version that I have currently installed?
It is quite easy to check what version of the game you are actually running.
To establish your current game revision and determine if it has patched correctly
please perform the following.

* Access the Worms 3D main menu.
* Access the options menu.
* View the version identification text directly below the schemes menu.
* For E.U. / AUS the number V.1003 or V.1053 indicates this update is required.
* If your version indicates V.1073 then this is the very latest patch release.

I wish to uninstall service patch 2, how do I achieve this?
It is not possible to uninstall service patch 2. If you wish to regress back
to a previous version it is recommended to uninstall the game completely and
perform a full game reinstall.

Please note that it is not recommended to install service patch 2 with the
Worms 3D demo present on your system as you may experience problems.

I am experiencing a problem with service patch 2, where may I find more information?
Additional information on game issues may be found on the Worms 3D web site.
The official FAQ at www.worms3d.com/support.html?area=faqs includes updated
articles relating to Worms 3D technical queries.

What's new within the service patch 2?
There are a number of feature additions and fix amendments for service patch
2, the main items that have been addressed are detailed within the following.

Network feature / fix additions
* Enhanced GameSpy connectivity and general stability.
* Increased level of support for GameSpy Arcade application.
* Included synchronisation with the U.S. release version.
* MOTD text is now cached for the entire network session.
* Stock scheme details are passed from the host in full, to avoid game balancing
* Addressed incorrect screen being periodically displayed between rounds.
* Addressed inability to add team in LAN staging room (prevented game advancement).
* In game sync problems now handled by forcing all players to Next Round menu,
where the failed round can be restarted.
* Game connections are determined as players join a staging room. The in game
TCP connection (port 5911) is established at this point. A joining client will
be notified of connection negotiation when attempting to connect to the host
(aborted after 15 seconds) and the host will then attempt to connect to the
client. After 15 seconds this attempt will be aborted also. In effect this change
relaxes previous network restrictions, allowing one party to be located behind
a badly configured NAT or Firewall. If neither party can establish a viable
connection both host and client will receive an error message detailing the

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