Патч 1.04
Комментарии: 7

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Сегодня утром вышел патч 1.04 для PC and Xbox,по поводу пиратки ребят не знаю правда

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Ошибка на Xbox One
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General Bug Fixing:
• Fixed various GPU related crashes
• Removed black bars in UW display modes
• Fixed hang when playing online with a CAS when opponent had no CAS saved.
• Fixed various text and translation issues
• Fixed flickering in encoded videos
• Gameplay: The referee fails to count pin falls or disqualifications in 8-man matches with entrances on in gameplay.
• Fixed an issue where Ref doesn't count the pin in Tag Team matches when entrances are enabled.
• Universe: The title fatal crashes when starting any promo in Universe.
• Fixed crash that would occur when starting a user-created Self-Promotion Promo.
• Fixed an exploit that allowed rivalries to occur between Superstars of different genders
• Fixed not being able to select the “No Mercy” PPV theme when customizing a PPV.
• Fixed Royal Rumble winners being booked into title matches for the World Title of both co-hosting shows at WrestleMania.
• Fixed some cases where rivalries would break and lead to continuous One-on-One and Two-on-Two matches between the rivals.
- Note: This patch will not retroactively fix a broken rivalry.
• Fixed cutscenes where the wrong Superstars are shown, or where Superstars are swapped.
• Reduced chances of Falls Count Anywhere matches being booked on Major Shows.
• Increased chances of rivalries occurring that involve a champion; this should lead to more title matches occurring overall.
• The Duration of naturally-occurring rivalries will now vary.
- Non-title rivalries will be randomized between Short and Medium durations.
- Title rivalries will be randomized between Medium and Long durations.
• Fixed Head Tracking. Superstars will now correctly look at their target.
• Fixed an issue in which the AI’s reversal rate did not properly reset after successful reversals.
• Tuned the Carry escape mini-game and adjusted the AI’s escape logic.
• Fixed the Damage Display for several Submission animations
• Carry & Drag announce table interactions will now increase the Table Break meter
• Fixed Table Grapple reversals. The correct Superstar will now perform the reversal animation
• Minor Reversal prompts will now correctly display for Top Rope Grapples
• Fixed scoring issue for Tag Team “2 out of 3 falls” matches
• Improved ability to navigate in the backstage hallway while carrying an opponent
• Tag Team Championship Victory scenes properly being displayed
• Fixed AI issue that would allow it to break out of grapple too quickly.
• Rolling Savate now reversible.
Road to Glory Fixes:
• Fixed issue where a MyPLAYER's qualification progress was reset in bad networking situations in Road to Glory.
Highlight Video:
• Create a video – added the ability to choose from cutscenes using the following entrance, promo, and universe/career. From these sub options you can choose the cast (wrestlers) for the highlights.
WWE Universe:
• Fixed win conditions being disabled for matches occurring after a Money in the Bank cash-in.
• Fixed an issue that could cause blank matches to be created when customizing Superstars.
• Fixed Superstars not using alternate attires during a Run-In.
• Fixed endless loading at the match screen when using certain Show Images for customized shows.
• Royal Rumble win conditions for Universe have been updated.
• Fixed crash when starting any promo in Universe plus crash that would occur when starting a user-created Self-Promotion Promo