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Black & White 2 1.1 -> 1.2

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Black & White 2 1.1 -> 1.2
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Новая заплатка для Black & White 2, точный эффект от установки которой неизвестен.

Комментарии: 12
Ваш комментарий

1.1----------> - Fixed a Technical Hang on Land 3 when trying to create disciples after killing off your population. - Fixed the command function which cycles through platoon units to not include enemy units. - Fixed a crash involving creature/tree interaction when the tree had no town status. - Fixed a creature issue which could stop the paternity suit or seven samurai challenges. - Fixed a statistics error, after a save/load, with the number of soldiers and archers reported in a town. - Fixed general balance issues involving rush tactics by an Aggressive God. - Fixed an issue involving the height at which archer's fire from walls. - Fixed a crash involving smashing a two story skyscraper. - Fixed a crash involving walls where a new section of wall from a previously destroyed one could be created. - Fixed a crash when deconstructing a wall while placing a gatehouse. - Fixed a restarting land issue when the creature would sometimes change if the profile has save games of different creatures in it. - Fixed a Technical Hang with the Archaeologist script on Land 6 involving killing a final archaeologist - Fixed a bug where evil embellishments couldn't be built if you are a good God. - Fixed a bug where Alignment could go above 100%. - Fixed a graphical issue when adding a layer to a damaged skyscraper. - Fixed a statistics error with Towns displaying 0 impressiveness needed to migrate when they cannot migrate. - Fixed a graphical bug causing the shoreline visuals to vanish. - Fixed a graphical bug where the Ape does not morph alignment correctly. - Added an option to skip the initial advisor speech on Land 1 by pressing the Escape key - this will take you directly to the Creature selection. - Added a silver scroll after the creature selection screen to skip the movement tutorials. - Added two development team members to credits (sorry guys).


1.2--------> - Added: Lands 1-3 can be skipped by pressing ESC and making the relevant selection. - Added: A confirmation screen for when you change graphics resolution. - Added: Extra optimisations to utilise ATI's latest GPUs. In our test cases, we found an increase of about 27% on an X850 XT, and about 24% on a 9800 Pro. - Added: The game now supports having no audio. - Added: Holding down the modifier key (default "/") while placing buildings will keep the draggable building template in your hand. - Added: Missing text to the Build Menu's tool tip for Hurricane. - Added: An in-game low battery warning for laptop computers. - Changed: Street lights are now visible from further away. - Changed: Improved the way that the game auto-detects graphics cards. - Changed: Improved Land 5's navigation map, to stop platoons running between one of the walls and a mountain. - Fixed: The Land 1 pitching, rotating and zooming tutorials are now automatically skipped if you don't have a middle mouse button. Keyboard commands are still available to replace the Middle Mouse Button for movement. - Fixed: The Heartbeat sound has been removed. - Fixed: A crash that would occur from ending a profile name with a space. - Fixed: Removing USB headphones during gameplay will no longer cause the game to hang. - Fixed: A crash when dragging a wall template to another wall tower, while it was being deleted. - Fixed: The Good Advisor blocking the Land 1 tutorial videos. - Fixed: An issue with Land 7's Monster Mine challenge, where it wouldn't always be completable. - Fixed: An audio issue regarding save/load and skipping Wonder cutscenes. - Fixed: A problem where archers would navigate poorly when firing at a target a lot lower than them. - Fixed: A rare crash that occurred when a road blueprint rapidly changes height while creating a new spline point. - Fixed: A hang that would occur on Land 3 if the Creature Teach menu is used to prematurely teach your creature whether to eat or not, during the Creature Tutorial.


Что говорят на счет трейнера?


Вот ссылка на патч 1.1 http://www.ag.ru/files/patches/black_and_white_2/14329


А ЧЁ ЭТО за патч и чё он мне даст


Я тут почитал коменты походу вы здесь !почти все БАРАНЫ поэтому вот вам несколько дельных утверждений: ПАТЧ это исправление(багов,лагов,глюков,недочётов и ошибок) Патчи делятся на две группы-"требовательные" и "нетребовательные" последние в основном это сборки и репаки они вмесщают в себя все предсшествующие патчи(например HoMM5 patch v1. "требовательные"(извиняюсь за туфталогию) требуют пропатченую до определённой версии игру или же программу И наконец некоторые тренеры и проги тоже требуют пропатченую до определённой (или выше) версии игры


обновите ссылку, не качает==


vitasik-xp ещё качается это интернет у тебя или кнопка не работает


Заипись пля! а разработчики чо, не объявили чтоль чо они тама в этом патче залатали... :-/ Обоссатсо, ещё пишет что для начала было бы неплохо поставить предыдущий патч, аптом тока этот, а где ево мать взять?!
