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Blackguards 2: Чит-Коды

B ярлыке к игре дописать: -devcon 
В игре нажать DOWN+F12 (стрелка вниз+F12) 
help "Print all commands to the console."
help x "Print detailed information about one command to the console." where x is "the command or parts of it to get help for"
print creatures "Print creature indices and ids to the console."
print loca errors "Prints a list of missing loca keys the game has encountered so far."
print variable float x "Print the value of a global game variable of type float to the console." where x is "the key of the variable"
print variable int x "Print the value of a global game variable of type int to the console." where x is "the key of the variable"
print variable string x "Print the value of a global game variable of type string to the console." where x is "the key of the variable"
set achievement x y "Set the progress for an achievement (0 - 100)." where x is "the id of the achievement" and y is the progress (0 - 100)
set language x "Set the language, needs a restart to take effect." where x is "the language to set"
set object x y "Set the state of a world object (area or city).") where x is "the full name of the object relative to the world (e.g. 'SomeScene/SomeObject'" and y is "the state to set the object to"
set preference float x y "Set a float value in the preferences." where x is "the key of the preference to set" and y is "the value to set the preference to"
set preference int x y "Set an integer value in the preferences." where x is "the key of the preference to set") and y is "the value to set the preference to"
set preference string x y "Set a string value in the preferences." where x is "the key of the preference to set") and y is "the value to set the preference to"
set variable int x y "Set a global game variable of type int." where x is "the key of the variable to set") and y is "the value to set the variable to"
set variable float x y "Set a global game variable of type float." where x is "the key of the variable to set") and y is "the value to set the variable to"
set variable string x y "Set a global game variable of type string" where x is "the key of the variable to set") and y is "the value to set the variable to"
show tut x "Shows a tutorial topic" where x is "the id of the topic to show"
start chapter x "Start the game at a specific chapter." where x is "the chapter (1-5)"
start controller x "Start a game controller." where x is "the id of the controller"
start dialog x "Start a dialog." where x is "the id of the dialog"
start game "Start a new game."
start quest x "Start a quest." where x is "the id of the quest"
jump to object x "Jump to an object on the worldmap." where x is "the id of the object"
damage x y "Damage a creature." where x is "the index of the creature (see 'print creatures')" and y is "the amount of damage"
heal x y "Heal a creature." where x is "the index of the creature (see 'print creatures')" and y is "the amount of healing"
give all items "Give all items to the party."
give all special abilities "Give all party members all special abilities."
give all spells "Give all mages in the party all spells."
give exp x "Give every party member experience points." where x is "the amount of exp"
give info person x y "Unlock an information about a person." where x is "the id of the person" and y is "the id of the info-item"
give info place x y "Unlock an information about a place." where x is "the id of the place" and y is "the id of the info-item"
give item x "Give an item to the player party." where x is "the id of the item"
give item x y "Give an item to the player party." where x is "the id of the item" and y is "the number of items to give"
give money x "Give money to the player party." where is "the amount of money in farthings"
godmode "Make all party members super strong." I.e. +1000 to most stats. Type again to disable.
jump to chapter x "Jump to a chapter." where x is "the number of the chapter (1-5)"
kill all "Kill all entities."
kill creature x "Kill the creature with the given index." where x is "the index of the creature to kill (see 'print creatures')"
kill team x "Kill all entities in the given team." where x is "the team to kill (players, enemies)"
load x "Load a scene." where x is "the id of the scene"
lose "Instantaniously lose the current fight."
win "Instantaniously win the current fight."
togglegui "Toggle the GUI."
Комментарии: 12
Ваш комментарий

Работает,но есть маленькая просьба,я в буржуйском ни в зуб ногой.Нет тоесть заклинания,вещи,уровень,золото,это понятно.А вот какой код отвечает за астральную энергию не подскажите?


Самые нормальные give all items "Дайте все детали к партии." give all special abilities "Дайте всем членам группы все специальные способности." give all spells "Дайте все маги в партии все заклинания." give exp x "Дайте каждому опыту член партии баллов." где х "количество ехр" give money x "Дайте деньги игрока партии." где "сумма денег в ассария" GodMode "Сделать все члены партии супер сильным." То есть +1000 К большинству статистических данных.


На первую кстати тоже работают. Спасибо


ХрумБум В свойствах ярлыка (ПКМ на ярлыке): "D:\Games\Blackguards 2\Blackguards 2.exe" -devcon После ковычек обязательно пробел, и нажми "Применить", потом "Ок".


aist16 "ОК" это и есть "Применить"...вообще "Применить" это для последовательных команд, "ОК" же глобальная команда


Ни в зуб ногой че к чему хоть и по английски понимаю.Обьясните как прописывать поконкретнее


В стиме ачивки не блокируются?


Вася Васин help x "Print detailed information about one command to the console." where x is "the command or parts of it to get help for"
