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Патч Bombshell "Update 1.1+Free DLC"
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New Features, Tweaks, Bugfixes, and Additions:
- Overall enemy placement and "Filler Areas" have been drastically improved.
- Default Camera is zoomed out 25% more.
- Complete control overhaul. Aiming is now extremely precise.
- Enemies will only shoot at you while being on screen.
- Enemy XP and Moneydrops increased.
- All levels now have an "Exit" sign at the extit of the level.
- Directional Pointer (Controller) have been raised.
- Kyrron Drift Bruisers now have a bigger hitbox.
- Hovering mouse over enemies will indicate which enemy you point at.
- Camera Peek Tutorial added to B1.
- You'll now be able to shoot at jumping enemies just as they jump or land.
- You can now hold the Fire button to continously fire even when performing other actions such as abilities.
- Primary and Secondary objectives are now colorcoded on the minimap.
- NPC's now appear on minimaps.
- You can now bind all mouse and keyboard buttons, including mouse side buttons.
- New controller layouts added.
- Arrow added to Minimap, pointing in the direction of the main objective.
- C1 minimap fixed.
- New Crosshairs added for all weapons.
- New option added to enable "Camera relative to movement" for mouse/keyboard players.
- New option added to hide the objectives UI element.
- New option added to enable a new HUD called "Minimalist".
- New option added to disable Oneliners.
- You can no longer detonate a bowling right as you throw it, to avoid blowing yourself up.
- The game will now automatically switch between Controller Mode and mouse/keyboard by touching either the controller or the mouse/keyboard.
- Hard Mode is now unlocked from the start.
- Hard Mode difficulty has been tweaked.
- The chance of Kyrron Scampers burying underground has been tweaked.
- XP / Money rewards after solving quests will now trigger after conversations, instead of at the start of a conversation.
- In rare occurrences some enemies would previously stand still without being able to fight. This has been fixed.
- Respawning after dying no longer happens at the checkpoint. Instead you'll now respawn at the death location, with time-based invincibility. If you fall off a ledge you'll restart at the checkpoint.
- Steam Trading Cards added.
- -ump indicator added. The indicator appears below Bombshell when jumping, to indicate where you will land.
- You can no longer die during cutscenes.
- A particle effect will now appear on Bombshell when leveling up.
- Tutorial Mission added for Ghost Shell.
- Tutorial Mission added for Accelerator Boots.
- Tutorial Mission added for Enemy Aim-Lock.
- Weapon descriptions have been updated.
- Shellshock now has a Charge-Up effect.
- Broken achivements now working.
- You can now Zoom in and out using the mouse scroll wheel. You can also Zoom in and out in the Options menu.
- -Kyrron Scampers now have lower health.
- Weapon sounds improved.
- Laser Sight added by default for Mouse/Keyboard controls.
- Upgrades are now cheaper, to allow faster progression.
- Weapon upgrades now require a lower level character.
- Weapon Ammo Capacity has been doubled for most weapons.
- The Mouse Deadzone has been tweaked to allow faster aiming.
- Force Feedback can now be turned off.
- All Weapons and Stats have been tweaked and balanced.
- If you pick up 2 Power Enhancers in succession the second Power Enhancer will add to the timer.
- The Continue Button in the main menu has now been moved to the top. This will make it easier and faster getting into the game.
- Air Control has been re-worked completely, and is now more precise.
- Player can no longer re-spawn in mid air, if getting killed while standing on a moving platform.
Free DLC Added:
- New Shellshock Challenges DLC added. The Shellshock missions are Tron-Style Challenge missions, which can be unlocked sequencally.

Для модератора: ДЛС реально бесплатное http://steamcommunity.com/games/353190/announcements/detail/914601240475536326