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Патч Cobalt v.126
Скачиваний: 32 Размер: 52.04 Мб
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Рекламные интеграции
- 5 Languages supported! Go to Help&Options, pick settings, and select language
from the drop down. Exit settings and restart game! Keep in mind some strings
that we have added just recently (steam-specific online settings, emotes…) will
still only be available in English, but most of the game is localized!
- Max stealth penalty raised. This will mostly affect very noisy weapons such as
the matter war. - More sloth grips in resupply station 1.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug where you would spawn at the start of a chapter instead of at your
last checkpoint. - Enlarged story computer text sizes on some resolutions.
Shrunk the computer talk bubbles in story. - Missiles and other projected bullet types now work better on client. (less
blowing up yourself after landing with missiles!) - Melee attacks while moving around as client more accurate!
- Crash fix with tamed wasps in story.
- Possible fix for the lights shaking bug. (hard to reproduce!)
- Possible fix for the 0 Volts bug. (hard to reproduce!)
- When using custom classes in Team-Strike, first class price is now correct for
clients. - Fixed enter key not working by default to send text chat in customized
- Скопировать файлы в корень установленной игры (пример: ''D:\Cobalt"), setup.exe, setup-1.bin
- Запустить файл "setup.exe", выбрать нужную папку, и нажать Install(установить), дождаться окончания установки...
- Скопировать все остальные файлы в корень установленной игры(пример ''D:\Cobalt", иначе игра попросту не запустится), запустить и играть.