Патч Dead Rising 3 Update 5


- Addressed an issue which was causing a crash for some players while trying to play co-op

Комментарии: 11
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Полный changelog:

Update 1: - Fixed an issue which caused game progress to not save or load correctly when Steam Cloud is enabled. - Fixed an issue which made it impossible to select native resolutions on some video card / monitor setups. - Fixed an issue which was causing the game to not shut down properly under certain configuration. Update 2: - Fixed a problem which was causing the game to crash after booting for many NVidia Optimus players - Fixed an issue which was causing some NVidia Optimus systems to enumerate video devices incorrectly - Made a change which improves performance and stability for some users Update 3: - Increased the default playback volume of the game. - Added two extra outfits and one car skin: * Ken Masters outfit * Battle-hardened Nick outfit * Custom muscle car skin Update 4: - Fixed an issue which would cause the game to crash on boot for players running the game from a hard drive with a sector size that is different from their C Drive - Fixed an issue which was causing the game to crash in a specific area when playing in Russian. Update 5: - Addressed an issue which was causing a crash for some players while trying to play co-op


мда, эти му*аки так и не пофиксили проседания фпс


Antoxa Zlo Была, но модератор все удалил из архива добавив только сам сетапник. Вот отдельно — http://rghost.ru/58710029


это у меня такая трабл, или у других тоже- Босса убить не могу,прост хр не убавляется, чем-бы не бил. Еще самый первый, что катает на байке, даже когда делаю захват и бью, все равно хр не убавляется


если ты с читами играешь (трейнером ),то выключи бессмертие...


Народ, подскажите как на пиратку правильно ставить. Буду крайне признателен


скажите мне, убрали баг при вылете на загрузке?


FunnyMan1996 на машине надо его давить я так делал


не запускается после ваших обновлений криворуких
