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Патч Europa Universalis 3: Napoleon's Ambition v2.2

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Патч Europa Universalis 3: Napoleon's Ambition v2.2
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Gameplay Balancing

- Decreased technology costs over time with 25%.
- Bankruptcy hit on inflation is now only 1% for each loan and nothing else.
- A one-province state recieving such a shattering disaster as a bankruptcy will now have its culture and religion set to the dominating one in their only province.

- Incoming diplomatic actions are now saved properly.
- You will no longer end up at war together with an enemy due to warnings or guarantees.
- Alliance offers now automatically cancel if you go to war with that nation.
- Vassals can no longer use warnings and guarantees.

- If the target of a succession war is annexed in another war, that war will turn into a normal war the next day.
- Annexing a union overlord now generates a new monarch for the junior partner.
- Annexing a country now converts all constructions to the annexing country.

- Accumulated losses in a battle is now saved in savegames.
- Fixed a problem with cancelled movement of retreating units.
- Troops on a ship moving in and out of a port will not engage in battle.

- Multiple discoveries should not stack in history log now.
- Missionaries are now cheaper but takes longer to convert.
- CoT's can no longer spawn in non-core provinces.

Interface Enhancements

- Fullscreen refresh rate was sometimes set to 0 in settings.
- Changed DirectSound cooperative level from DSSCL_NORMAL to DSSCL_PRIORITY.
- CGraphicsSettings::EnumerateDisplayModes now enumerates possible display modes from 50Hz instead of 60Hz, since the former is used on some laptops.
- Changed the Idea graphics from a strip to separate icons in order to fix a glitch many people with ATI graphics card have reported.

- "primitive" culture groups reverted to tech era 1 unit graphics in era 4 (they now keep using era 3.)
- Fixed a selection bug causing the wrong sound to play.
- Increased the size of the diplomatic dialog, and made more room for the description text.

- Basechance for colonisation success is now displayed correctly.
- Many improvements to the colonist success report dialog.
- Colonial range, trade efficiency and production efficiency should now always be displayed correctly in a tech advance popup.

- The wrong country's monarch title was used for new papal controller message.
- Captured ships are now tallied properly in the naval battle summary.
- You now get popups when sending spies to rebel-controlled territory.
- Fixed a glitch showing an empty province view for a very short time when deselecting a besieged province.

- The overseas modifier tooltips are now only shown when valid.
- Improved the tooltip for discipline in a country.
- Guarantee tooltip on the map in diplomatic mapmode now is showing correctly.
- Fixed the tooltip for colonial range when new naval tech levels are reached (always showed +0).
- Fixed the tooltip for province culture change event effects using THIS.

- Player set column sort order in ledgers is now remembered (but not persistent between sessions).
- The legends (colored lines) in ledger graph were in the completely wrong place.
- Number of colonists in a colony should now be properly sorted in the ledger.

- fixed some spelling errors and typos, and improved support for french and german versioms.

AI Improvements

- Rewrote the economical AI from scratch, to not rely on crutches to never go below zero in gold for maintenance costs.
- Fixed a bug which caused the AI to not recruit leaders if it had alot of money.
- AI will now only build up to 125% of force limits instead of 200%.
- AI no longer cheats on sending colonies, merchants, spies or recruiting merchants.
- AI can now go bankrupt.
- AI now learned to save up money for building buildings if needed.
- AI now reduced maintenance when at peace and not preparing for war.
- AI now values tax-increasing buildings a bit higher when evaluating what to build.
- AI countries would always accept loans offered at 1% interest, that has now changed. AI will now also decline short duration loans, and loans offered by countries it hates.

- The AI will no longer declare war on someones vassal if it is allied with the vassal's liege.
- AI will no longer disband regiments in an area with fronts, or if land maintenance is not the real issue.
- Expansion AI will stop colonizing if loan interest reaches 1/3 of the total monthly income.
- Fixed the vassalization peace cost evaluation for the AI. (ie, it wont no longer view it as a whitepeace)
- Alleviated AI open market request spam.

- The military AI got a severe workover, with lots of functionality improved.
- AI now properly understands that rebels are enemies, and will attack them if they have a chance to win.
- AI is now a bit more optimal in creating armies.
- Units assigned to front Ai should no longer get stuck.
- Tweaked evaluation formulas for determening best armies to attack with.
- Fixed a few glitches in the AI when sieges occupied forts on its own territory would cause it to break down.
- Improved recklessness checks in front AI to be more aggressive against besieging forces.
- When assigned to a front AI, units moving in the wrong direction will cancel movement.
- AI will no longer split its armies to sort out low morale regiments during sieges.
- Fixed some issues where the front AI viewed human units as empty.
- Added move cache and checks to the front AI.
- Front will now synchronize (initial) attacks from multiple directions like in HoI2.
- Increased acceptable attacks odds for front.
- Added river crossing check to front odds calculations.
- The AI will now withdraw from hopeless land battles (if it can).

- Naval AI now takes account of ship hull size, damage and morale (in addition to number of cannons) when judging its own and enemy fleet power.
- Naval AI is now very careful about moving ships out of harbor if there is an enemy fleet blockading.
- Invasion AI was completely blind to human enemy forces, and should no longer be that. (ie, human armies are NOT size 0 always!)
- Fixed a bug in the transport AI that would not properly move inland armies to the coast and then transport them from there.
- Fixed a problem with stuck AI fleets. It was trying to move fleets multiple times, thus resetting movement.
- Naval AI should be more obsessive about annihilating the enemy navy before forming blockade fleets.
- Transport AI fleets will now correctly finish loading troops before moving.
- Rewrote large parts of the Transport and Invasion AIs. Dramatic improvements should be apparent.


- Tweaked the history of Ferghana
- Extended union and alliance between GBR and HAN
- Government changes in the late history for the Netherlands.
- Changed the map color of Tirol to distinguish it from Austria.
- Tweaked historical ideas for Ming and Manchu.
- Added some forts in South-East Asia.
- Fixed the port roration in tauisk.

- Fixed bug in EVENTDESC6100
- Event 1075 no longer lets you build manufactories in colonies.
- Reduced spamming of events 3075, 3076 and 5062 in large empires.
- Added cores to Persian nation forming event 1008.

Комментарии: 2
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