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Патч God Mode Update 1

Файл проверен модерацией и является безопасным. Антивирусы иногда воспринимают безвредные файлы как вирус - модераторы перепроверяют вручную такие файлы.
Патч God Mode Update 1
Скачиваний: 233   Размер: 729.89 Мб
C авторизацией
Без задержек
Без дополнительной рекламы
Бонусное вознаграждение
Без авторизации
Задержка скачивания 60 секунд
Рекламные интеграции

Первое обновление игры.

•Desynchronization: Network optimizations were made to stop the desync issue during games which also led to non-progressions.

•FPS Cap: The FPS cap can now be removed via the game.cfg file. Add the option "LockFps = 0" under the Video section. Note that removing the FPS cap may cause issues depending on system configuration and network quality.

•Disable voice chat option: You can now disable all incoming sounds via the options while still having the ability to chat via Push to talk.

•Push to talk voice chat: To enable chat while in-game, parties or a menu press the ` (tilde) button (can be reconfigured).

•Minigun ammo clip upgrade: Fixed the issue where users were not seeing the clip properly upgraded.

•Graceful error handling: Better message boxes and debug text appear when issues occur to give developers better visibility.

•Crash at Voting Screen: A fix was made to the crash that occurred while voting for a map.

•Crash when connection to Steam is lost: Launching the game when Steam is offline will launch into LAN mode instead of crashing.

•Alt+Tab Crash: Fix to the crash when users Alt+Tab out of the game.

•Overall game stability: Optimizations were made increase game stability.

•God Mode Executable compatibility: Steam DRM has been altered from Standard to Compatibility. This change will help users experiencing crashes while booting the game.

•Memory Allocation Fix: Optimizations were made to game memory allocation.

Note: We recommend players install the patch before launching God Mode. Not installing the patch could lead to connection compatibility issues.

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