Набор разных модмейкерских программ, редакторы карт, моделей, архивов для homeworld 1, 2
These are tools that I have collected from across the internet. There are still more out there but this should enable the
end user to modify all three Homeworld games in most aspects. I made none of these tools, only packaged them
together to promote Homeworld modding. Most programs have documentation and are of the newest release I know of.
Additional documentation or newer versions for any program would be appreciated if anyone knows of them. Also if
there are other, good, free, programs to mod this series of games that I am unaware of please let me know.
HW1-2 - 3D Exploration 1.5.3 - converts .peo files to .obj and a host of other 3D conversions and tasks
HW1-2 - HWSE.v2.02b hod - Allows viewing of HW1 & HWC models, this is the newest version I know of.
* Sometimes it is necessary to end the process in task manager after closing the window
HW1-2 - Metasequoia LE 2.3b2 - 3D modeler Although there are newer versions this is the last freeware that I found
* Save files as .x to save material points on mesh before opening with 3D Exploration
to save as an .obj
HW1 - BIG - I never used this program
HW1 - BigViewer 2.0 - HW1 .big archive extractor
HW1 - BigViewer 3.0 - HW1 .big archive extractor
HW1 - BTG - a .btg background editor
HW1 - GEO Specifications - for the 3D model format .geo
HW1 - Homeworld 1 Dedicated Server - I never used this program
HW1 - HWSE 1.41.00 - Allows viewing of HW1 & HWC models
HW1 - HWSE 1.41.02 - Allows viewing of HW1 & HWC models
HW1 - HWShipEditor 1.41.install.+update.b2 - Full packages of above versions
HW1 - Lif2Psd - Converts the Layered Image Format textures to Photoshop .psd files with team and stripe layers
HW1 - LifList - I never used this program
HW1 - MEX Edit - for editing MEX files
HW1 - Relic - AIFR Encoder - Audio Converter
HW1 - Spookysoft - LL viewer 2.00 - I never used this program
HW1 - Turret Tools - A set of tools for turret manipulation
HW1 - WavefrontConverterII - Turns multi-object 3D model files and converts them to one object
HW1 - winbig - Homeworld 1 archive tool
HW1 - winbigw - Homeworld 1 & Cataclysm archive tool
HW2 - 4E534B - BTG2BGHODConv - Converts HW1 .btg files to HW2 background .hods
HW2 - 4E534B - CFHodEd 3.2.0 Tangent - Newest version of CFHodEd I could find with Tangent calculator
HW2 - 4E534B - CFHodEdit 3.1.5 - The best Homeworld2 .hod editor/creator with manual
HW2 - 4E534B - CFLuaDC - Decompiles HW2 lua script files - I do not know if it compiles scripts as well
HW2 - 4E534B - HW2BGBuilder - Builds a HW2 background .hod from a .tga file
HW2 - 4E534B - MADEd - Mad animation editor with manual
HW2 - 4E534B - msHODExporter - Milkshape .hod exporter plugin
HW2 - ArcivPretty v1.12 - I never used this program
HW2 - DDS Converter 2 - Converts many graphics types into .dds file format
HW2 - Function Reference v05[1].08.10 - A nice reference to HW2 functions & abilities for ships & weapons & more
HW2 - HardEd - HW2 HOD Edit - a .hod file editor
HW2 - HOD Subsets - a group of spreadsheets that contain info about the default HW2 .hods
HW2 - Homeworld2 Map Editor 1.2 - a decent map making program
HW2 - HW1 to HW2 - Map Converter - the name says it all
HW2 - HW2 Weapon Script Editor - I never used this program
HW2 - HW2.HOD.Reporter.v5.2 - Can create background .hods
HW2 - hw2mt - Musicconvertor
HW2 - InternalMissionEd - I never used these scripts
HW2 - Lathe Of Sajuuk 109 - Level Creator - A nice looking large scale Level Creator has a manual
HW2 - Level Proof Reader
HW2 - MissionBoySE - HW2 level creator/editor
HW2 - NVidia dds plugin - allows photoshop to open, edit, save .dds files
HW2 - PrettyPrinter v1.27 - lua script decompiler
HW2 - Relic Developers Network Tools - Original Relic Tool Kit
HW2 - Relic Developers Network Tools Update - Update kit
HW2 - SCAR HTMLHelp - reference material for SCAR
HW2 - Spookysoft - Hod Tool - hod tool
HW2 - Spookysoft - HW2ICArchive - archive tool
HW2 - Spookysoft - ROTTool - converts .tga files to .rot files
HW2 - Spookysoft - ROTTool - converts .tga files to .rot files
HW2 - ThoughtDump v1.23 - I never used this program
HW2 - unfBig 1.4.1 - an excellent HW2 .big archive file creator/extractor
HW2 - unfHardEd11+ - I never used this program
Homeworld "Universe Mod Tools "
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Homeworld "Universe Mod Tools "
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