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Obduction "Soundtrack(MP3)"

About: The original soundtrack for Obdution by Robyn Miller, the author of the award-winning music for Myst and Riven.

Track Listing:
1. Not Worth the Wistful Sentimentality of this Moment
2. The Rabbit Hole
3. Welcome Music
4. A Man Who Grossly Overvalues His Own Importance
5. Caroline Farley I
6. Completing Your Task
7. Politics as Usual
8. The Space Between Worlds I
9. Alone at this Point
10. Mutated Clockwork
11. Machine Step
12. Hive
13. History Lesson
14. Iron Altitude High
15. From the Innocent Earth
16. Stepping Over Bones
17. W.M.D.
18. Always Ignore the Damage You've Done
19. Who Will Stand at Our Graves
20. The Space Between Worlds II
21. Village Noise
22. Caroline Farley II
23. Big Fish
24. Adreneline Junky
25. You Paid for this View
26. You Lost, Bitch
27. Diaspora
28. Post Game Tristesse

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