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Paradise 1.1.1 US

Файл проверен модерацией и является безопасным. Антивирусы иногда воспринимают безвредные файлы как вирус - модераторы перепроверяют вручную такие файлы.
Paradise 1.1.1 US
Скачиваний: 2 680   Размер: 11.87 Мб
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Задержка скачивания 60 секунд
Рекламные интеграции

Патч 1.1.1 для Paradise вносит в игру следующие изменения:
- Installation

To install the Paradise 1.1.1 update simply double-click on the patch to launch the installation process and follow the on-screen instructions.

- Corrections

The following is a list of issues that are addressed in this patch:

- Blocking issue while fishing in the baobab trees for certain Geforce MX users.
- Loosing control of the character (Ann): left and right click not operating anymore in some specific cases.
- Slow mouse tracking issue has been addressed. It may still be present on computers running on a minimum configuration. We recommend turning off the "Animated cursor" option.
- Blocking issue while crossing the sand foxes.
- Game occasionally stopping while playing non-interactive sequences.
- Conversation problem while talking to secondary Molgrave characters.
- Two in game movies which failed to launch on certain computer configurations has been fixed.
- Saving issue that could lead to invisible character while loading a game.
- A few logic issues in dialogs have been fixed.
- Two movies where not watchable from the cinematic player.
- Few in-game documents where not readable in other places that the one where you found them.
- Few other minor problems...

- Added in the game

- "Animated Cursor" option added to get a better mouse response.
- Improvement of the main character control, movement is more responsive to mouse commands.

Комментарии: 1
Ваш комментарий

что происходит Я качаю файл а он обрываеться на средине