All Rights Reserved © Copyright 2003 fIreSpHere.
This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced in any
way, shape or form (physical, electronical, or otherwise). This FAQ cannot be
used for profitable purposes or promotional purposes. Plagiarism is also
Version History:
0.1 : Beginning of my first FAQ (22nd May 2003)
0.2 : Added rare resources and made some correction (2nd June 2003)
Table of Content
1.0 Author's Note
2.0 Controls
3.0 Game Types
4.0 Races & their Specialty
5.0 Technologies
6.0 Wonders
7.0 Units
7.1 General
7.2 Spy
7.3 Commando / Special Forces
8.0 Rare Resources
9.0 Strategies
10.0 Hints and Tips
11.0 Credits
This is my first FAQ so I hope any readers that has any comments or
suggestions please let me know. You can email me through the email address
written on top. I'm kind of stuck here :(
Control of this game is just almost the same as any recent Strategy games.
I will list only a few command(default).
Attack Move:
Clicking on the Attack button or hit A then click anyway on screen or map will
order your units to move to the area you wish and will attack any enemy
insight. Peasants will only move the the area without attacking any enemy
Beware, Don't do attack move while your units are fighting because they
will move a few steps before they resume fighting. This is not what you want.
Selecting Unit(s):
all of the same units on screen.
is some exception. If there are military units and peasants in your selected
square area, only military units will be selected (scout included).
use to select two or more groups of units by holding shift while double
clicking on a unit or hitting the group number you want.
For example, F1 is a group of Archer while F2 is a group of Light Cavalry.
After hitting F1, shift button is held down while you hit F2, both Archer
and Light Cavalry is now selected.
Grouping Units:
17 groups can be made and 1 single unit can appear in all 17 groups. Once you
have selected the unit(s) you want, press CTRL+(any number from 1-9 or F1-F8).
Deselect unit(s) in a group:
You can deselect units that you don't want to include in a group by holding
CTRL then click on unwanted unit(s) on screen or their potrait on the lower
Zooming in & out:
Using scroll mouse will be the most convinient method that is by scroll up to
zoom out or scroll down to zoom in. If you don't have a scroll mouse or your
scroll won't work, hit Page Up to zoom out or Page Down to zoon in.
Learn How to Play:
A fast effective way to learn almost everything from this option. Once you
have completed every scenario, all you need is to get use to the commands,
buildings, units, technologies, research, resources and the map. I strongly
suggest new player that knows nothing about Rise of Nations should go through
this toturial first.
Solo Game : Quick Battle
Battle against computer(s) in various type of battle and rules.
If you pick Offensive random you'll end up with either:
Aztec, Bantu, French, Germans, Japanese, Mongols, Roman, Turks
If you pick Defensive random you'll end up with either:
British, Chinese, Egyptians, Germans, Greeks, Inca, Koreans, Nubians, Spanish
If you pick Economic random you'll end up with either:
Chinese, Koreans, Maya, Russian
Solo Game : Conquer The World Map
Conquer the World from 17 other opposing nations.
Identical with Quick Battle. Only differences is that you are able to play
with your friends.
AZTECS - The Power of Sacrifice
1. Gain 15 bonus resources per Age when their Barracks, Stable, and Docks
units slay an enemy (max 60).
2. Plunder increased from enemy buildings increase 100%.
3. Receive free Light Infantry units with each new Barracks (1 at the start,
2 with Classical Age & Military technologies, 3 with Gunpowder Age & 3
Military technologies).
->Fast, cheap, and short-ranged. Quicker and tougher than Slingers.
->Fast, cheap, and short-ranged. Quicker and tougher than Javelineers.
->Fast, cheap, and short-ranged. Quicker and tougher than Elite Javelineers.
->Faster and with a stronger attack than ordinary Modern Infantry.
->Faster and with a stronger attack than ordinary Modern Infantry.
The best way of playing this nation is to keep on attacking. Never hestitate
to build a new Barracks 1st near your battleground to increase your rate of
reinforcement. If you think you can capture or you are not ready to attack
you enemy's City, Get some seige units to destroy whatever buildings in sight.
BANTU - The Power of Migration
1. Increased 1 city limit(require at least 1 Civic technologies) and cities
cost reduce 75%.
2. 100% Population Limit, may exceed 25%.
3. Unit upgrades do not require prerequisite Military technologies.
3. Barracks units and Citizens move faster by 25%.
->Fast, cheap, and short-ranged. Slightly stronger than Slingers; faster to
->Fast, cheap, and short-ranged. Slightly stronger than Elite Javelineers;
faster to create.
->Fast, cheap, and short-ranged. Quicker and more accurate than Elite
->More powerful against enemy aircraft and ground troops than normal
->More powerful against enemy aircraft and ground troops than normal Jet
All of the special powers are very useful and can gain a big advantage if used
properly. A race that has the advantage to expand fast in the beginning of Age
and can defend quite well with a group of slinger backing a few spearman.
BRITISH - The Power of Empire
1. Increased Commerce Limit +25%. Receive double income from Taxation.
2. Ships created 33% faster.
3. Foot Archer upgrades are free. Forts and Towers have additional +2 range.
4. Anti-Aircraft units and buildings created 25% cheaper and 33% faster.
-LONGBOW - Foot Archer, Classical Age (II)
->Medium-ranged foot infantry with little armor; cheaper than Archers, more
effective against enemy Heavy Infantry.
->Medium-ranged foot infantry with little armor; cheaper than Crossbowmen,
more effective against enemy Heavy Infantry.
->Long-ranged, cheap foot infantry with little armor; extremely effective
against enemy Heavy Infantry.
->Particularly effective against all forms of enemy infantry.
->Particularly effective against all forms of enemy infantry.
->More powerful against enemy cities and buildings than normal Bomber;
somewhat inaccurate.
CHINESE - The Power of Culture
1. Science research at the Library is 25% cheaper.
2. Herbal Lore, Medicine, and Pharmaceutical upgrades are free.
3. Citizens, Caravans, and Merchants created instantly.
4. All Cities start as a Large City.
->liest gunpowder unit; moves slowly, but effective against Heavy Infantry.
->Early gunpowder weapons with significant range; better range than ordinary
Gunpowder Infantry.
->Musketeers with excellent range and speed; they are also cheap and quick
to create.
->Rapid fire, small arms with excellent firepower; fast and cheap to create.
->Rapid fire, small arms with excellent firepower; fast and cheap to create.
EGYPTIANS - The Power of Nile
1. Wonders cost 25% less, can be built an Age earlier, and may build 2 per
2. Start with a Granary, and all Granary Food-gathering upgrades are free.
3. Farms generate additional +2 Wealth, and 7 Farms allowed per City.
4. Increased Food Commerce Limit +10%
->Fast, ranged cavalry who can fire even while moving; particularly
effective against all other Ranged Cavalry.
->Fast, ranged cavalry who can fire even while moving; particularly
effective against all other Ranged Cavalry.
->Excellent gunpowder-armed raiders who can fire while moving.
->Excellent gunpowder-armed raiders who can fire while moving.
->Effective as scouts, and against enemy raiders, siege weapons, and mounted
->Effective as scouts, and against enemy raiders, siege weapons, and mounted
->Effective as scouts, and against enemy raiders, siege weapons, and mounted
FRENCH - The Power of Leadership
1. Start with a Lumber Mill and receive all Timber-gathering upgrades free.
Woodcutter's Camps hold more Citizens +2. Increased Timber Commerce Limit
2. Siege Factory/Factory units are created 25% cheaper and 50% faster and move
3. Supply Wagons heal units. Receive a free Supply Wagon with each new Siege
4. Receive a General with each new Fort.
->Powerful, armored, shock melee units; stronger, tougher, and faster than
ordinary Heavy Cavalry.
->Powerful, armored, shock melee units; stronger, tougher, and faster than
ordinary Heavy Cavalry.
->Powerful, armored, shock melee units; stronger, tougher, and faster than
ordinary Heavy Cavalry.
->Powerful, armored, shock melee units; stronger, tougher, and faster than
ordinary Heavy Cavalry.
GERMANS - The Power of Industry
1. Granary, Lumber Mill, and Smelter upgrades are 50% cheaper and available
2. Cities gather +5 Food, Timber, and Metal. Building completion bonuses 50%.
3. Submarines and Fireships created 33% faster and 25% cheaper.
4. Aircraft created 33% faster. Receive 2 free Fighters with each new Airbase.
->Powerful, slow melee units; tougher and faster to build than normal
->Powerful, slow melee units; tougher and faster to build than normal
->Powerful, slow melee units; tougher and faster to build than normal
->Powerful, slow melee units; tougher and faster to build than normal Elite
->Moves slowly; devastating against enemy foot troops.
->Fast, powerful, rapid-firing foot troops; slightly tougher and faster than
normal Infantry.
->Armored and substantially more powerful than ordinary Tanks.
->Heavily armored and substantially more powerful than ordinary Tanks.
A very strong nation that highly benefit from Special Power and Special Units
throughout every age. A nation build solely for war.
GREEKS - The Power of Philosophy
1. Library research is 100% faster and costs 10% less (except Knowledge
2. Libraries and Universities are 50% cheaper.
3. Can immediately build Universities and gather Knowledge from the beginning
of the game.
->Powerful, armored, shock melee units. Faster than normal Heavy Cavalry.
->Powerful, armored, shock melee units. Faster than normal Heavy Cavalry.
->Powerful, armored, shock melee units. Faster than normal Heavy Cavalry.
->Powerful, armored, shock melee units. Faster than normal Heavy Cavalry.
INCA - The Power of Gold
1. Mines produce Wealth as well as Metal.
2. Increased Wealth Commerce Limit +33%.
3. Receive a 25% refund for each of your units killed.
->Fast, cheap melee troops effective against enemy mounted troops.
->Fast, cheap melee troops effective against enemy mounted troops.
->Expensive and slow-moving; particularly effective at long range against
enemy buildings and foot troops.
->Expensive and slow-moving; particularly effective at long range against
enemy buildings and foot troops.
JAPANESE - The Power of Honor
1. Barracks units created 10% faster and 7% cheaper.
2. Barracks units do 5% extra damage vs. buildings for each Age plus Military
3. Ships created 10% cheaper and Aircraft carriers created 33% faster.
4. Farms built cheaper 50%. Farms and Fishermen produce additional 25%
->Powerful, slow melee units; stronger and tougher than normal Hoplites.
->Powerful, slow melee units; stronger and tougher than normal Phalanx.
->Powerful, slow melee units; stronger and tougher than normal Pikemen.
->Powerful, slow melee units; stronger and tougher than normal Elite Pikemen.
->Medium-ranged foot infantry with little armor; stronger, tougher than
normal Archers.
->Medium-ranged foot infantry with little armor; stronger, tougher than
normal Crossbowmen.
->Medium-ranged foot infantry with little armor; stronger, tougher than all
normal bow-armed units.
->Expensive and slow; more effective against enemy buildings than Catapult.
->Expensive and slow; more effective against enemy buildings than Trebuchet.
MAYA - The Power of Architecture
1. Cities, Towers, Forts, etc. fire extra arrows/bullets - including Cities
without garrisons.
2. Buildings constructed 50% faster and are 50% stronger.
3. Buildings (except Wonders) cost less 33% Timber to construct.
->Fast, cheap, and short-ranged. Extremely effective against enemy light
->Fast, cheap, and short-ranged. Extremely effective against enemy light
->Fast, cheap, and short-ranged. Extremely effective against enemy light
->Particularly effective against all types of vehicles.
->Particularly effective against all types of vehicles.
MONGOLS - The Power of Horde
1. Receive free Ranged Cavalry with each new Stable/Auto Plant (1 at start,
3 with two Military Research).
2. Mounted units created 10% cheaper and 20% faster.
3. Receive +1 Food for each 1% world landmass controlled (times half the
number of nations).
4. Attrition damage to your units reduced by 50%. Receive Forage, Supply and
Logistics technologies free at the Smelter.
->Fast, ranged cavalry who can fire even while moving; they are particularly
effective against enemy Light Infantry.
->Fast, ranged cavalry who can fire even while moving; they are particularly
effective against enemy Light Infantry.
->Fast, gunpowder-armed cavalry who can fire even while moving; effective
against enemy Light Infantry and Musket Infantry.
->Entrenches Barracks units near the General.
->Entrenched units are protected from much of the damage they recieve from
enemies in front of them (flanking damage is unaffected) and from splash
damage regardless of direction.
->Create phantoms decoy units who look and behave just like real units to
your enemies, but cause no damage when they attack. Use them to fool and
distract your enemies.
->Allow a General and all your units nearby to become temporarily invisible
to enemy forces.
7.2 Spy
->Destroy enemy spies.
->Remove informers your enemy has placed among your buildings and units.
->When an enemy unit or building becomes your informer:
- You can see what is inside (eg. what is being build in barracks)
- You can see everything that the unit or building can see.
->Once you bribe an enemy unit it become yours
->Spies must stand adjacent to enemy siege and artillery units to bribe them.
->Spies cannot bribe non-combat units (eg. Citizens, Scholars, Merchants,
7.3 Commando / Special Forces
->Destroy enemy spies.
->Remove informers your enemy has placed among your buildings and units.
->Kills an enemy unit or destroys an enmy vehicle
->Cannot be used to assasinate civilian units (eg. Citizens, Scholars,
Merchants, Caravans). Generals and Supply Wagon are considerable fair game,
->Severely damages an enemy building.
8.0 Rare Resources
Rare resources benefit can be earn by sending a merchant over to the resources
on land but for sea you'll need a fisherman's boat. Sea's rare resources
doens't look rare to me because there are plenty of them on map with vast sea
Land Rare Resources
*Aluminium: +20 Metal, +20 Oil
Aircraft costs reduced by 15% / speed increased by 25%
Amber: +10 Wood, +10 Gold
Market sell prices +10 and buy prices -10
Bison: +20 Food
Granary research costs reduced by 33%
Citrus: +10 Food, +10 Wood
Ships at sea heal automatically
Coal: +15 Knowledge, +15 Metal
Reduces all Timber costs by 25%
Copper: +30 Metal
Factory and Dock units receive +20% hit points
Cotton: +20 Wood
Barrackks, Stables, and Dock production times reduced by 25%
Diamonds: +20 Gold
Raises Commerce limit by 10%
Dye: +10 Food, +10 Knowledge
Cost of Civic research reduced by 25%
Furs: +10 Food, +10 Metal
Cost of Military reduce by 25%
Gems: +10 Gold, +10 Knowledge
National Borders +2
Horses: +15 Food, +15 Metal
Cost of Stable units reduced by 15%
Marble: +10 Food, +10 Metal
Cost to build Wonders reduced by 10%
Obsidian: +10 Knowledge, +10 Metal
Archers, Towers, Forts, and Cities qain +1 attack
Parypus: +10 Wood, +10 Knowledge
Cost of Science research reduced by 25%
Peacocks: +15 Gold, +15 Metal
+10% population limit
Relics: +20 Knowledge
Reduces research and upgrade times by 33%
*Rubber: +20 Wood, +20 Oil
Cost of Auto Plant units reduced by 15%
Salt: +10 Wood, +10 Metal
Cost of Commerce research reduced by 25%
Silk: +10 Wood, +10 Gold
Cost of Commerce research reduced by 25%
Silver: +10 Gold, +10 Metal
Age advancement cost reduced by 15%
Spice: +10 Food, +10 Knowledge
Caravan income increased by 20%
Sugar: +10 Food, +10 Wood
Reduces all Food costs by 10%
Sulphur: +15 Gold, +15 Metal
Cost of Siege/Artillery units reduced by 20%
*Titanium: +20 Food, +20 Oil
Attrition in enemy territory reduced by 50%
Tobacco: +10 Gold, +10 Knowledge
Citizens construct buildings and wonders 10% faster
*Uranium: +20 Knowledge, +20 Oil
Nuclear missiles 10% faster and 5% cheaper
Wine: +10 Food, +10 Knowledge
Cost of units upgrades reduced by 20%
Wool: +10 Wood, +10 Knowledge
Citizens produce 33% faster and 15% cheaper
Note: Those resources with * in front indicate it only appear in late ages but
I've no luck when it is. By next update, I should have the answer.
Sea Rare Resources
Fish: +10 Food, +10 Gold
Whales: +10 Food, +10 Metal
Increases sailing ship speed by 20%
My strat is goes according to my style so it won't be easy to follow each
step. I've beat the toughest AI with this strat but not always successful.
Some people might time that 21 turns are not enough to conquer the whole world
but I'm positive that it's possible because I've conquered the world map 18
turns that is the 1st turn of Information Age. Tough difficulty not toughest,
will try :)
1. Expand to as many unoccupy land as possible but plan and choose where you
should occupy 1st in order to get the most Supply Center, Rare Resources
and even cards!!!
2. Use your battle cards wisely, never use on battle that you think that is
against only 1 enemy especially on City size 1-4. Not worth it.
3. Try to make overrun attack whenever possible.
4. Conquer as many nation as possible before reaching Industrial Age. It's
harder to take over a high numbered City while you need to gather so many
types of resources.
5. Always target enemy's Capital. This is the key to success.
Survival of Fittest
Using Japanese/German against 1 Toughest AI
1. Move 2 peasants from Woodcutter's Camp to build 2 Farms. Train 3 peasants
and research Military technology. Scout explore.
2. First 2 peasants from City to Timber, last build a Barracks near City.
3. Once Barracks done, peasants will automatically move to Woodcutter's Camp.
Train 4 Ashigaru Spearmen then 1 Slinger.
4. Start attacking with 4 Ashigaru Spearmen and 1 slinger.
5. Research Science then Civic. Train 3 peasants.
6. 1 peasant build a new City, the other 2 peasants build a Tower.
7. Once new City done build Woodcutter's Camp. Research Attrition damage once
Tower is done. Research Classical Age.
8. Build Mine once Classical Age research done. And keep on pumping a
considerable amount of peasants to occupy Woodcutter's Camp and Mine.
Upgrade Ashigaru Spearmen to Bashi. Build a University.
9. Build farm, market and research Commerce. Build another university.
10. Train some Bashi, few Slingers, and 1-2 archer. Move 1 peasant to repair
assimilating City.
11. Build Stable, Granary, Ore Refinery and another Tower near new City.
12. Build more farms and keep on training spearman, slinger and horsie +
upgrade whenever possible.
13. Build Siege Factory whenever possible incase enemy successfully build a
You must know how to manage your army properly and don't give enemy a chance
to build a tower. If they have army coming out of their Barracks, move all
army to kill them 1st. Garrisoned City is not a threat due to their low
damage. If the first group of army died before they are able to capture a
City, don't move only 1 or few units as reinforcement or to continue their
attacks, make a large group before attacking. After several experiment, I've
concluded that you can only beat 1 toughest AI with this strat in Arena map
size. The key of this strat is capture the Capital 1st then slaughter those
peasants especially those building Barracks or Towers.
#I've master this strat and I'm able to beat toughest AI in 7mins time that
is before I'm able to research Attrition Damage.
There are many points that I've learn from experience and experimenting:-
1. City's attack rate and damage will always be the same no matter how many
peasants or foot units is garrisoned in it.
2. Slingers and Archer are both ranged unit but 2 Slingers is needed in a
Tower or Fort to do 1 Archer's work.
3. Don't pile up resources for no reason. Use all of it to train army,
research, or build buildings if possible.
4. Building an Ore Smelter in an area of City that has no Mine is useless.
It's the same with Granary and Lumber Mill but Oil Refinery's affect all of
your oil resources.
5. Build new City near resources so you can later build resource enhancement
building to benefit you resource gather rate. Resource building must be in
the economic radius circle in order to gain this benefit.
6. Oil Refinery's effect do stack so build a few to maximize your Oil income.
For example, 1 Oil Refinery increase 33% Oil production rate while 2 will
increase 66% and so on.
7. Try to upgrade your military units according to age in order to get the
maximum potential. Try to overcome enemy's with better military. For
example, Medieval units can kill Classical units easier.
8. Do not forget Air Defences once you enemy reach Industrial Age. One Air
Defence is not enough so build as many as possible. Air defences are cheap
and can be constructed fast.
9. Siege Units are extremely useful. They can layer buildings extremle fast
from a far distance. It's not effective to use against enemy units but
there is some exception. eg. Rocket Artillery can destroy tank easily and
can take quite a large chunk of damage.
10. Your siege units splash damage will affect your on units.
11. Try to build City near mountain and trees.
12. Use pause button (P) in solo game whenever you need it or when you want to
search for a strategic location to build City or buildings.
13. Spies and Generals are extremely useful. They can turn the tide of a
battle to your favor if used properly. At least 2 generals and 4 spies
are advisable as support units in battle.
14. Mass Bomber and Air Fighter is one of the easiest way to win a battle or
to destroy a massive amount of buildings and weakening ground units.
to be continue....
Thanks to:
-CJayC for hosting such a great site
-You for reading this
-Those who will send me comments and suggestion
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