Как многие игроки, хотя бы немного знающие английский, успели заметить, в процессе загрузки игры случайным образом выдаются забавные сообщения от разработчиков, компании Ascaron. В этой статье мы собрали полную коллекцию всех записей, а также благодаря сайту www.sacredwiki.org, мы выяснили, что среди случайных сообщений закрались некоторые строчки из коротких поэм.
Случайные сообщения при загрузке игры:
- Even if you're eaten by a dragon, you still have two ways out.
- I know what you did last summer...
- Please wait... Loading T-Energy...
- Positioning GPS satellites... please stand by...
- The volume goes to eleven!
- The game will start when it is ready and not before!
- You are the weakest link, goodbye!
- Remember Sacred1 bug #4624...
- Guru meditation...
- /* You are not expected to understand this */
- Computer load this, computer load that, never a thank you... Rude gamers!
- Now that's what I call a dead parrot
- Loading errors, please wait...
- Reset your char to level 1. There are too many high-level chars online...
- Your soundcard sucks, disabling sound forever...
- Meditating on the meaning of life...
- Relax, it's only ones and zeros!
- Planet 'Bob'?! Can't we just call it 'Earth'?
- No, this is not a silly message.
- We're not mental or anything, so don't be afraid...
- Welcome to Sacred2 30-days trial... hehe... Just kidding!
- I still know what you did last summer...
- How sweet to be an idiot...
- I don't have time to bleed!
- Please stand by for an important announcement.
- Cut off his head, I need another ashtray... (комикс "The Order of the Stick"?)
- Your computer is running... You better go chase it.
- That'll do pig. That'll do.
- I hate cold ashtrays... (комикс "The Order of the Stick"?)
- Kiss me, I'm an enchanted cactus!
- I don't need no teenage queen, I just want my seraphim!
- Loooooooaaaaading...
- Searching for adult filter...
- Help! Your keyboard is stuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...
- Drawing beards onto your photographs...
- Did you know that by reading this message you have wasted 5 seconds of your life?
- Press any key... No! Not that one!
- The 'No dieing' sign is now on... Please plan accordingly...
- Do not include , use instead!
- 97 bottles of beer... Aaah, you know the rest...
- To the Petercopter!
- PI is exactly 3!
- Freedom for wolves, ban the shepherds!
- Reverting to Sacred1...
- Refilling wyvern pass water bottle... (Основной квест первой части игры Sacred, запомнившийся всем багнутостью, из-за которой невозможно было пройти игру...)
- Your computer is now an official part of our world domination plan. Thank you!
- Awaiting starting bribe...
- So long, and thanks for all the goblins...
- There's nothing to see here, go ahead...
- Funny bugreport #13882: Missing effects after stroking down the wand! (Это один из настоящих баг-репортов из альфа/бета версии?)
- Evaluation of capabilities indicates a distinct tactical deficiency.
- I don't care what you did last summer!
- Ohh... I am loading too slowly? Ok, next time you'll load it yourself!
- Ere I am J.H.
- We're against individual mounts! Signed: the horses of Ancaria.
- Load 'Sacred2',8,1...
- Searching for available information on dragons - Connecting to Wikipedia...
- Roses are red, violets are blue, this message could rhyme, but it doesn't...
- All the doors in Ancaria have been programmed to have a cheery disposition. (Цитата из книги "Автостопом по Галактике", автора Douglas Adams)
- Warning: Don't try this at home!
- Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
- Checking hard disk capacity... Sorry, disk is full!
- Searching for saved game... Not found. Restaring game...
- Let's play tic-tac-toe instead, I'll be X...
- Coffee missing. Insert cup and press any key
- Loading sprite #546859467... Please wait...
- Oh my God!
- Clicking the mouse will not make the game load faster!
- Looting your fridge...
- Cut the strings and fly away...
- GETRANDOMNUMBER: RETURN 4; // Chosen by fair dice roll, guaranteed to be random (www.xkcd.com/221/)
- Funny bugreport #19910: A dagger is called 'Dirk'. (Это один из настоящих баг-репортов из альфа/бета версии?)
- Knowledge is a weapon... I intend to be formidably armed.
- Cannot translate silly message into english...
- Downloading new silly messages...
- Blame Canada!
- I can't get no... Bug infection...
- Press Ctrl + Alt + F4 now for an IQ test.
- Press any key to continue or other key to quit...
- Guessing user age... Setting Blood level to Toddler!
- Is this a sword in your hand? No it's just a carrot...
- We apologize for the fault in the loading screen. The responsible parties have been sacked.
- Scanning mail folder... Empty... Not even spam mail!
- I am a cute computer... Really!
- When you are leaving, please close the door behind you.
- There is no gas for the chainsaw!
- Idea for a messagebox: 'This frame was properly rendered'
- I wish I had a tent with a behaviour...
- Equipping armor
- You did not call in sick just to play this game, now did you?
- Oh, you again?
- If you're gonna ride, ride in style!
- Reanimating dead monsters...
- Canceling your wedding - you're note suited for each other...
- Wait, your seraphim just broke a fingernail! Call an ambulance!
- This line intentionally left blank.
- Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et a beer.
- The way to the hidden Mordor area is in the seraphim library. (Заведомо ложная пасхалка из первой части Sacred)
- Yellow wizard is about to die.
- As a Computer I find your faith in Technology.......Amusing.
- Wrong CD Key...This game will now be locked on this computer for ever.
- Belial's minions grow stronger.
- Your computer is your friend....Trust the Computer...
- Wasting some time...
- Counting to Infinity......Please wait...
- Removing your equipment...
- This is not a drill. This is the Apocalypse. Please stay calm and exit the building.
- Why can't you name a planet 'Bob'?
- Tuning guitars for Blind Guardian... sh*t, broke a string...
- Its not a bug but a feature.
- Don't waste your time looking at the boobs, just hit the frigging monster!
- Video ram too small, switching to grid display...
- I'm here to lead, not to bleed!
- Don't create multiple posting, use the edit button!
- Only sissy coders need to optimize their code!
- Life? Don't talk to me about life!
- Funny bugreport #7753: A highelf who is playing with the ball is needed... (Это один из настоящих баг-репортов из альфа/бета версии?)
- Today's special: 2 for 1 at the Dragons' breath in.
- Press Alt+F4 for secret weapon.
- War... War never changes...
- The llama isn't real.
- If you don't stop staring at this message, I'll stop loading!
- Loading 3D buffer... Not that one! Character modeling error - Do you mind bearded Seraphims?
- Character modeling error - Do you mind bearded Seraphims?
- I've calculated your chance of survival, but I don't think you'll like it.
- Shuffling main quest parts...
- No more heroes available. Do you want to play as a monster? (Y/N)
- Bacon is my favourite vegetable...
- Funny bugreport #18892: There is a NPC in the furniture! (Это один из настоящих баг-репортов из альфа/бета версии?)
- Corrupting random blocks of memory...
- Do you really want to start the game? Really? Are you really sure?
- Press F for fast loading now... Skipped. Proceeding with slow loading...
- Generating 100 boss monster at starting location...
- No flash photography allowed in Ancaria!
- Pausing game until you finish your chores...
- Gaming is about killing time, not killing people...
- Ordering pizza online... I hope you like anchovies with pineapple!
- Entering Zion...
- Stumbling over cables... *WHAM*... Done.
- Raytracing sunbeams...
- Reassembling mobs...
- Loading more blood and gore...
- Insert Disc5... Oh, you don't have a Disc5? Ok, filling harddisc with garbage...
- Wasting energy, please wait...
- Loading hieroglyph font... Translating all texts into ancient egyptian...
- Turn around, I'm behind you!
- No, I don't know where Xardas is. Try somewhere else!
- Connecting server... Complete. Redirecting character to hardcore PvP arena...
- Overclocking CPU: 3,0GHz...3,2GHz...3,6GHz... OOPS, I broke your CPU!
- The Llama is a lie!
- Funny bugreport #14523: Quest is not finishable! (Это один из настоящих баг-репортов из альфа/бета версии?)
- There is a light at the end of the tunnel, just pray it's not a train.
- Would you like some salt for your easter egg?
- Please do not feed the dragons!
- One spatula to flip them all...
- Back again? Ha, you don't learn, do you?
- Your hero does not need food, but you do!
- Access denied - NAH NAH NA NAH NAH!
- There is no spoon!
- Chief Justice says 'Sacred2 rulez!'
- Not now! Can't you see I'm busy? Play something else.
- We are about to find out if you are a worthy adversary...
- You won't get this package if you can not ID yoursself!
- Use the mouse, Luke!
- Would you like to play a game of... world domination?
- Hail to the king baby...
- Insert coin to continue...
- This may take a while, get yourself some coffee...
- Uplink to ISS estabilished, downloading weather forecast...
- How can this task be delayed when i haven't even started working on it?
- Supplying merchants with useless junk...
- Press play on tape!
- Where's my wand?
- If the game does not start in five minutes... wait longer!
- Randomizing constants...
- Funny bugreport #22650: No sound while PC is burning! (Это один из настоящих баг-репортов из альфа/бета версии?)
- Due to lack of system resourses, entering slide-show mode...
- Thou shalt not use the equality operator with floats!
- Scroll down the list and choose your favourite silly message. I'm too lazy.
- There's something written about a chance but I don't trust this game...
- Checking mouse driver... Checking mouse's driving license...
- Removing dead bodies from previous session...
- Cheater found. Loading bunnies...
- Generating dead undead... Undead dead... uh...
- Yuck, your keyboard is dirty!
- Loading Wicked Witch of the West.
- Warning...Short circuit detected in your Temple Guardian!
- Loading level 512 monsters...
- Gort, Klattu Barada Nikto...
- Your skill in reading is increased by one point!
- Recommended by 4 out of 5 dentists!
- We'll be right back after this commercial break...
- Don't get eaten by a Grue!
- Don't wake me up, I'm working.
- Mary had a little lamb... chop. It was really tasty!
- Save the Earth... its the only planet with chocolate!
- Operation failed (A)bort, ®etry, (I)nfluence with large hammer?
- The past temps us, the present confuses us, and the future frightens us.
- Do you like scary movies?
- I wish I had a hammer, a hammer in the morning, a hammer in the evening...
- A book can also be, a hat...
- The... no. A... no... wait, sorry, that one sounded better in my head.
- Load it yourself, you slave driver!
1). Копипаст. 2). Нет перевода