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Saints Row 4 "Sandbox (Телепортация)" (ver 2)

Файл проверен модерацией и является безопасным. Антивирусы иногда воспринимают безвредные файлы как вирус - модераторы перепроверяют вручную такие файлы.
Saints Row 4 "Sandbox (Телепортация)" (ver 2)
Скачиваний: 1 756   Размер: 11.07 Мб
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В общем то, это обновленная версия (со всеми DLC + возможность заново просмотреть внутриигровые ролики) данного мода. На сайте, её вроде как, не было.

Инструкция есть внутри, но английский язык тут особо не жалуют, поэтому:

 Файлы :





кидаете в корень игры

preload_anim.vpp_pc кидайте с заменой (обязательно сделайте копию) в ...Saints Row IV\packfiles\pc\cache\

для sidescroll_plym.xtbl надо создать папку (если вдруг у вас её нет), в виде Saints Row IV\tables\

Для корректной работы мода сделайте управление по умолчанию



CTRL + INSERT - Enable/Disable Super Attacks (toggle)

CTRL + HOME - Enable/Disable Super Movement (toggle)

CTRL + PAGE UP - Disable/Enable Superpower cooldown (toggle)

CTRL + DELETE - Repair current vehicle

CTRL + END - Toggle clone army (enemy gangs) spawning

CTRL + PAGE DOWN - Toggle Zombie spawning

CTRL + RIGHT ARROW - Toggle Mascot spawning

CTRL + LEFT ARROW - Toggle Rift glitch spawning

CTRL + DOWN ARROW - Toggle 50's Pleasantville cop spawning

CTRL + UP ARROW - Lock notoriety at zero (toggle)

CTRL + LEFT BRACKET - Increase notoriety + 1 and lock (Notoriety 6 with warden spawn is skipped and loops back to 0)

CTRL + RIGHT BRACKET - Clear all notoriety and locks

E + INSERT - Toggle Pleasantville walk and stand animations

E + HOME - Toggle 2D Sidescroller animations

E + PAGE UP - Toggle streaking animations

E + DELETE - Toggle murderbot animations

E + END - Toggle drunk walking animations

E + PAGE DOWN - Cycle drug effects

E + RIGHT ARROW - Toggle player invulnerability

E + LEFT ARROW - Immediately revive all downed homies

E + DOWN ARROW - Playa dance party (not working yet for followers)

E + UP ARROW - Give $100,000 cash

E + LEFT BRACKET - Decrease player height

E + RIGHT BRACKET - Increase player height

NOTE: Both Increase player height and decrease player height are each a separate cycle of sizes. If you keep going (increasing or decreasing) it will eventually reset back to default height and start the cycle anew.

R + INSERT - Set Player team to police/alien

R + HOME -



R + END -






R + LEFT BRACKET - Change into giant Magarac Joe statue (VERY BROKEN! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!)



Z + INSERT - Teleport to Zero Saints Thirty - inside base

Z + HOME - Teleport to Zero Saints Thirty - outside base

Z + PAGE UP - Teleport to White House - pre-invasion cutscene

Z + DELETE - Teleport to White House - pre-invasion press conference

Z + END - Teleport to White House 1 - destroyed

Z + PAGE DOWN - Teleport to White House 2 - destroyed

Z + RIGHT ARROW - Teleport to Pleasantville

Z + LEFT ARROW - Teleport to The Escape - Ship

Z + DOWN ARROW - Teleport to The Escape - Flying section

Z + UP ARROW - Teleport to Miller-Space virtual prison

Z + LEFT BRACKET - Teleport to Miller-Space door choice room

Z + RIGHT BRACKET - Teleport to Matt Miller Rescue

X + INSERT - Teleport to De Plane 1

X + HOME - Teleport to De Plane 2

X + PAGE UP - Teleport to De Plane - Club

X + DELETE - Teleport to The Boss Goes to Washington Saints HQ

X + END - Teleport to The Boss Goes to Washington rooftop battle

X + PAGE DOWN - Teleport to The Boss Goes to Washington Magarac island

X + RIGHT ARROW - Teleport to The Boss Goes to Washington statue fight

X + LEFT ARROW - Teleport to Stilwater

X + DOWN ARROW - Teleport to From Asha with Love

X + UP ARROW - Teleport to 2D Sidescroller (in 3D!)

X + LEFT BRACKET - Teleport to Gat rescue

X + RIGHT BRACKET - Teleport to Kinzie Gambit - Genki turret area

C + INSERT - Teleport to Kinzie Gambit - Genki killing floor

C + HOME - Teleport to All Hands on Deck - Zin ship

C + PAGE UP - Teleport to He Lives - Office

C + DELETE - Teleport to He Lives - Nightmare

C + END - Teleport to Grand Finale - Key escort

C + PAGE DOWN - Teleport to Grand Finale - Armory

C + RIGHT ARROW - Teleport to Grand Finale - Shaft

C + LEFT ARROW - Teleport to Grand Finale - Throne Room

C + DOWN ARROW - Teleport to Gat Loyalty - Genki SERC

C + UP ARROW - Teleport to Gat Loyalty - Apocalypse Genki

C + LEFT BRACKET - Teleport to Training Area

C + RIGHT BRACKET - Teleport to Super Powered Fight Club

F + INSERT - Teleport to Platforming Rift

F + HOME - Teleport to Speed Rift

F + PAGE UP - Teleport to TK Rift

F + DELETE - Teleport to Penetrator cave

F + END - Teleport to Sign textures

F + PAGE DOWN - Teleport to Ship Crib

F + RIGHT ARROW - Teleport to Gateway Camano Place

F + LEFT ARROW - Teleport to Gateway Espina

F + DOWN ARROW - Teleport to Gateway Henry Steel Mills

F + UP ARROW - Teleport to Gateway Loren Square

F + LEFT BRACKET - Teleport to Gateway Sunset Park

F + RIGHT BRACKET - Teleport to Gateway Ashwood

G + INSERT - Teleport to Gateway Brickston

G + HOME - Teleport to Gateway Arapice Island

G + PAGE UP - Teleport to Gateway Yearwood

G + DELETE - Teleport to Gateway Bridgeport

G + END - Teleport to Enter the Dominatrix 3 Count Crib interior

G + PAGE DOWN - Teleport to Enter the Dominatrix 3 Count Crib exterior

G + RIGHT ARROW - Teleport to Enter the Dominatrix inside Paul

G + LEFT ARROW - Teleport to Enter the Dominatrix BDSM club

G + DOWN ARROW - Teleport to How the Saints Save Christmas Winter Steelport

G + UP ARROW - Teleport to How the Saints Save Christmas North Pole

G + LEFT BRACKET - Teleport to How the Saints Save Christmas Santa's Workshop

G + RIGHT BRACKET - Teleport to How the Saints Save Christmas Loren Square


1 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Zero Saints Thirty - Intro

1 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - The Saints Wing - Intro

1 + PAGE UP - Replay Cutscene - The Saints Wing - Press Conference

1 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - The Saints Wing - Ship Crash

1 + END - Replay Cutscene - A Pleasant Day - Outro

1 + PAGE DOWN - Replay Cutscene - The Real World - Platform Rescue

1 + RIGHT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - The Real World - Outro

1 + LEFT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Ghost in the Machine - Intro

1 + DOWN ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Miller-Space - Intro

1 + UP ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Miller-Space - Outro

1 + LEFT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Miller-Space - Matt Miller Flashback

1 + RIGHT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Matt's Back - Intro

2 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Matt's Back - Outro

2 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - Back by Popular Demand - Intro

2 + PAGE UP - Replay Cutscene - Back by Popular Demand - Outro

2 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - The Boss Goes to Washington - Intro

2 + END - Replay Cutscene - The Boss Goes to Washington - Outro

2 + PAGE DOWN - Replay Cutscene - The Boss Goes to Washington - Pierce Flashback

2 + RIGHT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - King of Stilwater - Intro

2 + LEFT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - King of Stilwater - Outro

2 + DOWN ARROW - Replay Cutscene - King of Stilwater - Ben King flashback

2 + UP ARROW - Replay Cutscene - From Asha with Love - Intro

2 + LEFT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - From Asha with Love - Asha flashback

2 + RIGHT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Intro

3 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Mid

3 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Outro

3 + PAGE UP - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Gat flashback

3 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - The Kinzie Gambit - Intro

3 + END - Replay Cutscene - All Hands on Deck - Intro

3 + PAGE DOWN - Replay Cutscene - All Hands on Deck - Outro

3 + RIGHT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - He Lives - Intro

3 + LEFT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - He Lives - Mid

3 + DOWN ARROW - Replay Cutscene - He Lives - Outro

3 + UP ARROW - Replay Cutscene - The Girl Who Hates the 50s - Outro

3 + LEFT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - We Have the Technology - Intro

3 + RIGHT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Batteries not Included - Intro

4 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Intro

4 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Part 1 Intro

4 + PAGE UP - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Part 2 Mid

4 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Part 3 Intro

4 + END - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Outro

4 + PAGE DOWN - Replay Cutscene - Ben King Loyalty

4 + RIGHT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Asha Loyalty

4 + LEFT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Johnny Gat Loyalty

4 + DOWN ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Kinzie Loyalty

4 + UP ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Mat Miller Loyalty

4 + LEFT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Pierce Loyalty

4 + RIGHT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Shaundi Loyalty

5 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Data Clusters

5 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - Hot spots

5 + PAGE UP - Replay Cutscene - Hacking

5 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - Platforming Rift

5 + END - Replay Cutscene - Speed Rift

5 + PAGE DOWN - Replay Cutscene - TK Rift

5 + RIGHT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Mind Over Murder Intro

5 + LEFT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Blazing

5 + DOWN ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Super Power Fight Club

5 + UP ARROW -




6 + INSERT -

6 + HOME -

6 + PAGE UP -

6 + DELETE -

6 + END -





6 + UP ARROW -



7 + INSERT -

7 + HOME -

7 + PAGE UP -

7 + DELETE -

7 + END -





7 + UP ARROW -




8 + INSERT - Restore Virtual Steelport default zones (remove all mission zones caused by teleporting)

8 + HOME - Toggle if commands also affect the coop client

8 + PAGE UP - Toggle game HUD on/off

8 + DELETE - Show current coords

8 + END - Toggle Slew mode (free camera)





8 + UP ARROW -



проверено на лицензии steam, за час игры вылетов и проблем не обнаружено.

Комментарии: 12
Ваш комментарий

Надеюсь нет необходимости переводить описание "комбинаций клавиш" ? В крайнем случае тыкайте наугад. Что-нибудь да получится. В теме предыдущей версии мода был вопрос про LEFT BRACKET и RIGHT BRACKET, это клавиши "х" и "ъ" в Русской раскладке. Надеюсь всё.


почему когда я пытаюсь сделать эти две комбинации E + LEFT BRACKET - Decrease player height E + RIGHT BRACKET - Increase player height не чего не происходить и мод отключается так +8


почему у меня большинство функций не работают?




зачем так много спойлеров???


Shis98 должно быть глюк сайта,у меня там вообще по началу ничего отправляться не хотело


поставил мод все норм работае +10

CTRL + INSERT - Enable/Disable Super Attacks (toggle) CTRL + HOME - Enable/Disable Super Movement (toggle) CTRL + PAGE UP - Disable/Enable Superpower cooldown (toggle) CTRL + DELETE - Repair current vehicle CTRL + END - Toggle clone army (enemy gangs) spawning CTRL + PAGE DOWN - Toggle Zombie spawning CTRL + RIGHT ARROW - Toggle Mascot spawning CTRL + LEFT ARROW - Toggle Rift glitch spawning CTRL + DOWN ARROW - Toggle 50's Pleasantville cop spawning CTRL + UP ARROW - Lock notoriety at zero (toggle) CTRL + LEFT BRACKET - Increase notoriety + 1 and lock (Notoriety 6 with warden spawn is skipped and loops back to 0) CTRL + RIGHT BRACKET - Clear all notoriety and locks E + INSERT - Toggle Pleasantville walk and stand animations E + HOME - Toggle 2D Sidescroller animations E + PAGE UP - Toggle streaking animations E + DELETE - Toggle murderbot animations E + END - Toggle drunk walking animations E + PAGE DOWN - Cycle drug effects E + RIGHT ARROW - Toggle player invulnerability E + LEFT ARROW - Immediately revive all downed homies E + DOWN ARROW - Playa dance party (not working yet for followers) E + UP ARROW - Give $100,000 cash E + LEFT BRACKET - Decrease player height E + RIGHT BRACKET - Increase player height NOTE: Both Increase player height and decrease player height are each a separate cycle of sizes. If you keep going (increasing or decreasing) it will eventually reset back to default height and start the cycle anew. R + INSERT - Set Player team to police/alien R + HOME - R + PAGE UP - R + DELETE - R + END - R + PAGE DOWN - R + RIGHT ARROW - R + LEFT ARROW - R + DOWN ARROW - R + UP ARROW - R + LEFT BRACKET - Change into giant Magarac Joe statue (VERY BROKEN! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!) R + RIGHT BRACKET - Cycle Times of Day (WIP! ONLY WORKS CORRECTLY IN ZIN CONTROLLED ZONES!) -- TELEPORTS -- Z + INSERT - Teleport to Zero Saints Thirty - inside base Z + HOME - Teleport to Zero Saints Thirty - outside base Z + PAGE UP - Teleport to White House - pre-invasion cutscene Z + DELETE - Teleport to White House - pre-invasion press conference Z + END - Teleport to White House 1 - destroyed Z + PAGE DOWN - Teleport to White House 2 - destroyed Z + RIGHT ARROW - Teleport to Pleasantville Z + LEFT ARROW - Teleport to The Escape - Ship Z + DOWN ARROW - Teleport to The Escape - Flying section Z + UP ARROW - Teleport to Miller-Space virtual prison Z + LEFT BRACKET - Teleport to Miller-Space door choice room Z + RIGHT BRACKET - Teleport to Matt Miller Rescue X + INSERT - Teleport to De Plane 1 X + HOME - Teleport to De Plane 2 X + PAGE UP - Teleport to De Plane - Club X + DELETE - Teleport to The Boss Goes to Washington Saints HQ X + END - Teleport to The Boss Goes to Washington rooftop battle X + PAGE DOWN - Teleport to The Boss Goes to Washington Magarac island X + RIGHT ARROW - Teleport to The Boss Goes to Washington statue fight X + LEFT ARROW - Teleport to Stilwater X + DOWN ARROW - Teleport to From Asha with Love X + UP ARROW - Teleport to 2D Sidescroller (in 3D!) X + LEFT BRACKET - Teleport to Gat rescue X + RIGHT BRACKET - Teleport to Kinzie Gambit - Genki turret area C + INSERT - Teleport to Kinzie Gambit - Genki killing floor C + HOME - Teleport to All Hands on Deck - Zin ship C + PAGE UP - Teleport to He Lives - Office C + DELETE - Teleport to He Lives - Nightmare C + END - Teleport to Grand Finale - Key escort C + PAGE DOWN - Teleport to Grand Finale - Armory C + RIGHT ARROW - Teleport to Grand Finale - Shaft C + LEFT ARROW - Teleport to Grand Finale - Throne Room C + DOWN ARROW - Teleport to Gat Loyalty - Genki SERC C + UP ARROW - Teleport to Gat Loyalty - Apocalypse Genki C + LEFT BRACKET - Teleport to Training Area C + RIGHT BRACKET - Teleport to Super Powered Fight Club F + INSERT - Teleport to Platforming Rift F + HOME - Teleport to Speed Rift F + PAGE UP - Teleport to TK Rift F + DELETE - Teleport to Penetrator cave F + END - Teleport to Sign textures F + PAGE DOWN - Teleport to Ship Crib F + RIGHT ARROW - Teleport to Gateway Camano Place F + LEFT ARROW - Teleport to Gateway Espina F + DOWN ARROW - Teleport to Gateway Henry Steel Mills F + UP ARROW - Teleport to Gateway Loren Square F + LEFT BRACKET - Teleport to Gateway Sunset Park F + RIGHT BRACKET - Teleport to Gateway Ashwood G + INSERT - Teleport to Gateway Brickston G + HOME - Teleport to Gateway Arapice Island G + PAGE UP - Teleport to Gateway Yearwood G + DELETE - Teleport to Gateway Bridgeport G + END - Teleport to Enter the Dominatrix 3 Count Crib interior G + PAGE DOWN - Teleport to Enter the Dominatrix 3 Count Crib exterior G + RIGHT ARROW - Teleport to Enter the Dominatrix inside Paul G + LEFT ARROW - Teleport to Enter the Dominatrix BDSM club G + DOWN ARROW - Teleport to How the Saints Save Christmas Winter Steelport G + UP ARROW - Teleport to How the Saints Save Christmas North Pole G + LEFT BRACKET - Teleport to How the Saints Save Christmas Santa's Workshop G + RIGHT BRACKET - Teleport to How the Saints Save Christmas Loren Square --CUTSCENES-- 1 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Zero Saints Thirty - Intro 1 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - The Saints Wing - Intro 1 + PAGE UP - Replay Cutscene - The Saints Wing - Press Conference 1 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - The Saints Wing - Ship Crash 1 + END - Replay Cutscene - A Pleasant Day - Outro 1 + PAGE DOWN - Replay Cutscene - The Real World - Platform Rescue 1 + RIGHT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - The Real World - Outro 1 + LEFT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Ghost in the Machine - Intro 1 + DOWN ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Miller-Space - Intro 1 + UP ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Miller-Space - Outro 1 + LEFT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Miller-Space - Matt Miller Flashback 1 + RIGHT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Matt's Back - Intro 2 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Matt's Back - Outro 2 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - Back by Popular Demand - Intro 2 + PAGE UP - Replay Cutscene - Back by Popular Demand - Outro 2 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - The Boss Goes to Washington - Intro 2 + END - Replay Cutscene - The Boss Goes to Washington - Outro 2 + PAGE DOWN - Replay Cutscene - The Boss Goes to Washington - Pierce Flashback 2 + RIGHT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - King of Stilwater - Intro 2 + LEFT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - King of Stilwater - Outro 2 + DOWN ARROW - Replay Cutscene - King of Stilwater - Ben King flashback 2 + UP ARROW - Replay Cutscene - From Asha with Love - Intro 2 + LEFT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - From Asha with Love - Asha flashback 2 + RIGHT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Intro 3 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Mid 3 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Outro 3 + PAGE UP - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Gat flashback 3 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - The Kinzie Gambit - Intro 3 + END - Replay Cutscene - All Hands on Deck - Intro 3 + PAGE DOWN - Replay Cutscene - All Hands on Deck - Outro 3 + RIGHT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - He Lives - Intro 3 + LEFT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - He Lives - Mid 3 + DOWN ARROW - Replay Cutscene - He Lives - Outro 3 + UP ARROW - Replay Cutscene - The Girl Who Hates the 50s - Outro 3 + LEFT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - We Have the Technology - Intro 3 + RIGHT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Batteries not Included - Intro 4 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Intro 4 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Part 1 Intro 4 + PAGE UP - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Part 2 Mid 4 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Part 3 Intro 4 + END - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Outro 4 + PAGE DOWN - Replay Cutscene - Ben King Loyalty 4 + RIGHT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Asha Loyalty 4 + LEFT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Johnny Gat Loyalty 4 + DOWN ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Kinzie Loyalty 4 + UP ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Mat Miller Loyalty 4 + LEFT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Pierce Loyalty 4 + RIGHT BRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Shaundi Loyalty 5 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Data Clusters 5 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - Hot spots 5 + PAGE UP - Replay Cutscene - Hacking 5 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - Platforming Rift 5 + END - Replay Cutscene - Speed Rift 5 + PAGE DOWN - Replay Cutscene - TK Rift 5 + RIGHT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Mind Over Murder Intro 5 + LEFT ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Blazing 5 + DOWN ARROW - Replay Cutscene - Super Power Fight Club 5 + UP ARROW - 5 + LEFT BRACKET - 5 + RIGHT BRACKET - -- UNUSED (FOR NOW) 6 + INSERT - 6 + HOME - 6 + PAGE UP - 6 + DELETE - 6 + END - 6 + PAGE DOWN - 6 + RIGHT ARROW - 6 + LEFT ARROW - 6 + DOWN ARROW - 6 + UP ARROW - 6 + LEFT BRACKET - 6 + RIGHT BRACKET - 7 + INSERT - 7 + HOME - 7 + PAGE UP - 7 + DELETE - 7 + END - 7 + PAGE DOWN - 7 + RIGHT ARROW - 7 + LEFT ARROW - 7 + DOWN ARROW - 7 + UP ARROW - 7 + LEFT BRACKET - 7 + RIGHT BRACKET - --UTILITIES & MISC-- 8 + INSERT - Restore Virtual Steelport default zones (remove all mission zones caused by teleporting) 8 + HOME - Toggle if commands also affect the coop client 8 + PAGE UP - Toggle game HUD on/off 8 + DELETE - Show current coords 8 + END - Toggle Slew mode (free camera) 8 + PAGE DOWN - 8 + RIGHT ARROW - 8 + LEFT ARROW - 8 + DOWN ARROW - 8 + UP ARROW - 8 + LEFT BRACKET - 8 + RIG