Required: Full Project Power (BFP) Version 2.0. Changes: +Free Radical BF3 Models: Storm trooper, Scout trooper, Han Solo, Durge, +Recovered Voice Over for story (Aayla, Obi Wan, Vader), +Heroes can capture CPs, +Fixed wookie pistol, +Changed ARC-170 lasers so bots use them, +Improved story missions, +Fixed missing units on some levels, +Fixed male rebel VO, +Fixed Naboo Queen floating weapons, +Fixed low-rez atst driver, +Fixed animation memory overload crash on CW Coruscant, CW Jabba's, and some others, -Removed hero lock timer,
Patch 2.2 for Star Wars Battlefront II: Project Power (BFP) Version 2.0 and 2.1
Full Project Power (BFP) Version 2.0
1. Find the Star Wars Battlefront II "addon" folder.
Open "BFP", then "data", then "_LVL_PC". For example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\addon\BFP\data\_LVL_PC
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\addon\BFP\data\_LVL_PC
2. Move new mission.lvl + bf3.lvl into --> ...\addon\BFP\data\_LVL_PC
( Overwrite, delete, or backup the old "mission.lvl" and "bf3.lvl")
3. Test it out
+Free Radical BF3 Models: Storm trooper, Scout trooper, Han Solo, Durge,
+Recovered Voice Over for story (Aayla, Obi Wan, Vader),
+Heroes can capture CPs,
+Fixed wookie pistol,
+Changed ARC-170 lasers so bots use them,
+Improved story missions,
+Fixed missing units on some levels,
+Fixed male rebel VO,
+Fixed Naboo Queen floating weapons,
+Fixed low-rez atst driver,
+Fixed animation memory overload crash on CW Coruscant, CW Jabba's, and some others
-Removed hero lock timer,
Mod Author == Syth or Syth000,
Battlefront 3 (BF3) Models == Free Radical Design and LucasArts,
Importing BF3 Durge == Deviss or DEV,
Importing BF3 Han Solo == Corra_Ashu (alias clonetrooper163), El_Fabricio,
Importing BF3 SWBF3 Stormtrooper == Corra_Ashu (alias clonetrooper163), AceMastermind, Anakin,
Importing BF3 SWBF3 Scout trooper == MileHighGuy, ANDEWEGET, tirpider,
Zam's Projectile Rifle model in BFP == author unknown, I do not take credit, so this patch reverts it back to the stock rebel sniper model.
Установка gamedata/addon/BFP/LVL_PC заменяем!
ВНИМАНИЕ:Установка при моде BFP
у меня не такие скины
alex1231a У тебя BFP стоит??