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Domain v1.5 Alpha

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Domain v1.5 Alpha
Скачиваний: 288   Размер: 123.95 Мб
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Модификация Domain v1.5 Alpha к игре UT2003.
Новый релиз мода содержит новую уникальную и гибкую объективную систему, плюс реалистичный код обработки оружия, которое, кстати, было полностью переработано. Также была переработана вся анимация, добавлены 3 новые карты и улучшены старые карты. Подробности:

* 5 great maps, featuring atmospheric environments in our own unique world, inspired by classic movies such as blade runner, brazil and 1984, each consisting of almost 100% custom content in every respect.

* 100% original sounds, all recorded by our sound engineer from real weapons on a firing range as well as dozens of original ambient sounds and effects.

* 6 original musical scores, composed by Pablo 'Guybrush' Delgado, who'se previous work includes the complete score for Atari Games 'Tactical Ops'

* Realistic player physics without too much emphasis on realistic damage, allowing an enjoyable arcade style gameplay in environments and atmosphere that is believable.

* 11 original weapons, featuring realistic firing code, designed to accuratly simulate recoil and falloff rather than relying on "random aimerror"

* All original playermodels, skins and animations.

* A large library of original staticmeshes and textures to make your own Domain maps.

* Unique, flexible objective system: Allows single objective, chained objectives, timed objectives, destroyable item objectives, defense objectives and more (literally dozens of possible mission types including support for up to 4 teams)

* Carefully tested and refined gameplay.

* Full offline bot support.

* Every aspect of the game is optimised for performance to give the best FPS and gameplay on lower end systems.

* Destructable scenery, A taste of this is shown in alpha 1.5 but in future releases we will make more and more of the maps interactive and destructable.

* Full mapping documentation to make use of all the features and create your own domain levels.

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