Run the supplied DTBlackandWhiteTrainer when the game is
started. Each box controls a different aspect of the trainer:
- Creature infinite damage
This freezes the damage of your creature (as displayed
when pressing C).
(torture it as long as you feel like :)
- Creature never tired
This freezes the tiredness of your creature.
(yap, no more lazyness!)
- Creature never hungry
This freezes the hunger of your creature.
(no more feeding of the little bastard)
- Town infinite food
This freezes the number of food in the town.
(remember that each different stack of food you make
is also frozen!)
- Town infinite wood
This freezes the number of wood in the town.
(same applies as with food)
- Town villagers immortal
This makes your villagers erm... immortal!
(throw them around whenever you feel like :)
- Combatkey on
Ok, this only works when you are in combat with
another creature.
If this is checked then pressing F12 once(!) will let all
damage you or your opponent get in the combat be ADDED
instead of subtracted.
Best way to use this is to dodge a little
so your creature will get beaten until your damage
level is up again, then press F12 again (once)
and beat the shit out of your opponent :)
Black and White: Trainer (English)
Файл проверен модерацией и является безопасным. Антивирусы иногда воспринимают безвредные файлы как вирус - модераторы перепроверяют вручную такие файлы.
Black and White: Trainer (English)
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