патч с версии 1.12.1295 до 1.13.1407 для оригинальной NWN2 без установленного адд-она Mask of Betrayer.
Bug Fixes
The toolset and game now load hak files in the same order.
Skills such as Search will no longer broadcast multiple messages to the chat window while in use. A single message will be displayed when turning the skill on or off.
The chat channel will no longer revert to Local when a player transitions to a new area or module.
DM Client
Fixed an issue where DMs would not receive messages on the DM channel if they were filtering out the shout channel.
The console command dm_setfaction will no longer cause crashes.
The toolset and game now load hak files in the same order.
Fixed an issue where you could not tint multi-selected tiles.
Light spheres shall now display properly.
Sound spheres shall now display properly.
The creature cache in Area Properties shall now work as intended.
The GetNextItemInInventory() script function should now work properly with stores.
Custom Content
The Skills.2da file will now accept up to 100 rows of data.
New Features
The chat system now has a /r command for replying to the last private message a player receives. After receiving a private message, the player can enter "/r" into the chat system which will automatically address a private message to the person that sent the previous private message.
The ability to send a private message by right clicking on a character's portrait in the party bar has been added to the DM and player client.
The ItemPropertyActivationPreference property for items is now accessible through scripting.
DM Client
DMs can now jump to object when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
DMs can now jump a player to the DM's location when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
DMs can now examine the character sheet of a player in the same area when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
DMs can now shift the alignment of a player in the same area when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
DMs can now toggle the invulnerability of a player in the same area when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
DMs can now force players to rest when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
DMs can now Give/Take gold to/from players when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
DMs can now Give/Take XP to/from players when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
DMs can now Give/Take levels to/from players when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
Character names will now display when you mouse over a character's portrait in the party bar.
The ability to send a private message by right clicking on a character's portrait in the party bar has been added to the DM and player client.
A SetCollision(object oTarget, int bCollision) function has been made available. This will allow builders and DMs to turn the collision of a creature or placeable object on or off dynamically. This function is only useful on creatures/players/placeables that already have collision and will set collision to NONE if called on an object that never had collision in the first place.
A GetCollision(object oTarget) function has been added. This function will return the collision Boolean for an object.
The ItemPropertyActivationPreference property for items is now accessible through scripting.
A GetBicFileName function has been made available. This function will return the file name of a .bic file in a server vault.
New List Box functionality has been added to the game. This includes the following script commands:
o ClearListBox
o AddListBoxRow
o RemoveListBoxRow
o ModifyListBoxRow
A SetScrollBarRanges(object oPlayer, string sScreenName, string sScrollBarName, int nMinSize, int nMaxSize, int nMinValue, int nMaxValue) function has been added to the game. This function will allow you to set custom values to a scrollbar.
A SetFactionLeader(object oNewLeader) function has been added to the game. This allows you to set a companion to be the speaker in a conversation.
A GetFirstSubArea(object oArea, vector vPosition) function has been added to the game. This function lets you iterate over the ‘subareas’ at a given position in an area. A subarea would be a trigger, an encounter, or a AoEEffect.
A GetNextSubArea(object oArea) function has been added to the game.
A GetMovementRateFactor(object oCreature) function has been added to the game.
A SetMovementRateFactor(object oCreature, float fFactor) function has been added to the game. This function sets the creature's movement factor to that value. This movement factor is also modified by effects, encumberance, etc.
Патч NWN2 121295-1131407 (без MoB)
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Патч NWN2 121295-1131407 (без MoB)
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