Консольные команды для добавления брони
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Консоли в игре нет, но в стим комьюнити нашел дебаг-активатор, активирующий дебаг команды.
Вот страничка, там есть ссылка на скачку: http://steamcommunity.com/app/249230/discussions/0/35221031695469794/
По одной ссылке сама прога, по другой - обновление. Я все кидал в папку с екзешником (system). Сначала запускал активатор, потом игру. В самой игре нажимать F1 для активации и можно жать горячие клавиши из списка (из читерских команд только моментальное убийство указанного персонажа/монстра)
Новое на форуме Risen 3: Titan Lords
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Risen 3 - Полностью на русском языке!
Поскольку ПБ молчать и находиться в отпуске, нам не узнать код от Консоли в игре (Test-Mode), умельцы нашли выход. НО! мне нужна ваша помощь чтобы перевести текс ибо я Нубяра позорный в АНГЛ.... готовтесь к большому тексту=)
All the weapons and Armors you'll ever need!!!
Risen 3
I'll give a quick tutorial on how to get any armors and weapons through Cheat Engine.
First, download Cheat Engine 6.4, and "Risen 3 Godmode and more AOB" [just type it in the search at Cheat Engine's forum]. <<
Second, Start the game and load a save. Now go to a location on the map where you know there is a empty chest and stand in front of it and save so you have a backup before you do all of this.
Don't pause the game or enter your journal, just stand there and hit L-Alt and Tab and it will open up your desktop. Now find your new Cheat Engine 6.4 on your destop and open it. Now Find and open "Risen 3 Godmode and more AOB". You will get a prompt, just click yes.
Click on the flashing computer button on Cheat engine on the upper left side[thats your processes] and click on Risen 3. Now at the bottom of Cheat Engine, you will see a "Inventory Editor" with a tick beside it. Click the tick!!! Give it a second and a new window will appear. At the bottom this this new window there will be a update buttom, hit it and your entire inventory should appear.
Now open back up your game and you should still be standing in front of your chest. Now click on the chest and go to "PutAway"
In the "Putway" chest menu, do what I did and go to the "Useable loot" [raw fish, provisions, grog, etc.] and put all of an item you can part with. For example, All the provisions, all the raw meat, all the grog, and all the torches. Exit the chest and all those item should be in the chest and none in your inventory.[No Provisions, No Raw Meat, and No Grog]
Now L-Alt and tab again, go back to the new window on cheat engine[which should still be opened] and click refresh again.
It's a pain but go back into your game and open up the chest again and empty it. NOW....PUT ALL THE ITEMS BACK IN THE CHEST EXCEPT 1 [ONE]. SO YOU SHOULD ONLY HAVE 1 PROVISION, 1 RAW MEAT AND 1 GROG [or whatever you used earlier] IN YOUR INVENTORY.
Now L-Alt Tab again and hit that refresh button again. this time scroll all the way down afterwards and there should be "Provisions with a "1" beside it and the other items below it as well. Now click on one of these items and look to the upper right side of the window above the button that says "Swap" Scroll though any the list until you find something you want. Like "It_Body_Guardian etc" click it and hit "Swap". Your inventory will refresh automatically. now repeat the process with the next item at the bottom of your inventory. Now do until "Provision, Raw Meat and Grog are replaced. and go back in game.
Now open up the chest again and empty it. Repeat everything, Put all the Provisions, Raw Meat, and Grog except one..........................................
Do this over and over until you are satified with your new equipment. THE NEXT BIT IS IMPORTANT TOO.
Now make a save with all your new equipment and exit everything, the game and Cheat Engine and reload the game without Cheat engine. Load the new save and all your new weapons and armor should still be there. <<
and that's it, enjoi